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Champs with sustain, like Mr. Broken Curtains here, tend to be a problem. Blood Thirst helps him deal with your poke, so try your best to out damage it, and try to avoid Blade of Torment, if it hits, Aatrox will land Dark Flight, and if he has his ult, will likely go for the kill. Decide whether you want to stay safe and farm, or go for the riskier strategy of poking him out, and stick to it.
You all know Akali I'm sure. Do horrible things to her before 6, then pray she kills you quickly. Rush a Wit's End, and poke her as hard as you can, a good strategy is to toss Venom cask into the middle of Twilight Shroud to poison and slow her so she can't walk off easily. Be very safe after she gets six, and hug your tower.
He's there to tank, and your there to tank shred. WOO!. His heal is weak and consumes alot of mana, so harass him when possible to make him use it and burn his small mana pool. It can be difficult to harass him away from last hits due to Headbutt, and his ultimate will block your tank shredding however, so post 6, you likely won't solo kill him. It's a safe lane however, so just grab some farm, and poke.
Azir top is a little wierd. Firstly, buy Wit's End against him, and secondly, wait for Azir to reposition his soldiers with his Q, and then start hitting him. Azir can't do much if your not in range of a soldier, and without his Q he is unable to FORCE you into one. Not a terrible lane, but a hard one to kill because of his ult and E.
Do people play Braum top? Not against Twitch they don't. He's got horrid waveclear and his main damage is walking up to you and bashing you around a bit. If you are hit with Winter's Bite, hit Q and walk off, then re engage after the passive wears off and exploit that Attack Speed buff. He can't do anything against you.
Godammit, EVERYONE plays Cassiopeia top since MSI. Anyway, the good news is, your harass is based on your Auto attacks and hers is not, so SHOOT HER. early game, especially at level 1, you can shoot her all you like because she is not powerful early, and she needs her E and either her Q or W to do anything serious. After 6, be a little careful, as Petrifying Gaze combined with your squishyness until you get some items will lead to you dying if you are stunned. Try to avoid the stun, and rush Wit's End.
This monster will have a nice weak early game, shoot him, DO NOT LET HIM KILL A MINION FOR FREE! If you can out poke his sustain you should have full lane dominance, do not push, freeze the lane and farm away. Be wary once he grabs a Rod Of Ages and some Feast stacks, his damage becomes a serious threat after that and it'll be harder to kill him.
DO. NOT. GET. PULLED. You are so squishy early that if Darius lands Apprehend, then you can expect most of your HP to be gone once he's done. If he is 6, then you die. Simply abuse your range and have Flash ready in case he catches you. NEVER get cocky against him and you should be fine.
Very similar to Akali, this one, except her Crescent Slash is good poke against a squishy like you early. Keep yourself on your toes and dodge, getting hit by the moonlight debuff is almost a death sentence, if Diana is 6, and you will be unable to Ambush before she kills you. Similar to Akali, avoid her tricks, poke her down.
Dr. Mundo
Not a massive lane threat honestly, just a complete pain to kill. I'd recommend taking Ignite if possible for this matchup and using it to negate his Sadism. Stay behind minions to avoid his cleavers, and farm up, his innate healing will make it near impossible to poke him out.
Twitch hates targeted gap closers, y'know what he really hates? TWO OF THEM! Lunge makes it incredibly easy for Fiora to get to and from your, and Riposte makes it difficult to trade, Blade Waltz can continue hitting you in stealth and she has sustain. Do not get near your minion wave so she can't lunge to a minion and then to you, and she will have a hard time catching you.
Prepare to die. Urchin Strike and Playful/ Trickster are all he needs to catch you, and he does good damage. Prey he's bad, and take whatever free farm or poke you can get. You're in constant danger here.
His Q is no match for your auto attack spam, and his oranges only have your meager Venom Cask slow to cleanse. His sustain is on a high cooldown and costs a fair bit of mana. Exert as much pressure as possible, he can't outtrade you.
