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Corki Build Guide by turnzip

AD Carry Underplayed and Overpowered Corki Guide

AD Carry Underplayed and Overpowered Corki Guide

Updated on July 25, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author turnzip Build Guide By turnzip 2,322 Views 0 Comments
2,322 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author turnzip Corki Build Guide By turnzip Updated on July 25, 2013
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So here you are, stuck in Elo Hell, and wanting to get out. I have the perfect guide for you! Corki is the underplayed, overpowered AD carry in LoL. He has a pick rate of 1% and a win rate of about 50% with the normal boring build for Corki with the Trinity Force. This build is aimed towards players in lower rankings around the Bronze to Silver range. Corki offers a great kit and it is a shame that almost nobody plays Corki on the NA server.
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Pros / Cons


High burst
Escape ability
Reveal enemies in bushes/Avoid people from going to stealth
Armor shred
Long range poke


Very squishy
Needs farm
Not very strong early game compared to over ADC's
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Trust me on this guys :3. This, is the underplayed OP Corki build.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author turnzip
turnzip Corki Guide
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Underplayed and Overpowered Corki Guide

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