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King's Tribute (PASSIVE)
Trundle Passive Ability
hello guys,
i am xygroan and i want to tell you guys about trundle
trundle is my main jungler in league of legends because i like the power of trundle to counter jungle about any jungler.
when jax or shyvanna pops a ult you just pop yours and will make thier ult worthless and you will be way and way stronger wich makes shyvanna or jax an easy target
if u fight against a malphite? he stacks armor? such a joke you just ult him in teamfights and you are a beast ( or a troll )
i would love to see more players to use trundle because he is way to underrated
( my englisch is really bad i hope u guys don't mind )
i pick full AD runes + some tanky armor / mage resist because you are made to do some counter jungling and the ad will really help you with your early game in the jungle
some people take armor penetration but i am not really sure why but i tried it and in my opinion you slow your clearspeed down and doesnt really make much difference in 1 vs 1
some people take armor penetration but i am not really sure why but i tried it and in my opinion you slow your clearspeed down and doesnt really make much difference in 1 vs 1
why i want to build trundle so tanky?
in my opinion any jungler should be able to tank / carry a team. this is also the reason i hate to play a kha zix or any squishy junglers because the risk is way higher to get counter jungled by any in lane player
i've seen some builds with pictures of thier match history ( 5+ deaths each game .. thats not the way to promote trundle... when i jungle as trundle i focus to a max of 3-4 deaths )
in my opinion any jungler should be able to tank / carry a team. this is also the reason i hate to play a kha zix or any squishy junglers because the risk is way higher to get counter jungled by any in lane player
i've seen some builds with pictures of thier match history ( 5+ deaths each game .. thats not the way to promote trundle... when i jungle as trundle i focus to a max of 3-4 deaths )
i pick a early pillar for some good ganks ( i start counter jungling when i hit lvl 4 from that lvl u will find me often in the enemy jungle i just clear my own jungle or give it to mid ( wolfs + wraiths ) bot/top ( golems ) to make sure my camps are down and thier jungler will be worthless in the end :)
i know that your cleartime will be faster if you pick Q as 3th aswell but i am a person of early ganks
i know that your cleartime will be faster if you pick Q as 3th aswell but i am a person of early ganks
smite + flash
u can take exhaust aswell since u can get away with your W but i prefer a flash to steal barons and to finish some people off.
some people use ghost as summoner spell but if you put your pillar to block someones route and he flashes over then you are stuck right behind your own pillar ? how usefull soloing dragon and the enemy team comes over ? finish your dragon and flash over the wall to get away :) and you already got your movespeed buff with your W quite useless summoner spell in my eyes ( for trundle )
u can take exhaust aswell since u can get away with your W but i prefer a flash to steal barons and to finish some people off.
some people use ghost as summoner spell but if you put your pillar to block someones route and he flashes over then you are stuck right behind your own pillar ? how usefull soloing dragon and the enemy team comes over ? finish your dragon and flash over the wall to get away :) and you already got your movespeed buff with your W quite useless summoner spell in my eyes ( for trundle )
Pros :
epic counter jungling
high dmg early game
counters about any tank
makes enemy tank worthless
great ganks
fast clear time
best 1 vs 1 in the jungle
hard to kill
Cons :
low mobility
single target dmg
no hard cc
need good team communication with your ult ( if you want to get thier tank down fast and you ulted them you team have to react on it )
epic counter jungling
high dmg early game
counters about any tank
makes enemy tank worthless
great ganks
fast clear time
best 1 vs 1 in the jungle
hard to kill
Cons :
low mobility
single target dmg
no hard cc
need good team communication with your ult ( if you want to get thier tank down fast and you ulted them you team have to react on it )
well i think that most people just have no idea how to play him. i've seen allot of trundles when he was free to play for a week.. it just made me sad how they did thier job.. a pillar BEHIND enemys or blocking your own teammates to finish people?? using your ult on thier adc in teamfights.? when 1 vs 1 vs a jax they use thier ult in last few sec
the way you should play trundle isn't that hard but people have trouble with aiming thier pillar and timing thier ult thats what makes trundle strong
my first trundle game ended with : 0-7-2 or something like that after taking a few min to read the skills properly and doing some research about a build i finally could play trundle.
now i made my own setup cuz i still think u die to often with full offensive setup ( they will focus you before you can ult thier tank ) u think that it is a stupid idea to focus a jungler? yea it might be but when he took your tank out in a few sec you will lose your teamfight
anyway :
i think trundle is underrated cuz people simply dont know how to play him and have no idea how to aim a pillar
the way you should play trundle isn't that hard but people have trouble with aiming thier pillar and timing thier ult thats what makes trundle strong
my first trundle game ended with : 0-7-2 or something like that after taking a few min to read the skills properly and doing some research about a build i finally could play trundle.
now i made my own setup cuz i still think u die to often with full offensive setup ( they will focus you before you can ult thier tank ) u think that it is a stupid idea to focus a jungler? yea it might be but when he took your tank out in a few sec you will lose your teamfight
anyway :
i think trundle is underrated cuz people simply dont know how to play him and have no idea how to aim a pillar
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