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Trundle Build Guide by Trundle Top

Top Trundle Top Guide by TrundleTop1 👺👑

Top Trundle Top Guide by TrundleTop1 👺👑

Updated on July 7, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Trundle Top Build Guide By Trundle Top 399 42 923,212 Views 31 Comments
399 42 923,212 Views 31 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Trundle Top Trundle Build Guide By Trundle Top Updated on July 7, 2024
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Runes: If cc top swap alacrity to tenacity, overgrowth to unflinching

Press the Attack
Absorb Life
Legend: Alacrity
Last Stand


+10% Attack Speed
+10-180 Bonus Health
+10-180 Bonus Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Trundle Top Guide by TrundleTop1 👺👑

By Trundle Top
TrundleTop1 i stream trundle top if you follow it's easier to show how to play it through gameplay trust my discord can ask me anything here just ping me

good luck hope you win, if the guide helped upvoting can let others see
(doran’s blade start)

3:dd(normal ad)/maw(ap)/randuins(crit)
4/5:dd(normal ad)/maw(ap)/randuins(crit)/thornmail(heavy healing ad where you lose without)/visage(after maw if ap burst)/mortal reminder(late game vs high armor who heals)/terminus(only get this ultra tanks)

Items (copy paste item set here in pinned)
(Q > W > E)
Tabis/treads vs ad/ap top, tabis rush vs tryndamere
Swifties vs slows / high ms enemies
Things to know
Try to avoid teamfighting, just split trust. (my opinion) after adc takes bot tower they are mid rest of game, mid is in lane closest to upcoming objective, top is in lane farthest. dont group just hard pressure so they have to send multiple to match you, your team can get towers and objectives this way

Trundle W has a target range you can choose where to place it depending on where you / your enemy is likely to go. This should not be overlooked as you lose power when not in the zone. So if you are 100% chasing place it in front of you, if you are kiting backwards place it behind you, if you are fighting in the same area or don’t know what’s going to happen in the future place it in the middle (most common)

Trundle top is strong level 1, weak 2-5, then strong lvl 6+, thanos with sunderer, and keeps getting stronger

Trundle ult steals stats at time of cast (the very instant you PRESS ult, before the cast time finishes) so versus champions with temporary resistances/health you can make them have much less resistance after it wears off (aftershock, sejuani, rammus, leona w, jax, nasus, malphite shield, mega gnar, gwen w, renekton, mundo, morde, voli, olaf before he ult) so try to use ultimate around whatever they have that gives temporary resistance/hp, right before its going to wear off if possible unless its long af.

Always try to auto Q auto if possible, never just Q stuff UNLESS you cannot follow up with a second attack. Unless they are ranged then Q first if they running.

You can Q a minion beforehand and fight in the 1.5 second window where the CD is back up and you still have the bonus AD for maximum damage if you have a lot of mana or can easily set this up

Good and realistic ways to use Trundle pillar: pillaring squishies with no dash or after they used their dash, stopping dashes: (listing major realistic ones camille e once the hook touches terrain, j4 eq, block naut q, sion r, urgot e, ornn e so all hit pillar, can pillar team mate grabbed by blitz to save them, ornn r2, rell jump), interrupting channels: (listing major realistic ones fid w and r, galio r, janna r, jhin r, kat r, malz r i think i forgot, lucian r, mf r, nunu w r, pyke q, rammus q, ryze r, samira r, shen r, tahm w, vi q, viego w, zac e, also if yuumi ever detached pillar her and she cant attach for a bit and can kill). And ring around rosie for morde R. Ask yourself what can i do with pillar vs their team.

All your abilities don't care about CC as long as you use them before the CC happens, they will still go through. So for example with Panth if he jumps on you, you can Q him and it will still go through. Losing vision stops Trundle R when it's in cast time though.

Ideal comp for trundle: ap aoe wave clear mid lane (anivia ori viktor etc), adc that can take baron (aphelios, kaisa, jinx etc), tank support with cc

In teamfights ult tanks/bruiser then kill the carries. If none ult biggest threat (try not to ult supports)

Try not to freeze on trundle he cant clear waves so you will be stuck for a long time trust cant rotate and will have trouble resetting

When 1 v 2 place a pillar between u and the person ur not fighting so they cant auto you (important)

TRY NOT TO ULT PEOPLE WHO WILL RESURRECT (zilean r, ga, anivia zac passive, chemtech soul) IN TEAMFIGHTS YOU WILL LOSE THE STATS (BUG)

Anyone that has an ability or rune that gives them temporary resistance, try to ult right before the resistance fades. Any ranged matchups stay inside the bushes and just last hit u cant get prio most of the time. You win level 1 vs most of the time. Hard matchups highlighted in red. Hard to get prio vs jax ornn

Gwen if possible ult after she ws dont e until she es. When she qs or rs just get out of the middle asap stop w/e u doing and dodge it. Dont let her stack q

Darius just outscale

Riven dont try to auto q her when she has her cc, you can just q straight up because its unstoppable and will go thru the cc

Camille right after her hookshot connects to the terrain you can e her to stop her dash when she's escaping.

