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Vayne Build Guide by Dragonzmaster3

AD Carry Vayne, the Night Hunter In-Depth AD Carry Guide.

AD Carry Vayne, the Night Hunter In-Depth AD Carry Guide.

Updated on November 22, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Dragonzmaster3 Build Guide By Dragonzmaster3 6,704 Views 8 Comments
6,704 Views 8 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Dragonzmaster3 Vayne Build Guide By Dragonzmaster3 Updated on November 22, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Cleanse


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash



Hey there everyone, My name is Dragonzmaster3 and this is my third guide, a guide to the Night Hunter, Vayne. ALL my item choices, rune choices, masteries choices and skill sequence choices will all be explained as you progress through the guide. I am open to any criticism, but if you decide to criticize something, PLEASE read ALL of the guide through before you do so. Same counts for downvoting: If you decide to downvote, PLEASE read the guide through instead of just taking a quick look at the cheatsheet.
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For the runes I run the standard AD Carry rune build.


Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

Attack Damage Quintessences and Marks gives you a nice Attack Damage bonus. The Defensive Armor Seals will help you survive the early game against other AD Carries like Graves. The Defensive Magic Resistper level Glyphs will help you out later on in the game where you will be facing alot of Magic Damage. There are many ways of running runes on Vayne.

Other Choices


Phase Rush
You may run these if you want the extra health later on in the game. WILL damage your early game even more. Not Recommended.


Phase Rush
You may run these instead of per level seals if your opponents have some strong early Magic Damage.


Fleet Footwork

You may run these for surviving the teamfights later on. Vayne has a very low base Health and will die very fast. You can take flat Health too!
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Attack Damage, as well as helping you with last hitting. Butcher will help you to last hit minions. If you don't want this spec it to somewhere else. Alacrity gives you some nice Attack speed to help you proc those Silver Bolts faster. Weapon Expertise gives you some really nice Armor Penetration], which will really help you out later on. Deadliness will increase your Attack Damage as well. Lethality gives your crits really nice power: Combined with Infinity Edge and Phantom Dancer this will just wreck your enemies like paper. Vampirism so i can get Sunder . Sunder gives you some really nice Armor Penetration as well.
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Abilities Explained

Night Hunter (Passive): Vayne ruthlessly hunts evil-doers. She gains bonus Movement Speed when moving toward nearby enemy champions.

Tumble: Vayne tumbles, maneuvering to carefully place her next shot. She rolls toward the cursor and her next attack deals bonus damage.

Silver Bolts: Vayne tips her bolts with a rare metal, toxic to evil things. The third consecutive attack or ability against the same target deals a percentage of the target's maximum Health as bonus true damage. (Max damage vs. Monsters is capped)

Condemn: Vayne draws a heavy crossbow from her back, and fires a huge bolt at her target, dealing damage and knocking them back. If they collide with terrain, they are impaled, dealing bonus damage and stunning them.

Final Hour: Readying herself for an epic confrontation, Vayne gains increased Attack Damage, stealth during Tumble, and quadruple the bonus Movement Speed from Night Hunter.
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Skill Sequence

There are MANY ways in which to skill order. It all depends on the situation.
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

This is the standard skilling order i use. Use this if you need the Cooldown Reduction on Tumble, or if you don't know which one else you should use.
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Maxing Silver Bolts first will greatly increase your mid game damage, but your tumble will have an awfully long cooldown till about level 13. Use this skill order if the enemy has nobody who could possibly get close enough to kill you, like Jax. ( Condemn him when he gets close, and he wont be able to proc his stun and will only be able to deal damage through Leap Strike, which is like getting hit by Essence Flux). I do not recommend skilling this way if the enemy can easily focus you down.
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

If you have a support like Alistar, you will be able to land a easy Condemn, that when maxed first does great damage. High risk high reward. If you have a support who has no stuns or knockups that can directly disable your target, I don't recommend skilling this way as it will be hard to Condemn someone into a wall.
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Core Build

Item Sequence

Phantom Dancer 2800
Infinity Edge 3300
Guardian Angel 3200

These are the items you'll want to get in almost any game you play. If you're a fan of Bloodthirster, you may get this before you buy Infinity Edge, it all depends on your playstyle. If you're laning with Nunu & Willump, I recommend getting Bloodthirster before Phantom Dancer because of Nunu & Willump's awesome attack speed debuff.

Full Build

Item Sequence

Doran's Blade 450
Doran's Blade 450
Phantom Dancer 2800
Infinity Edge 3300
Bloodthirster 3400
Guardian Angel 3200
This is a very cost-efficient item: You will have about 2 or 3 free inventory slots on you early in the game, so why not buy 2 very cost-efficient Doran's Blade's? Sell them later on when you need more inventory slots for your bigger items.

