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Recommended Items
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Threats & Synergies
Poppy is a perma ban for me. I just feel like Poppy is ungankable and an unplayable matchup.
Twisted Fate
Gold card on mid lane and it's almost free enemy flash or kill. It's just easy to gank.
Twisted Fate
Gold card on mid lane and it's almost free enemy flash or kill. It's just easy to gank.
Champion Build Guide
I will keep my Lee Sin builds up to date on this page. Please check the notes for more details regarding items.
If you have any further questions or unclearities, feel free to message me.
Raptors > Krugs > Red > Check for gank, if not possible > Wolves > Blue > Gromp > Scuttle Crab
1. Raptors (don't use smite) > move towards enemy Blue.
2. If Blue is up, take it + Gromp. Afterwards you can gank enemy sidelane or recall
to defend your Blue side
3. If it's not up, enemy is at Gromp, wait around 5 seconds, catch him at his Gromp,
smite Gromp and try to get the kill aswell.
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