Perserverance is a potent bit of sustain. Luckily, you can just toss Venom Cask to stop it from activating, as the poison counts as "in combat". Ambush whenever he runs for you, and keep him from using his passive, unless he runs REALLY far away to proc it, in which case he's losing minions and XP. Black Cleaver here works well.
An interesting matchup. You need to exploit Gnar's 2 forms against him. When he's Mini Gnar, simply farm at the extent of your range, so you can avoid boomerangs, and wait for him to go Mega Gnar, once he has, his Hop/Crunch cannot jump off of minions so it's much harder for him to get at Twitch, and he becomes melee, do your best to hurt him while he is Mega Gnar but ALWAYS be wary of Gnar jumping and/or flashing onto you. If Mega Gnar catches you, it can spell death, as Mega Gnar's burst means your Ambush is of no help. Keep your wits about you, and grab either Frozen Mallet or Black cleaver depending on Gnar's intial items (Armor or Damage) and the state of the lane.
The pony is a lane bully with sustain. The pony bullies Twitch. If Hecarim uses Devastating Charge, start Ambush immediately, and attack once it's on cooldown, as he'll be unable to retaliate. Keep yourself safe once he hits 6. Frozen Mallet is recommended first.
Rule #1 of fighting Heimerdinger: Kill his turrets. Focus these down when you can, and wait for Heimer to use his grenade, then Ambush to counter attack, as he will lack any CC to hit you with, his lack of sustain, and squishyness means a little poke will cause him severe problems. Try to avoid fighting in his turrets when the grenade is up, as Heimerdinger's burst is very powerful from his UPGRADE!!!.
Bladesurge sucks. Good Irelia's will use the cooldown refresh to catch you out where her lifesteal and true damage will mean she wins most trades. Your best bet is to push her around early, and delay the Trinity Force, so that by the time she gets it, you've got more items and can try to win trades.
Jarvan IV
Jarvan's Flad and drag combo can come out quickly, so Ambush is useless in avoiding it. Keep poking away, he has no sustain. If Jarvan misses his flag combo, then ambush in case he uses Cataclysm. If you get stuck in Cataclysm while stealthed, stay in stealth as long as possible, as in melee range he'll beat you up.
Back up hard when Jax starts to spin his lamp. Jax's combo is heavily telegraphed by this. If he stuns you, throw Venom Cask and do your best to kite him for Ambush to stealth you. Frozen Mallet will help to stop him from walking into Leap Strike range.
Jayce will struggle to close on you, so he will largely be firing charged shots at you. Be ready to dodge them, look out for Acceleration Gate first and move away from any angles Jayce can use to empower the shot as quickly as possible. Keep at range and poke where you can, he has no sustain, so it's a matter of who bullies best, he just has better all in if you make the misplay of getting close enough for To the Skies!
Shoot him early and he'll have little retaliation. He's mana hungry, has low early damage, and no way of catching you pre-6. Keep him poked, remember his Null Sphere shield does not block Deadly Venom or your auto attack damage.
Yes she has a heal, no it's not a good one. Kayle can spam her heal but it'll quickly drain her mana which she desperately needs to harass. Poke her to force heals and you'll manage. Note that shooting her during Intervention does no damage, but does apply stacks of Deadly Venom, so shooting an invulnerable 1 HP Kayle may let the poison kill her.
Kennen is another interesting matchup. Your best bet is to wait for him use his shuriken, then close in to poke. If you don't, his Q, then W passive and active will proc Mark of the Storm for good damage. You likely won't kill him unless you surprise him on low health with a sneaky Ambush, luckily, you can also use Ambush if he tries to close in for his ultimate.
This sneaky bug does ALOT of damage to solo laners. similar to Rengar, stay away from bushes in case Kha'Zix tries to Leap or Void Assault onto you. The good news is, he uses mana. Poke him as safely as you can to force him to use Void Spike to sustain, and deprive him of mana so he can't go all in. Be warned that he can build tanky or damage, so build against him accordingly.
