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Yasuo will mess you up quick with his high crit. Make sure when you engage Shadow dash him call on your Q/Twilight
Assault then activate Spirit's Refuge/W THEN you start attacking. Do all that quick.
When engaging use brushes as element of aggression. Shadow Dash him then call your twilight assault ,activate Spirit's Refuge.
Hard match-up ,but if you activate spirit's refuge you'll be fine.
Darius is really broken but your spirit's refuge will block most anything he throws a you
This dude is a pretty easy take-down. Show Dash and if he fights back bring you Twilight Assault/Q then activate the Spirit's Refuge/W and you will wreck him.
Fiora usually attacks you first in which case you MUST summon your twilight assault and activate W. You WILL win the fight which will make her retreat and you will shadow dash her and finish her off.
Avoid barrels and gangplank will cry.
Shen and Garen are evenly matched but the Spirit's Refuge becomes the tie-breaker. USE THE W!!!!
Since gnar is ranged ,use brushes and shadow dash him.
sadly illaoi is so over powered you MUST play safe and only attack when you're under your tower. Late game when she tower dives use your W it will buy you time or kill her.
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