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I`ll update this guide as soon as possible. I`ll test nida more and more in this season too help u play her good.
So i play only ranked with nidalee so i dont know how to play against nida. LOL
Easy Champs to play against:
Darius is weak against nida cause: you can harras and outfarm him so hard with your autoattacks. if u stay in range, that he cant hit u with his e, a, w combo u should have no problem. just dmg him with your autoattacks q and so on. farm w8 for jungler and get easy kills. If u have no that bad start u should win vs him in late too.
Its the same how with Darius, his speed buff with his q and then his e could get u in trouble but u should just harras him with your autoattacks and stay in range, after lvl 6 play more aggressive. buy some armor with ninja, iceborn gaunleto r something, and u should get easy kills after lvl 6.
Easy Champs to play against:
Darius is weak against nida cause: you can harras and outfarm him so hard with your autoattacks. if u stay in range, that he cant hit u with his e, a, w combo u should have no problem. just dmg him with your autoattacks q and so on. farm w8 for jungler and get easy kills. If u have no that bad start u should win vs him in late too.
Its the same how with Darius, his speed buff with his q and then his e could get u in trouble but u should just harras him with your autoattacks and stay in range, after lvl 6 play more aggressive. buy some armor with ninja, iceborn gaunleto r something, and u should get easy kills after lvl 6.
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