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Diana Build Guide by zacthedianamain

The Queen of the Top Lane

The Queen of the Top Lane

Updated on June 10, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author zacthedianamain Build Guide By zacthedianamain 2,059 Views 0 Comments
2,059 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author zacthedianamain Diana Build Guide By zacthedianamain Updated on June 10, 2016
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Hi I am Zac and I am quite new to league only 2 total years and I am a silver mastery 7 Diana main. I played her originally Mid, but saw potential in the jungle and explored that. Recently I happened to notice that a lot of ap mid laners were going top with tanky builds so I picked Diana and tried. The only reason it works IMO is the fact that normally Top laners are melee fighters meaning they need to be on you to hit you. So usually what no one realizes is how much damage her w does and the huge shield it gives her. My in game name is AngelicDemon9 so if any questions add me and ask if you need.
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I will update the rest of the info sometime soon, but if you need the questions now add me AngelicDemon9 and I can help!! :)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author zacthedianamain
zacthedianamain Diana Guide
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The Queen of the Top Lane

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