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Intro:: :: My thoughts on the possibility
Kayle has

Kayle has



Kayle's laning phase would be incredible, she has built in damage on

Relic Shield this was OP until the fixed to having to be a melee attack, but guess what Kayle is melee without the E so why not take advantage of that item once more?
Ionian Boots of Lucidity allows that 37% CDR to constantly keep her righteous fury up
I'm thinking
Infinity Edge is always needed for ADCS to do damage, and
Statikk Shiv gives that AS, Crit chance, and further magic damage to give you further mixed damage and then of course
Last Whisper is needed.
For lifesteal I was thinking either
Hextech Gunblade, or
Blade of the Ruined King
My thought process on this was the differences between all of them,
Hextech Gunblade is typically not an ADC item. But
Righteous Fury procs spell vamp and LS. You would be sacrificing a little damage and a little lifesteal but gaining a secondary nuke active with further magic damage, spell vamp, a little bit of ability power. Is the trade worth it?
Blade of the Ruined King would be another option for kiting to grant additional MS, AS, and it slows the enemy. The drawback on the item is that the damage increase is low.
Bloodthirster is always a good choice, but I think one of the other 2 are better because the provided active.
As far as the last items I believe
Frozen Mallet,
Trinity Force,
Guardian Angel would all be good choices. Frozen mallet provides tankiness and an additional kiting slow, trinity enhances Kayle's movement speed, and of course guardian's revive could bait enemies because they would wait for the revival and then you could pop the ultimate and lifesteal back up.

I'm thinking

For lifesteal I was thinking either

My thought process on this was the differences between all of them,

As far as the last items I believe

As far as this I was thinking of only getting one point in
Righteous Fury until the laning phase is done because the scaling on it is only +10 damage per rank and it also enhances the splash damage which would naturally push the lane, so I wouldn't max that while in lane, I'd max
Reckoning and
Divine Blessing for the Slow and MS increase.

I'd go 19/0/11 because Honestly I'm not a fan of
, I prefer the spell vamp and LS off of
I found out recently that
Spell Weaving
Blade Weaving
both apply when Kayle's E auto attacks hit, so that just screams awesomeness.
I don't know how good taking 2 points in
over 2 points in
would be, both seem underwhelming, Maybe take the 5% AS? Idk what to do with those last 2 points.

I found out recently that

I don't know how good taking 2 points in

I take scaling CDR glyphs and quints to gain 17.5% CDR with
Sorcery is 22.5% +
Ionian Boots of Lucidity is 37.5% which is the amount needed to keep E up.
I like taking hybrid marks over damage because you have the E for extra damage, and penetration is better late game, especially hybrid for kayle
and of course armor seals.

I like taking hybrid marks over damage because you have the E for extra damage, and penetration is better late game, especially hybrid for kayle
and of course armor seals.
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