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Neeko Build Guide by TheGronne

ADC TheGronne's Guide to 2023 On-Hit Neeko ADC (In-Depth)

ADC TheGronne's Guide to 2023 On-Hit Neeko ADC (In-Depth)

Updated on January 13, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TheGronne Build Guide By TheGronne 163 22 345,832 Views 6 Comments
163 22 345,832 Views 6 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TheGronne Neeko Build Guide By TheGronne Updated on January 13, 2023
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Runes: Usual Runes

1 2
Lethal Tempo
Legend: Alacrity
Cut Down

Nimbus Cloak

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2 3
Usual Summoner Spells
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

TheGronne's Guide to 2023 On-Hit Neeko ADC (In-Depth)

By TheGronne
How to play On-Hit Neeko.
On-Hit Neeko wants a support to help her cc, so they can stun and root for insane amounts of time. Go for a cc support. If you have farther range than the enemy adc, if you or your support lands a stun, it's gg. You won the fight. Stand out of aa range of the opponent and continue to basic attack them.

The whole build is around your passive and how fast you are. This is why you go Celerity, they can't catch up to you if you have Celerity+Passive+W+NimbusCloak+Heal.

I play this on a daily basis and honestly it's very strong rn. Adc's are quite bad right now, so going for a more cc oriented adc like Neeko works wonders.

On-Hit Neeko is also very hard to build against, since you have cc, ap damage from passive, and ad damage from basic attacks. No matter what, you'll always be useful in damage.

Use your ult as a "Get off of me" tool. If you use it to engage you can be blown up instantly, so watch out.

You have insane wave-clear after you get Runaan's. So try to clear as many waves as fast as possible withen you get it.

You can try to use your passive and change into another ranged champ from your team. This will confuse the enemy in fights and will still let you have range for distancing the enemy.
When to play On-Hit Neeko.
If the opponent adc, has short range, On-Hit Neeko is always a good choice (Except against Lucian).

You can also play On-Hit Neeko if you have lots of ad damage on your team, as she deals a lot of ap damage.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TheGronne
TheGronne Neeko Guide
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TheGronne's Guide to 2023 On-Hit Neeko ADC (In-Depth)

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