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Tryndamere Build Guide by DEWO

Tryndamere, Immortal Critical

Tryndamere, Immortal Critical

Updated on November 2, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DEWO Build Guide By DEWO 549 108 2,192,668 Views 210 Comments
549 108 2,192,668 Views 210 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DEWO Tryndamere Build Guide By DEWO Updated on November 2, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Chapter 1

Welcome to the Tryndamere by Belenzor guide.

You can find my other guides under the link:
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Char description.

Tryndamere is one of the deadliest late game dps champions ingame.
DPSing with Trynd is very easy. Rightclick and enjoy the crits. He is easy to play but hard to master. He is a great early game laner, with nice self heal, good escape mechanism, and build in slow, paired with no mana usage, should let you lane extremaly long. The Early game is the hardest part since your crit rating is quite low so getting crits for self heals will depend on your last hit skill. If you get harrased much you will still be viable coz of passive that increases your crit rating ALOT when you are low on HP, you can try to stay in lane even on low hp and last hit/crit minions on your tower to benefit from lane exp as much as possible. Be very carefull. In mid game you will pwn each and every non tank champion even without lifesteal. Jungling with high crit and self heal is easy as pie. You can start roaming with just phantom dancer and boots. In 1v1 with your ulti, you will be the biggest threat on the map. Watch out for tanks.

As all your damage comes from physical attacks you are VERY vurneable to blinds ( Blinding Dart and CH-1 Concussion Grenade) or exhausts ( Exhaust) and ofc Thornmail keep that in mind before picking Trynd vs a team with Teemo or/and Heimerdinger.

He is also a great Physical debuffer. Beeing able to cut down 100AD from all cought in the shout AoE will significantly lower the dps output of enemy team. Paired with AS debuff (Frozen Heart or Malphite Ground slam) will make all physicals deal nearly no damage at all.

If you like to charge, kick some ***es and run safely, this is a champ for you.
If you like to play defensivly. Leave this champ alone or let others play it.

Pros and Cons

+ One of the best endgame dps champions
+ Great healing ability (Bloodlust)
+ Great escape/tanking ability (Ultimate)
+ Can go through walls (Spinning Slash)
+ AoE Slow ability.

- Squishy early game
- Requires good timing and some skill for good use
- Vurneable to DoT's, Blinds and Thornmails :)
- Dependable on only physical attacks only.
- VERY item dependant

Battle Fury - Tryndamere receives 0.35% critical strike chance per Fury.

Plain and simple. More rage more % Crit. During your Ulti you will often have 100% crit. Fun :)
Crit Crit Crit Crit and i am still immortal :) spank me baby!

Bloodlust - Passive: Permanently grants (5/10/15/20/25) attack damage. Additionally, it grants (0.15/0.2/0.25/0.3/0.35 per 1% of health) missing bonus attack damage.

Active: Tryndamere consumes all of his current fury, restoring health equal to 30/40/50/60/70 (+1.5 per ability power) amount plus extra 0.65/1.15/1.65/2.15/2.65 health per 1 fury consumed.

Cost - No Cost
Range - 0
Cooldown - 12 seconds

Your main ability. It has many uses.
You will be rewarded with 5 Fury per hit (additional +5 for crit of total 10 fury) which you can spend by using this ability or stacking it for more crit and ad.

It is all you need early game. Damage, heal and a bit crit damage. Unfortunatly your crit % will be quite low (if on full HP) Try to eat the Fury when you get not less than 50% of it. The cd is quite low so use it frequently to stay in lane as long as possible. Dont get too coky early game, since you will not be that strong yet, just try to creep and heal the harrasment damage via Active. You should prio this skill before any other.

Mocking Shout - Tryndamere lets out an insulting cry, decreasing surrounding champions' physical damage. Enemies with their backs turned to Tryndamere also have their movement speed slowed.
Decreases surrounding champions' physical damage by 20/40/60/80/100, and enemies with their backs turned also have their movement speed slowed by 30/37.5/45/52.5/60%.
Lasts 4 seconds.

Cost - 25/25/25/25/25 Health
Range - 400

Your only crowd control ability (if we can call it that way) This is quite powerfull ability. On max lvl you will slow by 60% for 4 sec. It lasts quite long, Frozen mallet debuf lasts 2.5 sec. Additional it is a VERY powerfull debuff. -100AD on AoE is quite powerfull tool on teamfights. Dont hesistate to use it and dont underestimate it.

Spinning Slash - Tryndamere slices toward a target unit, dealing damage to enemies in his path.
Tryndamere spins through his enemies, dealing 50% of his Attack Damage +40/90/140/185/240 (+1) damage to enemies in his path.