Lee Sin
Lee Sin is a powerful early laner. Stay behind minions, just not too close too them, so Lee Sin cannot get close via Resonating Strike. If Lee Sin jumps on you, it may spell death post 6. Ward up and don't push as Lee Sin is very effective at setting up ganks for his jungler. His lack of sustain will help if you can poke him out. Go for Frozen Mallet early.
Keep away from your minions to avoid Ice Shard's penetration. When she uses it, go for some quick autos when her main ranged harass is down. Be wary of her casting Glacial Path towards you post 6, her combo can kill you.
You likely won't kill Lulu once level 6 is reached. Help Pix! and Wild Growth help her withstand any all ins, but her poke is much harder to land than yours. If you land good poke she'll have little response. Rush Wit's End.
Malphite likes Armor, so buy a Black Cleaver. Once purchased, you can get REALLY aggressive. Seismic Shard is mana inefficient, and your range means he'll struggle to close for his smash. Keep being aggressive to force him out of lane, but be wary of his ult.
Sap Magic helps Maokai withstand you, and your squishiness means his base damage is enough to scare you. Keep at range and farm up, he won't be easily killed alone. Go for BoRK early.
Master Yi
Mediate has a long cooldown and high cost, so poking is highly effective. Be wary that Venom cask doesn't affect Highlander. If you keep away from your minions Yi can't Alpha Strike you. Do this and he'll struggle to reach you due to Ambush.
Don't bother poking him. Mordekaiser's passive means he'll be very hard to whittle down, your best bet here is to use Venom Cask and Contaminate to wave clear, otherwise Mordekaiser will shove you under tower and deny you creeps. Keep at range so he can't close in for harass, and you should be fine.
The only thing that Nasus has is Wither. With it he can nail you down for some Q beatings, but thats it. Harass him, don't push, win lane, win game.
I hate Nidalee, I'm just gonna toss that out there, and so does Twitch. Nidalee can keep at range to avoid being heavily poked, she can sustain via Primal Surge, and one javelin leads to her double Pouncing on you and likely killing you. Avoid spears and traps like the plague, and try to do damage early when she is weaker.
Nocturne top generally grabs good lifesteal, so he can sustain your poke. If he lands Duskbringer he can easily close in for impressive damage, and Paranoia is a death sentence post 6. Hug your tower to dissuade him from going in, he can easily out duel you.
Olaf's Vicious Strikes poses incredible sustain, and his true damage stings at all times. If Olaf lands an axe, he'll likely close for Reckless Swing. If he misses an axe, poke, if he lands, pray he doesn't all in with Ragnarok. Keep safe here, Olaf is highly dangerous.
Try your best to land several autos at once on Pantheon, with his passive gone from the first, you can apply and Contaminate several stacks for good poke before his block returns. Keep back otherwise and take what poke opportunities present themselves.
Tremor Sense counters Ambush, she has sustain, and good damage. Tunnel allows her to gapclose, and she isn't worth bullying out of lane due to Void Rush. Get your jungler to help dethrone the Queen.
Renekton is probably one of the best lane bullies in town. You MUST watch his fury, once he has enough he'll dash in and stun for free damage. Venom Cask sadly does not stop him catching you with Slice and Dice. You also won't kill him due to Dominus. Poke him on low fury, and stay far back when he has enough fury to stun. Hopefully that'll dissuade him from completely murdering you.
Passive gap closing? Yuck. Luckily Rengar has little ability to catch you if you keep away from bushes. Stay near the river and farm up, shoot Rengar whenever he farms, and save Venom Cask if Rengar gets to close or hits you with his bola. Use Ambush when Rengar ults, for the Movement Speed. Be wary post 6, and you should manage.
Respect Riven. No matter what, she WILL have damage. harass and farm as you can, and save your Ambush for when you are sure Riven is trying to engage, use Ambush then and then re engage once she's put her spells on cooldown. DO NOT GET CLOSE WHEN RIVEN ULTS!!!
Rumble doesn't pose much of a threat to Twitch, he does alot of his damage near melee range with Flamespitter, but your supposed to keep at range, that. Once you have Wit's End he's kinda ruined against you. Just be wary of the sheer strength of the Equalizer, as it can help Rumble close in for the kill.
