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League of Legends Armor Penetration

Armor Penetration, Armor Reduction & Lethality

Armor Penetration, Armor Reduction and Lethality are the statistics of a Champion which allows them to counter some or all of a target's armor. All champions have 0 base armor penetration but can increase it with items, runes, or abilities for a few champions.

Armor penetration and armor reduction are applied in the following order:

1. Flat armor reduction
2. Percentage armor reduction
3. Percentage armor penetration
4. Lethality

Lethality grants a flat amount of armor penetration based on the user's level. The amount of flat armor penetration granted by your current lethality stat is calculated using the following formula:

Flat Armor Penetration = Lethality x (0.6 + 0.4 x level / 18)

List of Armour Penetration Instances


List of Lethality Instances


List of Armor Reduction Instances


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Quite Nomible (29) | October 21, 2014 9:42am
Last Whisper recipe price is 1065 instead of 1025.
The Brutalizer recipe prize is 617 instead of 537.
Black Cleaver recipe prize is 1263 instead of 1188, total cost is 3000 (error in the tooltip).

The armor penetration for Wukong's Crushing Blow is rescaled to 10/15/20/25/30% and Shyvana's Flame Breath no longer reduces armor.

The S4 masteries now include Devastating Strikes .
DarkAkumaLord (61) | April 13, 2013 5:27pm
Oh banana man you scouty boy.
Meiyjhe (539) | April 13, 2013 2:30pm
God this was outdated, updated the stats

Hmm... Maybe more stuff is outdated, maybe I will have something to do this weekend after all :D
Yuki Artwaltz (1) | April 13, 2013 2:22pm
Belatedly: yes, all the reductions stack, but the percent ones are multiplicative. The only cap, as far as I'm aware, is 0 Armor, but I could be wrong there too.

Also this page is out of date as of Season 3.
RIGGOLOL | August 18, 2012 11:57pm
hey, couple of questions... Does Tarics shatter stack with nasus circle thingy and is there a cap for armour pen like with CD reduction?
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