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Vi Build Guide by BonusSatis

VI is so my New Main, How to Play Guide S7 - BonusSatis

VI is so my New Main, How to Play Guide S7 - BonusSatis

Updated on January 30, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BonusSatis Build Guide By BonusSatis 15,857 Views 2 Comments
15,857 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author BonusSatis Vi Build Guide By BonusSatis Updated on January 30, 2017
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Hey-O it is BonusSatis how is it going guys? Today on “This is so my new main” we are going to be looking at Vi, the Piltover Enforcer.

We are going to be looking at who she is, what she does, how to build her and how to play her.

We will learn how to solve problems with violence and punching. Remember there are two kinds of problems in this world, issues that can be fixed with punching and those that can not.
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A little about the champ

Vi is classified as a fighter/slayer she is a melee champion who is primarily used for jungling, though she can play top lane. She is more along the lines of a diver considering her Q and ultimate ability though with only 1 or 2 damage items on her she is a mean bruser and lethal duelist. Vi is a great all around player, she has great jungle clear, scarily good crowd control, she melts squishes and destroys tanks. And like sona she has a awesome hair color, dude pink hair. :) Hmm! Love me that pink hair. It if that alone does not sell her i don't know what will.
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Vi’s Lore, so she never knew her parents and grew up as a orphan in Zaun, so she comes from the same place as Zac, Urgot and Warwick. She never knew her real name but tattooed on her cheek was the symbol, VI. Everyone called her VI and it stuck.

Side note from me- The VI could be referencing 6 with roman numerals, because apparently the romans lived in and influenced the world history of League of Legends. Or it is just her name, seeing as Riot has never encouraged or pointed to or linked the number 6 with her. It is honestly just her name. Come on the lady does not have a middle or last name, keep it simple people.

Ok back to the lore
Vi was part of many different gangs growing up and had a love for getting into fights and using her fists to settle any and all of the problems life presented to her. Later in life when one job went wrong and many innocent people were going to die she used a mining Golems power gauntlets to break through solid rock and saved the bystanders.

WaitWaitWait, sorry Just one more quick note from me- Now this part is where Riot waved their magical lore wand and just made **** happen.

I promise that was the last time, ok back to the lore.
One day Vi disappears from her life of violence and crime, and after a undisclosed time reappears as the sidekick of the sheriff of Piltover, Caitlyn. So now she fights for good and is equipped with a new pair of hextech gauntlets to help her punch her way to the right side of the law.
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Hang with me guys we will keep this booty face punching train moving quickly,

-Passive- Blast Shield

After using an activatable ability she gains a temporary shield for 10% of her Maxim health for 3 seconds.

-Q- Vault Breaker
This is a two part skill, Part 1 the channel, she is slowed while increasing the range, damage and speed of the skill. Part 2 the the cast, she dashes in the targeted direction dealing damage and applying a knock up to the target.

-W- Denting Blows
This is a purely a passive ability that that once leveled is always on, with every third attack procs for 4 seconds a new passive that ignores 20% armor and does additional damage.

-E- Excessive Force
She stores two passive charges, and when used does a cone shaped area of effect that afflicts all targets with AD damage.

-R- Assault and Battery
Vi locks on and follows the target for a short lived animation stun-n-knock up, which can not be canceled or negated. While traveling to the target champion she knocks aside any champions in her way.
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Ability Tree

For what skills to take on Vi, I have tried all three of her abilities for a first start. I found that starting with her W first was the strongest. Take her E next as you clear jungle faster with it and Lastly her Q.

So - Max her Q first, then her E and lastly her W.

For summoner spells take- smite and flash. I will talk more about flash later but you can do some really fun things when pairing her Q with flash.
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For Vi’s item build, there are as many different builds for her as there is people who love to hate teemo. So this is the most common jungle build for her.

