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Twitch Build Guide by Antergen

Twitch Jungle Patch 6.20

Twitch Jungle Patch 6.20

Updated on September 29, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Antergen Build Guide By Antergen 7,893 Views 0 Comments
7,893 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Antergen Twitch Build Guide By Antergen Updated on September 29, 2016
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Welcome, Cheesy Connoissuers!

In this build guide I will teach how to to be the most annoying little rat in the whole entire jungle. With these runes, masteries, and builds, I went from Silver 5 to gold 1 in a month! Twitch Jungle is all about being aggressive and ganking a lot. You should always be pushing the lanes trying to deny the enemy team xp, and taxing them as much as you can so that you do not get behind. So you start out by getting red buff and then ganking a lane for first blood cheese. Once you have gotten your first blood at one lane, you could have 2 options: Clear the rest of your jungle, or go and gank another lane and try for another kill. Usually i try and get the 2nd gank in before i clear my jungle and back to get my red smite. You should always get red smite first and then get the daggers for bloodrazor. If you can camp a lane with twitch and get fed, the game is already over. Late game you are going to have a whole lot of damage to deal out to people, and it is very important to make sure you have the right positioning in a team fight. Most of the time I wait for my team to be engaged on and then go in and delete the enemy team in a matter of seconds. Sometimes though, If I'm feeling ballsy, I will flank around the backside and assassinate the enemy carries. If you are going to do this, be confident that your team will win the fight if you die but kill a carry. Twitch was nerfed recently but it has little effect on his early game. His attack speed late game was slightly reduced, but early game it is still extremely good for the first blood cheese. Overall, Twitch is an absolutely busted jungler, and is basically Shaco 2.0, but he never falls off late game like Shaco does.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Antergen
Antergen Twitch Guide
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