Ryze has short ranges, except for Overload. Poke him behind your minions, and back off when Arcane Mastery activates, as the shield will mean you'll lose any trade you make while his passive is on. He's not strong early, so harass away, and grab Wit's End, the longer you wait to hurt him, the worse this lane will get.
You have only one worry. Avoid Shadow Dash, if he misses it, then he can't do anything while his Energy regens, so bully him. You don't have hard CC though, so be aware that he will easily be able to use Stand United to help his team, so have Teleport ready to counter attack him.
Shyvana's combo does impressive damage, while her sustain is strong, at 6 Dragon's Descent into her other abilities leaves little chance for survival for Twitch, NEVER let her near you or you will pay, abuse her melee status by poking when Burnout is on cooldown.
Singed is a weird laner. He's melee, so poke him HARD. if he runs for you with Insanity Potion, Ghost or Mega Adhesive, use your Venom Cask and Ambush to maintain distance. Be wary of proxy Singed.
Never let one of your minions stand between you and Sion, otherwise he'll use Roar of the Slayer, into Decimating Smash and Soul Furnace. If you can do this, then you'll be fine. He lacks sustain, so whittle him down slowly, and post 6, be ready for Sion's ult. He's slow to get the ult going, so Ambush immediately.
What have I told you about sustain? Swain is impossible to kill post 6, and his combo will rip into your HP bar. D not get close to him so he can't combo you. Focus on farming, and do not fight him, you will lose. Try to poke him during levels 1-3 when he is much weaker.
Oddly enough...not the worst lane. Yes Teemo's blind screws with Twitch, but you both can poke evenly (ish) and you can just rush a Wit's End then spam your laugh. Be wary at all times of his blind and you should manage. Buy a Sweeping Lens.
Be wary of his pillar, if he slows you, slow him with Venom Cask and hit Ambush. He'll likely have burnt Frozen Domain to catch you, so counter attack from stealth when the domain wears off. His sustain will mean it'll take a while to take him down, Keep at range and save your escapes, and he'll hardly touch you.
One of the few melee champs that gives Twitch issues. Venom Cask does nothing to stop his spin, and Mocking Shout can affect you in stealth, your best bet here is to poke him HARD early. Make him burn his fury to heal so his damage is reduced, and do your best to mantain distance. The good news is your poison serves as a nice counter to Undying Rage, so make sure the poison is on for when the effect wears off.
Udyr is one versatile laner. He may just sit in Turtle Stance if you are poking him to much. If he uses Bear Stance, trow Venom Cask and keep him at range, he'll be forced to back off from your poke. keep him beyond arm's range and have fun with the easy lane.
Urgot has disgusting poke. His E-W-Q combo means Ambush is near useless here, as his Acid Hunters will keep preventing you from entering stealth. His ult allows him to all in, and he gets tanky. DO your best to farm, and poke whenever he misses his E, as he'll be unable to retaliate. Rush Black Cleaver.
Don't poke him, he'll poke you as well and sustain to boot. Your ideal situation is to get out of lane with good farm and no deaths,, buy Wits End, and a couple of pots each back so Vlad doesn't poke you around to much. Boring, but necessary.
Your main goal against Volibear is obvious, do not let him fling you. When volibear starts to run on all fours, toss Venom cask and hit Ambush, wait for his speed up to decay, then re engage. Once his passive has been popped, you can try to slow him with Venom Cask to close in for the kill.
Wukong's passive means you'll want an early Black Cleaver. If you see Wukong stand still, walk away, better to be safe, as Wukong can dish out some severe punishment. Sadly, Wukong can jump on you if you try to poke, so farm up, don't push and ask for a jungler gank, cos you ain't killing him unless he's Bronze V.
Have fun dying, or getting 0 cs at 20 minutes. Yorick loves to lane bully, and you are FAR to squishy too handle his harass. He gets tanky enough for you to be unable to trade, and he has sustain to counter what little poke you land. Hug tower, farm under tower and pray that your jungler ganks.
