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Swain Build Guide by SebinisScalpini5

Middle The Real Dragon Master (Mid)

Middle The Real Dragon Master (Mid)

Updated on June 21, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SebinisScalpini5 Build Guide By SebinisScalpini5 2,874 Views 0 Comments
2,874 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author SebinisScalpini5 Swain Build Guide By SebinisScalpini5 Updated on June 21, 2018
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Arcane Comet
Nimbus Cloak
Absolute Focus
Gathering Storm

Perfect Timing
Approach Velocity

Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None


Swain is an easy champion to play but a hard champion to master
So I guess you are here to learn something new and get better at Swain. Well I hope I can help you. So go aheadscroll down and maybe you will learn something new.Also don't forget to leave a comment and tell me how to improve this guide since its my first one so it won't be the best.
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Obviously the best Runes for Swain is on the Sorcery Tree.

At this point I prefer getting Arcane Comet because it helps you deal more aoe damage because it can hit a lot of champions at once unlike the Aery. Phase Rush isn't a bad idea either though.
With The new rune Nimbus Cloak your ultimate is much stronger. You can use it with a spellbinder so when you ult you deal much more damage but also go quicker than a hecarim
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Pros / Cons

A ton of Damage
Good at Mid/Late game
Very good in teamfights
Quite Tanky
Good CC
Awesome Skins
Can play Top/Mid/Supp
Can Counter Almost any Gank
Could even 1v5

A lot of mana needed early
W is easy to dodge
E needs some skill to land
Not the best at farming
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Here is something I believe I am one of the few that know it.... Swain Doesn't farm minions
he farms Champions. If you get good at him you will realise it too. Early on its hard to farm (weak abilities) but when he gets his ultimate he starts Farming Champions. That's how you get a flawless win with him.
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So....this is the guide....dissapointment? Good? I can't judge myself so please you do it if you read it.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author SebinisScalpini5
SebinisScalpini5 Swain Guide
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The Real Dragon Master (Mid)

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