This is the most important item in your build. You will need this in order to proc your Silver Bolts faster: The faster you can proc Silver Bolts, the more damage you will do, especially to heavy tanks. I advise you to rush this item as soon as possible.

This big sword is the king of late game damage. it combines really well with the mastery Lethality and the item Phantom Dancer, giving it deadly damage. As i said before, you may get Bloodthirster before you get this, all depending on the situation and your playstyle: But I recommend getting this before the 30 minute mark.

This is one of the best AD Carry defense items: Since you're the enemies' highest priority, and since you're Vayne, whose survivability sucks, this item will really help you out. In a teamfight, you'll litteraly be invulnerable for about 3-4 seconds, and then get revived again, not to forget about the awesome Armor and Magic Resist it gives. Since you're Vayne, you may get this earlier than you normally would, simply because Vayne's defenses are really bad.

Situational Items

These are the items you may get in some situations to help you out against certain things.

If the enemy has high amounts of Crowd Control, and Cleanse isn't enough, you may get this. With some good timing, this item will save you from something you normally would have died from. Remember to smartcast this.

If the enemy has someone whose damage output depends alot on a combo, like Diana, this item will completely screw them over. It can make them unwilling to focus you, and it will reduce their damage greatly, not to forget about the mana and Magic Resistance this item gives.

If you just need a bit of Magic Resistance that isn't too expensive, this item can be considered. It gives both Attack Damage and Magic Resistance, while not being too expensive.

Personally I do not like this item on Vayne, but it does give some nice speed and Attack Damage, while having a armor-shredding passive.

Your enemies stacking Armor? This item will counter those pesky armor stackers by giving you 40% Armor Penetration, not to forget about the extra Attack Damage it gives.

Already explained above.

If you're dying too quickly, you may consider this item for both the Health and slow it gives.

If you're in the late game and your inventory is full, you can spend your extra money on [Oracle's Elixir], and the other consumable Elixirs.
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Summoner Spells


This is a perfect summoner spell for Vayne, if not all AD Carries. Vayne is very vulnerable to cc and should you get hit by something like Taric's Dazzle in a teamfight your enemies would be able to burst you down before you could react. This is what you have Cleanse for. It will save your life if used correctly. If the enemy has any hard CC, pick this up over Ignite at all costs.

Flash is probably one of the best Summoner Spells. It works really well on almost any champion, and should be used on almost every champion. It allows you to get out of situations you would otherwise have died in, and allows you to kill enemies you otherwise couldn't have killed. A must-have for Vayne.

Other Choices

This is the summoner spell I take if the enemy has no hard CC. Ignite Counters Heal with its healing reduction effect, and most AD Carries grab Heal and Ignite. It allows you to kill your opponents more easily with its crazy damage and will secure a first blood and any other kill if used correctly.

This is another Summoner Spell I would pick up in some cases. Currently, Ignite Counters Heal by reducing its healing, which is why I prefer Ignite over this. It will still heal pretty much even with Ignite on, so if you don't want Ignite grab this up.

If your support doesn't pick this up for some reason, you can do it. It allows you to completely shut down any AD Carry for 2 seconds by reducing their damage by a sick 70%, and will turn the fight around if used at the right time.
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Final Hour

It is very important to know when to use Final Hour and when not to use Final Hour. Time it so that you will get the most damage and survivability out of it. For example: You have just used Condemn on a Ashe to a wall and made her vulnerable. Now, if you use Final Hour right after you hit her to the wall, you will gain the most damage and movespeed out of it. If you used it later on, you wouldn't get too much damage out of it and perhaps Ashe would have survived. Always find the appropriate time to use Final Hour.
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When To Pick Vayne

It is never a good idea to pick Vayne as the first pick. Your enemies can easily counterpick you with someone like Malphite. Take a good look at the enemy team: Do they have anyone with strong knockups? do they have any assassin with high burst damage? If they have, think twice about picking Vayne. Malphite, who has a very strong knockup, can easily disable you for a rough 2.00 seconds without you being able to react, letting his team instantly burst you down, especially if they have that high burst damage assassin. as said, Vayne has really weak defenses, and can easily be bursted down. It does not matter if the AD Carry ''counters'' you, because ALL AD Carries counter Vayne. Except for Ashe and Tristana, but they are late game AD Carries as well. Expect to have a rough laning phase when you pick Vayne.
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Laning Phase