Good news: Zac is a melee champ who needs to close in to hurt you. Bad News: he has sustain. Whittle him down early and be ready for when he jumps, Make sure to itemise based on him, you may need Black Cleaver, or even Wit's End if Zac goes for early AP damage.
Screw Bloodthirster. The lifesteal will not help you against Zed's burst. Swap Bloodthirster in this build for a Mercurial Scimitar and rush it. Dodge shurikens where you can and bully him early, especially once his shadow is down. Play extremely safe as you are in extreme danger post 6.
Wind Wall allows Yasuo to block some poke, but it has a long cooldown so don't be afraid to keep the assault up. Stay away from your minions so Yasuo will struggle to dash to you and you should be fine, as long as you dodge tornados post 6. If you can do this, your poke will eventually win out.
Hello fellow Summoners! Welcome to the first in what i hope to be a long series of interesting new ways to build everyone's favourite champs! In these guides I will be suggesting build paths that to be reasonably effective, so don't worry, no Riven Support will ever be shown here.
Feel free to comment on these guides asking for me to cook up a build for a champion, or even suggest builds to investigate. I hope you have fun using these builds on the Rift!.
Introduction and Abilities
Introduction and Abilities
On-Hit Twitch hopes to make our stinking hypercarry rat into a massive tank shredder. the aim of the build is to make use of a whole wide array of on-hit effects, ALL of which are procced by Twitch's ultimate. Rat-Ta-Tat-Tat. This means Twitch loses some of his ability to duel other Marksmen, but he gains much more damage against tankier targets so he can safely shoot through whoever he pleases in a team fight and still provide good damage.
Deadly Venom
Twitch's auto attacks apply a true damage poison stacking up to 6 times. This passive makes your AA harass more potent, and it's a good idea to get this stacked. A cool trick you can do is apply an auto attack, wait 2-3 seconds, then apply another attack to refresh the poison and add another stack, or use Venom Cask if they move out of auto range. This means the poison will deal significantly more damage over time, and make it difficult for many melee champs to handle you.
Your main escape tool. The Movement Speed and stealth means Twitch can enter stealth then suddenly move in another direction for some sweet jukes. The problem is that Ambush takes 1.5 seconds to activate stealth, or 6 seconds if you remain in combat. As such, you will need to gauge when your opponent is starting to go in, if they use any mobility abilities, like Riven with Valor then pop Ambush preemptively before they reach you. You can then use the Attack Speed buff from exiting stealth to counter attack. Save this for enemy engages.
Venom Cask
This spell can be used 2 ways. Agressively, you can use this to refresh Deadly Venom's poison and apply 2 more stacks for bonus damage. defensively, you can toss it on enemies trying to get to you to slow them allowing you to kite and fight, or use Ambush. How you use it will depend on your opponent and the general state of the lane.
Twitch's main burst spell. In lane, be wary of spamming this to much, as Twitch can run out of mana quickly if you use abilities to much, so make sure to only use Contaminate if it'll be efficient. Use this when trying to clear a wave that's been pre poisoned by Venom Cask, or when your lane opponent has 3 or more stacks on them.
The cornerstone of this build. In lane Twitch's ultimate doesn't help much as most lane matchups will discourage you form getting close enough to make full use of this, you'll only really use this to win certain duels, or to get the extra range to finish a fleeing foe. Once laning is complete, stay on the back line, wait for your team to initiate, then start killing. Don't be too picky over who you target, as the piercing effect of the shots, as well as your on-hit effects will means anybody in the shot's piercing range will take some decent damage, so don't be sad if it's only safe to pierce through their tanks. One thing to note is that the bolts can actually pierce through targets and travel BEYOND Twitch's shot range, meaning you can pick off far off targets by shooting through other enemies between you and the weakened foe.
Blade of the Ruined King - A staple item on ADC Twitch, and a staple item here. BoRK has a 8% current health on hit effect, making it a good first item against high HP champs like Cho'Gath or Sion. The lifesteal helps you sustain in lane, and the active can save you in a duel, always grab this first if you can.
