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Recommended Items
Runes: Thresh Support Jungle
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Chilling Smite
Ability Order
Damnation (PASSIVE)
Thresh Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
Basic Thresh "jungle" support for now
So i said before i whould talk about souls n'**** so here we go.
just a quick heads up for those who dosent know.
Thresh passive gives Armor and Apility Power now iknow you can read that but here is the thing you can have as much apility power from his passive as you want 100-1000-10000 apility power and only 120 damage but as long as you dont buy any AP items his adaptive Damage will still give him physical damage hence ghost poro and 2 attack damage runes. its important that you do not buy any magic damage since it whould screw your hole E up and thats just R.I.P. game okay?
Thresh passive is your main priority here in this build if you see a soul you better go fking get it take big risks even when you go near enemy jungle and he kills jungle camps use that W to get them otherwise dodge and weeve and walk up to grab it.
reason i say that is aswell as armor and ap souls also power up ur E passive auto damage with each soul and you need that trust me a support and you will deal atleast aight damage
Reason why i go tailsman is so i can clear bigger camps for higher chances of more souls and mana and sustain of course.
the reason why i max lantern 2nd is so when i gank and i fail i simbly put that **** down on the minion wave and suck them souls as i catwalk by with my skin and alittle flash of marstery whouldnt hurt either. also lantern scales with souls and the items "shielding power" early game it will be meh. but he power will build up as u max it and get souls and items and when u max it second you can spam that **** with 45% cdr save ur dumbass team mates all the time and also you benefit from the shield if you stand on it or walk out of range "hint" if you walk out of range into an ally with W you will shield that ally if you havent already given a shield to an ally.
just a quick heads up for those who dosent know.
Thresh passive gives Armor and Apility Power now iknow you can read that but here is the thing you can have as much apility power from his passive as you want 100-1000-10000 apility power and only 120 damage but as long as you dont buy any AP items his adaptive Damage will still give him physical damage hence ghost poro and 2 attack damage runes. its important that you do not buy any magic damage since it whould screw your hole E up and thats just R.I.P. game okay?
Thresh passive is your main priority here in this build if you see a soul you better go fking get it take big risks even when you go near enemy jungle and he kills jungle camps use that W to get them otherwise dodge and weeve and walk up to grab it.
reason i say that is aswell as armor and ap souls also power up ur E passive auto damage with each soul and you need that trust me a support and you will deal atleast aight damage
Reason why i go tailsman is so i can clear bigger camps for higher chances of more souls and mana and sustain of course.
the reason why i max lantern 2nd is so when i gank and i fail i simbly put that **** down on the minion wave and suck them souls as i catwalk by with my skin and alittle flash of marstery whouldnt hurt either. also lantern scales with souls and the items "shielding power" early game it will be meh. but he power will build up as u max it and get souls and items and when u max it second you can spam that **** with 45% cdr save ur dumbass team mates all the time and also you benefit from the shield if you stand on it or walk out of range "hint" if you walk out of range into an ally with W you will shield that ally if you havent already given a shield to an ally.
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