For the Laning Phase, I cannot stress enough how EXTREMELY careful you should play. Keep in mind, you are the AD Carry with the weakest laning phase. Try to dodge all the skillshots you can with Tumble, like Graves Buckshot. Whomever your Support is, tell him NOT to pick an aggressive Support, because Vayne is weak in lane and therefore an aggressive Support would be useless with Vayne. Instead, tell him to pick a defensive Support. If you get fed, don't be afraid to play aggressive, though. always look for an opportunity to knock your opponent into a wall and get off some damage and perhaps a kill. If your Jungler comes to gank, try to Condemn the squishiest opponent, like Ashe, for a sure kill. Keep in mind that you still die very fast, so do not overextend.
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So, the Laning Phase has ended, and hopefully you survived it with a decent farm and no deaths. Your most important task will be to position yourself nicely, and deal as much damage as possible in the meantime. You are the highest threat for the enemy team, so they will do all what they can to try and kill you. Remember, it is not always the best idea to use Final Hour just when the teamfight starts. Sometimes, it is wiser to do it when you get targeted by the enemy, as you will be able to move faster and have invisibility during Tumble. Tell whomever can protect you well to keep a good eye on you, because you will need all the protection you can get. Do NOT move into the middle of the teamfight, and do NOT overextend. save your Condemn to knock away anyone who decides to focus you down. Don't use your Tumble for damage. it slows your autoattacks down because of it's animation. Use it to position yourself better, dodge skillshots and escape the enemy.
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Who To Focus?

I've heard LOTS of people saying this: '' Vayne why you no killing Ashe !!!''. This is just ridiculous: You shouldn't be focusing a certain target. Why? If you go for their high threats, usually their AD Carry or AP Carry, You'll IMMEDIATELY get focused down and die in a few seconds. Therefore, you should focus the one nearest to you, even if he has Warmog's Armor Frozen Mallet and 4000 Health, no matter what your team says. You just CAN'T get near their high threats without dying. Remember, if someone try to kill you, kite them, and tell your team/support to help you out.
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Support Pairings

I will not go in total depth with the supports because its just too much text.

Best Choice

Good Choices

Bad Choices


This is just the best support out there for Vayne. He is very defensive and can protect Vayne very well with his slowing abilities. But the main reason that he's the best support for Vayne is because of his Blood Boil that increases Attack speed and Movement speed. Vayne benefits very well from Attack speed and Movement speed, as well as good protection. Whomever your support is, always tell them to take Nunu & Willump if they can.

Like Nunu & Willump, he can protect Vayne really well with his knockups and knockbacks. In the teamfights, he is just excellent at protecting Vayne.

She has a good shield that increases your damage, and a Howling Gale that can protect Vayne, not to mention she has Monsoon that when in good hands can turn the tide of a battle.

While also a very aggresive support, Taric has a healing spell, and a stun and a spell that gives you armor, making him able to protect you really well.

Her heal increases your attack speed, and as said, Vayne benefits nicely from Attack speed. Her protection isn't too good, so perhaps shes not the best choice.

She has some very nice debuffs, I can't remember them all, but she has a strong healing, a strong movespeed debuff and armor debuff, and a nice ultimate to protect you with.

She has some really strong healing spells that can make your laning a whole lot easier, and can protect you really well in the teamfights.

Her ultimate allows you to survive a big burst in the teamfights, and has a nice movespeed debuff that also heals.

She can greatly increase your movement speed, which Vayne benefits really well from, and she can protect her well with her ultimate, shield and hex.

He's just way too aggressive a support for Vayne. you wont be able to convert on his Rocket Grab's and burst damage because your laning is weak, and will ultimately just give your enemies a advantage.

He does not have any ways of healing you in lane, and cannot protect you good enough apart from his ultimate. You'll get destroyed in lane.

Her kit just doesn't function with Vayne. Her shield is not the strongest and takes time to land, and has absolutely no ways of protecting Vayne apart from her shield.
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Heres the Credits

IceCreamy8 for inspiring me to make this guide!

Videos are all played and made by Doublelift from CLG.NA
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End Of My Guide

Thanks everyone for reading my Vayne guide. I hope this guide helped make you a better Vayne player. Feel free to criticize me or give me suggestions, I'd love to answer you back! Remember to up-vote my guide if you liked it, thanks! If you want to talk with me, discuss or play with me, feel open to join my chat channel on EU Nordic/East, ''Dragonzmaster3'' I'd gladly talk to anyone who comes! I will usually be there, except for when I am sleeping or in school, though I am sometimes AFK, aka away from keyboard. If you liked this guide, i'm sure you'll like my Vladimir and Ezreal guide as well! Thanks again for reading my guide, and see ya! You don't have to read the section below if you only came to read about the guide. it's optional.

Before you go out there and own with Vayne, have some inspiration from this montage:)
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EXTRA!!!!!! *Not about guide*

I wish to someday become a Famous league of legends player, and I am looking for a good team. If you're a good league of legends player with a good team, I'd really like to join you!!! I can take a role as AD Carry or AP Carry in your team, and I promise I wont disappoint if you recruit me! Just come to my chat room on EU/Nordic East, ''Dragonzmaster3'' and talk to me! If you're a team from Europe West, you can make a account on EU/Nordic East, and if I find your team really good, i'll transfer my account to EU West!
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