Black Cleaver - Did Riot know how good the new Black Cleaver was gonna be for this build? The armor shredding passive means getting max stacks with it also leads to max stacks of Deadly Venom for TONS OF DAMAGE. The health gives you some much needed survivability, and the CDR allows us to have our game changing ult up more, and helps us spam Contaminate more.
Wit's End - Twitch's favourite stat? Attack Speed. What does Wit's End give us? Attack Speed. Beautiful. The on-hit Magic Resist steal is better for making YOU tankier, since no one with half a brain is going to build Magic Resist against you during laning. This item helps you shred MR off for our midlaners though, and it functions as an excellent first item against magic damage heavy opponents, most notably Rumble and Teemo.
Frozen Mallet - Do you want to chase people for a million years? DO you want to kite like a little ****? THEN BUY FROZEN MALLET! This item helps us in teamfights by making it harder for our enemies to escape, and harder for them to close the gap on us so we can shoot them more (huzzah). This shouldn't be your first item unless you are against a high AD threat or lane bully like Riven or Yorick. The 700 Health is a god send.
Berserker's Greaves - You could honestly buy whatever boots will work best, so use your better judgment. These boots are generally the best simply because more Attack Speed means we proc our on-hit effects FASTER. The Homeguard enchantment is very useful, especially if you run Teleport.
Bloodthirster - 20% Life Steal on Twitch is beautiful,and the 80 Attack Damage gives us a fantastic groundwork of AD on which our on hit effects can go to town. When you get this can vary massively. Against high sustain matchups like Vladimir you can rush this to keep up in HP, but otherwise make this one of your later items.
Runaan's Hurricane
- Applys Twitch's various on hits to multiple targets, improves your teamfighting and splitpushing, if any of the other 6 items is not appropriate, Runaan's has much to offer, as well as MOAR ATTACK SPEED!!!!
Pros / Cons
Pros / Cons
Deadly Venom makes Twitch a potent lane bully, especially on melee champs Contaminate is good for waveclear and extra harass damage Ambush is an excellent escape tool, and allows for counter attacks Rat-Ta-Tat-Tat procs all on-hit effects in this build Excellent in teamfights Very strong against tanks, especially those with low sustain
Venom Cask has an underwhelming slow Ambush needs good timing to activate stealth otherwise Twitch can be caught Laners with damage and sustain like Fiora are difficult matchups Laners with numerous gap closers like Diana are hard counters Mana hungry Very vulnerable while Ambush and Venom Cask is on cooldown
Allow me to describe an full build On Hit Twitch looks like.
After 6 auto attacks Twitch will have.
Dealt 1500 in AD damage (not including Armor)
Slowed targets by 30%
dealt 252 in magic damage (not including Magic Resist)
Stolen 25 Magic Resist for himself, and leeched up to 25 from targets.
Shredded 30% of a target's Armor
Dealt 8% current health per shot.
Healed for 300 Hp from Lifesteal
He also can do this ON THE ENTIRE TEAM. Rat-ta-Tat-Tat pierces units and applies all on-hit effects, with the exception of reduced lifesteal, so you can proc all these effects on several targets, dealing impressive damage and softening any survivors up for the rest of your team.
General Tips
General Tips
The first thing to do is to focus on getting that first item, whether it be Blade of the Ruined King or Black Cleaver, or whatever. Make sure to get as much farm as you can early on and don't be afraid to back early for an item.
Secondly, make use of the fact you have a poison passive, make sure you harass your lane opponent whenever they try to farm to try and poke them out of lane, otherwise most top laners will happily jump on you and kill you. Use Contaminate whenever you get 3 stacks or more of Deadly Venom, and use Venom Cask when in a favorable trade to add 2 more stacks of poison to reset the poison's duration, and increase Contaminate's damage when you use it.
Finally, while the point of this build is to build all of the on-hit items shown, you MUST build them in a different order depending on your lane.
Last Remarks
Last Remarks
Thank you for reading my guide to On-Hit Twitch! Feel free to comment on the guide to let me know what champion you want me to find a Totally Viable build for!
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