Wukong make sure you DO NOT ult the clone. When he uses E itll make u deselect him so need to click him again. When he r’s run so that both r’s arent hitting you

Garen when he comes to q you do W > auto > q you can do this all before his q lands, then when he es just get out of the e asap dont auto him during his E

Urgot your e stops his e just wait for wardens

Morde just pillar him when he ults and kite around it DO NOT fight him in the ult, if you guys are alone right before the ult is about to end ult him and you will destroy him. If you think hes going to ult wait to use your w because it wont come to the death realm if casted in normal realm. Rush botrk after tiamat

Nasus ult after he ults and dont fight in his e it reduces your armor. If he ults just run pillar him if u can save ult save it unless u die otherwise then when its about to expire (check the timer on him by looking at his buffs) ult him and he will have extremely low resists

Sion your e stops his ult. Dont bother wasting your e on cancelling the q unless you have to because it will go on a short cd so your just wasting it, you can just dodge with w

Gnar just survive dont push vs them

Shen can cancel his ult with pillar if he suddenly starts moving backwards and u see ur team fighting he will probably ult so stop him. He is strong early be careful. You cant push the wave vs him early just let him push it. DONT Q HIS W ITS NOT GOOD TRUST.

Malphite in teamfights ult his shield he will have low armor cause of the interaction. Dont trade with him in lane just hit the minions

Volibear ult his ult. Dont trade with him just run and outscale

Jax when he es just run with w, ult his ult. DONT Q HIS E ITS NOT GOOD TRUST. Dont push vs him ever.

Fiora try not to chomp her parry, stay near wall when she ults so she cant get last vital. Not sure if you win level one cause they can just kite. Make sure u do not ult her w extremely important it negates the entire spell everything. DONT Q HER W ITS NOT GOOD TRUST.

Renekton your q goes thru his w, ult his ult

Irelia dont allow her to cs EVER stay on top of minion that shes going to q on and just auto q auto her. When she presses e but does the thing where she doesnt recast until the end FIGHT HER during this time, but the second she recasts you need stop ur auto and dodge it. Bounce waves.

Sett dont trade with him just run and outscale

Gangplank kill the barrels if u can and just survive

Sylas ult his trundle ult, if hes running dont e until he es

Ornn your e stops his e and ult, get out of his w

Jayce just survive dont push vs them

Tryndamere try not to let him stack fury he gets fury by autoing minions so just slow push vs him, kite around pillar when he ults if possible

Kled if hes going to dismount dont e until he uses dismounted q. Dont trade with him just run and outscale

Yorick make sure u kill the ghouls and maiden first before u try and solo him

Rumble just stay in ur wave so it pushes to u when he qs. You cant push the wave vs him early just let him push it.

Vlad dont pillar until he used phase rush and w if possible

Akali just get out of her shroud

Teemo just survive dont push vs them get scanner DONT Q HIS Q ITS NOT GOOD TRUST. Just dodge.

Lee just outscale and dont get kicked into tower

Singed dont push ever and dont chase dont fight just cs

Kayle abuse her early she is weak

Yone dont E when he has Q3 he will dash over it. He is one of the few champs that you lose side lane to so care. USE A CLICK VS YONE IN HIS E DO NOT USE RIGHT CLICK HE HAS A RED OUTLINE IN E SO YOU CANT TELL IF YOUR ACTUALLY SELECTING HIM OR NOT

Mundo ur pillar proc his passive if u cc him with it stand inside the wave so he can’t q you

Illaoi dodge her stuff with w. If you’re going to all in her make sure you ult after she hits you with E if she lands it

Poppy e can stop R. wait for them to use their passive on a minion, dont fight early

Quinn dont e until she es

Rengar he can run with r if u ult him he will try and bait it. Do not trade with him early

Pantheon can q him when he ws u

Gragas stalemate just scale dont fight

Warwick does more magic dmg than physical dont trade, RUN right away when he uses E once its down ur fine

Nocturne dont ult spellshield

Maokai stalemate just scale dont fight

Yasuo can fight with him a lot. He cannot chase you or run if your not near minions.

Vayne just survive dont push vs them

Heim kill the turrets in a way so that only one is hitting you at a time, when hitting the turrets be prepared to dodge his E, you will get one shot if you dont


Ryze dont e until his phase rush down

Karma just survive dont push vs them

Lucian dont e until he es, your e can also stop his ult

Aatrox just stay in ur wave so it pushes to u when he qs u. wait for them to use their passive on a minion. Dodge the sweetspots it worth cancelling an auto dodge. Once you get hull just push ignore him and hit tower.

Kayn can pillar to cancel his e has to be close to wall tho

Tahm your e stops his w stand inside the wave so he can’t q you

Chogath stalemate just scale dont fight

Lillia just survive dont push vs them

J4 pillar his eq

Kennen just survive dont push vs them

Graves dont use E until he uses E you can run him down lvl 6 100%

Akshan when he E's just stay right next to him parallel with whatever wall hes eing onto and it will cancel it because he will bump into you because when he E’s he extends slightly outwards

Cass IGNORE HER once you get hull just push the wave DODGE THE Q AND W AND HIT THE TOWER

Olaf just run from his axe and ult

K’sante dodge his q's
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Trundle Top
Trundle Top Trundle Guide
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Trundle Top Guide by TrundleTop1 👺👑

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