Passive: Slash's cooldown is reduced by 2 sec whenever Tryndamere critically strikes.

Cost - 40/50/60/70/80 Health
Range - 25000

This is one of the most fun abilities ingame. Mastering the use of it is the key to victory in playing Tryndamere. You should know the range of the spin, you should know where and when can you spin to go through walls. Common use in fights is spin in -> Mocking and dps dps dps than spin out to run away.
Take in mind that it costs health and ulti leaves you on 1HP :)
In team fights try to keep the CD to run away or to chase those fleeing enemies.
Skill is very nice for farming mobs. It deals 50% of your AD but it ignores your crit, and your AD will be quite low for quite long time. We dont need that much AD since we focus on lvling %crit asap. When farming mobs try to get those 8 stacks of Bloodlust before using it to maximize the damage you deal with this skill.
Additional each crit will lower slash cd by 2 secs.

Undying Rage - Tryndamere's lust for battle becomes so strong that he is unable to die, no matter how wounded he becomes.
Tryndamere becomes completely immune to death for 6 seconds, refusing to be reduced below 1 health. His abilities have no cost during this time and he gains 4/6/8 Bloodlust stacks.

Cost - No Cost
Range - 0

This skill makes Trynde a Trynde. This skill requires good timing and awareness what you can and what you cant do with it. Main rule of Trynde dps is:
Do i have ultimate ready? Yes? I can go in and whack some ***es off. No? Stay in the back and watch out!
As you can count nearly only on your dps output you are very dependant on that skill. In the time you have it on CD, i highly suggest to go kill something to (1. Lower the cd of your ulti, 2. Earn cash coz you are very item dependant, 3. stack those 2 Bloodthirsters.)
Try to delay the usage of this skill as much as possible. Remember that beeing stuck on 1HP equals in having 100% crit for some time and beeing immortal. i usualy tend to spin out on 2 sec mark of the ulti (sometimes you can make a decision on staying in fight for whole duration, and count on your lifesteal. I do not suggest doing so if there are more than 2 enemy players around.

Skill order

Your priority should be set this way:

-> -> ->

Ulti ofc is the most important thing. Bonus stacks of bloodlust will save your *** on most cases even if you got some dot on you. With 8 stacks on lvl 3 you will heal yourself for 400 or 200 with Ignite/Executioner.
Bloodlust is your main skill and most important. It will delay the moment you will need the lifesteal so max out asap.
Spinning Slash. It scales nicely with AD unfortunatly it will show it's power at the moment of buying 1st Bloodthirster. Untill than, it will be used for creep farming of chase/escape mechanism.
Mocking Shout scales poorly with lvl. Unless you face heavy melee team it is considered less usefull skill to lvl up. If you face a heavy physical team it is a good idea to take 1 point in slash and max out Shout ASAP.

Skill usage

Your 1v1 atack plan should work like this:
Try to get 8 stacks on your and attack!

-> -> -> -> .

Spin in (try to spin so you see the back of your enemy) use shout to slow him/her down and decrese his/her AD. And chop chop chop. If you go little lower on health use your 8 stacks of bloodlust to heal up a bit and chop chop chop more. If your enemy will still be standing and your HP will drop dramaticly use your ultimate. Dont run away just on usage, try to benefit from immortality and 100% crit rate. at about 2 sec mark if you dont see him going down (than you shouldnt attack that target anyway but...) spin out and heal up with bloodlust again, and pray for not having any dots on you :).

On team fights atack plan is plain and simple. Let your tank go in, than spin in, mocking shout everything and pick your primary squishy target order. Chop chop chop till you are nearly dead, use ulti, chop chop chop, at 2 sec mark spin out and heal with bloodlust stacks. You can also use Flash to get a head start on fleeing from a battle.

Easy as that. The main thing is NOT TO PANIC! If you are afraid of beeing at low HP, this is not a champion for you. You have to calmly guide your champion to the victory. Cold blood. Always.

Summoner skills

I usualy go with standard carry/dps setup of Exhaust + Flash.

After recent nerfs to Cleanse it is not vital imho. Why? Your ulti is usable under a stun and its even better to take Heal instead of it since Cleanse does not remove the DoTs anyway. Exhaust will be clensed only from the slowing part but you will still miss. The only situation that i consider using Cleanse is a heavy silence team.

Ghost is not needed. You will be fast enaugh with 2x Phantom Dancer and you still have Mocking Shout to slow down your enemies.

