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Vayne Build Guide by Meth

AD Carry Vayne's Unappreciated Guide

AD Carry Vayne's Unappreciated Guide

Updated on December 30, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Meth Build Guide By Meth 1,530 Views 0 Comments
1,530 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Meth Vayne Build Guide By Meth Updated on December 30, 2015
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


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Hi guys! My name is Double Down and I am a Diamond 3 LoL summoner in the PH LoL server.
I made this guide because of what I saw and experienced while using vayne in the ranked games.
I mained vayne in season 4-5 and I reached Diamond from silver 3. Using this build only or anything close to this build. Hope you try it out. :)
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The Items I've put together here are somewhat weird to most vayne players. But it worked for me so it may work on you. Just try it with the same build order.

Why 2 Lifesteal Items? Because you can! And because tanks often build TM so you need something to counter that right? And Besides. You wont Face the Enemy's ADC All the time. You are facing tanks who try to dive you and assasins who try to kill you in an instant. For example is ZED. having your Quicksilver Sash early gives you an edge because it removes his ULT from you.

WHy not BotRK? Because The first thing you master is your Q. It increases your damage when you cast it, why not make it more painful with a B.F. Sword right? And also, I personally View Bloodthirst as a defensive weapon with offensive capabilities since the addition of the shield.
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Just don't use your AUTO ATTACKS. It always depends on the situation. Just last Hit the lowest HP minion and your CS will be higher than you've tried. Also, the slower you kill their wave, the closer they get to your tower which is an ideal position for a gank.
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Just Get an aggressive support and try to keep up. Like Blitz or Thresh or Leona. They will make snowballing alot more faster with their instakills. Just don't miss your condemn on walls as it adds to your utility and disables.
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Pros / Cons


Kiting power
Needs less protect with ult
Doesnt need late game to be strong
Has Hard CC

Hard to master
Short range
If get's destroyed in lane, takes a long time to recover
Glass Cannon
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Meth
Meth Vayne Guide
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Vayne's Unappreciated Guide

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