Ignite - some ppl use it but i believe that if you didnt kill your enemy with your crits... than you will not kill them with ignite. Still you can take it for those fleeing enemies i just find Exhaust more vital since it will slow down the enemy so i can kill him anyway and it also works as a defensive tool unlike Ignite


Greater Mark of Desolation
Greater Seal of Critical Damage
Greater Glyph of Critical Damage
Greater Quintessence of Desolation

ArP and crit damage. Not crit chance since i focus on late game anyway. When you get some crit already at low hp you will have 100% crit anyway and chance runes will become less than 0 usefull.




You should start with Brawler's Gloves and 2x Health Potion.
The crit from gloves will keep your health fairly high but they are not enaugh if you dont know how to last hit minions. Try to be defensive.

Stay in lane untill lvl 6 (if possible) try to gank something while you get your ulti, and than port to base and buy full Berserker's Greaves. If you dont have enaugh gold for them... you did something wrong. Usualy you should be able to complete Zeal already.
Now with boots and zeal paired with your ultimate, you should try to get at least 1 kill per ulti usage.

Your crit will be quite low on full hp, untill you get your 1st Phantom Dancer. You will also greatly benefit from the MS it provides. Together with dodge and Numbliness mastery you will be a freaking roadrunner for a slowed person. Try to dish out and hunt those squishy targets like casters or ranged dps. Be aware of Flash, and especialy Exhaust targets. You will have some hard time with teleporting champions like Ezreal or Kassadin. Additionaly, Akali can be VERY dangerous to you. Even with your ultimate she can rape you with her isane burst dps and constant vanishing.
Your crit should be about 30% on full HP, so it is enaugh for now. We should make our crits hurt more now.

Try completing Infinity Edge in an order:
-> -> .

Tbh... this is all you need. All other items are some kind of bonus :).
Next item should be Vampiric Scepter followed by Zeal into 2nd Phantom Dancer.
Vampiric for that lifesteal, it should be enaugh with your Big *** crits to keep your health quite high and to delay the usage of your Ultimate. This is essecial since you will start to have problems with killing higher HP targets without that little lifesteal.
With Zeal and later on 2nd Phantom Dancer you should be the fastest mother-lover on the map. Your crit will be about 80% on full HP. More than cookie monster needs. You can focus on some more damage and additional lifesteal.

You already have Vampiric Scepter so make a Bloodthirster out of it. IF the game is still running, you can buy another Bloodthirster. Remember to stack it and not die :)... if the game STILL is running get a Guardian Angel. Just to piss off even more and save those stacks on Thirsters. (to buy the Guardian Angel you will ofc need to sell your Berserker's Greaves. But with 2x Phantom Dancer this shouldnt be much of a pain.


Early game

This is the hardest part of the game. You are not that strong early game. You dont have lifesteal and your crit is too low to constantly heal yourself. You dont have your ultimate so you cant charge. Game is very RNG, if you crit, you can take 1/2 of your squishy opponent HP but you can do nearly nothing and die. My vote is to stay VERY VERY defensive ultill lvl 4. Last hit if possible and dont hesistate to spin out on every time you feel unsafe. Your Mid game starts with lvl 6-7 when you will have Berserker's Greaves and Zeal.

Mid game

You should farm when your ulti is on cd. And kill lonely roaming sheeps when your ulti is up. Simple as that. Follow the item plan, and remember farm farm farm. You are extremaly item dependant.
Your Endgame begins VERY fast. At the time you get Infinity Edge.

Late game

Now you should be already a superior killing machine. If you didnt screw up too much you should be lvl 13-14 with Infinity Edge on board and stats more or less 5-6/1-2/X
Well this char is not a rocket science again so you just chop chop chop the squishies and soak some stuff with your ultimate. Remember that with your ultiumate you can be a rambo... but only for fiew secs... going solo into 3 ppl will probably cost you a death anyway... You are rather single target dps, (getting Tiamat is a very bad idea). So try to participate in all teamfights possible. Avoid contanct with your ulti on cd. It is considered a good thing to jungle some to get your ulti ready asap even if your teammates flame on you. Just do your job.

I usualy push lanes and destroy towers while my ulti is regenerating. It's a good idea to do so :) you win by destroying towers not getting 95259285892/0/0 stats :)

Hope you liked the guide. Yet another not rocket science champion that is fun to play and farm IP with. You are quite undependant with him sicne you can kill and destroy towers by yourself. Just hope for at least half-brainers in your team for teamfights. You will not kill 5 ppl just by yourself no matter what... :)
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DEWO Tryndamere Guide
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