Stalkers Blade with Warrior enhancement
Mercury’s Treads
Trinity Force
Dead Man's Plate
Sterak’s Gage
Guardian Angel

Now what I build is

Stalkers Blade with Warrior enhancement
Boots of Swiftness
Trinity Force
Dead Mans Plate
ZZ’rot Portal
Titanic Hydra

I have fun with these times on her, but really all she needs is trinity force then tank items. Her passive gives her a shield based on her health, so the more health she builds the bigger her shield. So it is easy to switch out the build from there, need more armor or magic resist? Just pick your flavor, if you are feed or just want to have fun get the Titanic Hydra for a stupid amount of crowd control. I get the Boots of Swiftness as they counter the self-slow from the Q, it also gives her a huge map presence when stacked with the Dead Man's Plate. So there you go have fun building on her.
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How to play Vi

Ok so now we know all about her but how do we actually play Vi? Now this video will focus on how to jungle with her and not top lane. For the best jungle clear make sure to properly use her passive and the cone of damage with her E.

For a detailed breakdown, buy hunter's Machete and a refillable potion and start at red buff, it will give you level 2 so you can take your E. Go to the krug camp next. Kill the little one first as you will be able to remove him faster and reduce the amount of damage taken, use your E right away as it will give pop your passive for a shield. When he spawns his baby krugs ignore them for now, attack papa krug and when you have your next stack of E position yourself so it kills the little krugs. Save one stack of your E, and ignore the little kurgs each time they pop out. Properly done you will be able to clear all 4 with one E, and with only one health pot used will send you to blue with only 100 health missing. Use the blast cone flower to hop over to blue, your smite will be up, use it to finish him off. You are now free to gank with a double buff and a filled health bar.

For ganks, her Q is a amazing ination tool, just keep in mind that you do have a self-slow as you wind up. Though if you come in from behind on a champion they have the choice to run towards you which makes it easier to hit them or run away from you and towards your other teammate. So they are kinda screwed either way. Though if they are hard to hit or to really surprise them when your Q is fully charged you can Flash toward them and then hit them with your Q. It is quite the nasty little trick. You can actually flash mid Q if your timing is right to really mess with them by changing the direction of it.
It is surprising how fun it is when you ruin another's players day when you Q Flash them.

When Vi hits level six is when you can really let the pain flow, she can go on quite the ride as people will try to flash or thresh lantern or lee sin kick their way to safety. Nope, once you click your R on them it can not be stopped. It literally can not be stopped, short of death. So, god like ganks can be achieved on even the slipperiest of players. Ult them for a knock up and momentarily stun, then quickly Q them for a slow. Your laner should be able to catch up with you at this time for help securing the kill.

For team fights ult the back liners as every champion you hit on your ride to murder town will be knocked aside and will suffer a very short period of immobility for the length of the animation.
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Tips and Tricks

So that is how to play Vi, now for some tips and tricks on her.

You can auto attack, then use her E to instantly reset her auto attack time skipping her normal attack speed delay.

When fighting, to get the maximum out of her W you have to hit the same opponent three times. Q on the opponent which counts for your first stack, auto attack for a second stack, E for a instant reset giving the third stack. Which will then give additional damage and armor reduction and attack speed.

You can use her E while hitting a tower to kill off any nearby minions, it will not do extra damage to the tower but will help with wave clear.

Her Q followed with her E does amazing wave clear. I know this one is kinda simple but you would be surprised how fast she knocks off the little guys.

In season seven talon gained the ability to jump over walls, whoopty-****ing-doo. Vi has done that from day one so use her Q to jump over walls. Use it to flee from danger or chase for a kill, counter jungle or just have fun moving through solid objects.

This should have probably been mentioned earlier but take Courage of the Colossus on her, her ultimate and Q both count as a knock up so each will give her a shield. So not only does she get her passive shield but she also gets the shield from Colossus, and she is pretty OP with them, just sayin, she just does not die.
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Late Game/Recap

had so much fun playing Vi, I had not spent much time playing with her before i did this video but she is definitely a new favorite. She can

1v1 fight,
break tanks,
murder squishies,
and is a all around amazing champion.

When you hit the late game with her you will have backliners running from you, frontliners scared, and will be able to team fight like a boss. I don't know to get you to understand how much fun she is, but dang she was a blast. I never knew punching my lifes problems in the face could be so damn entertaining. So if you enjoy being a S+ jungler that can carry your team, then Vi is the champion for you.
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A Little About Me and More Information

Ok guys this was my ‘This is so my new main’ on VI, if you enjoyed it give this a thumbs up, if you have any thoughts or comments go ahead and put those below. If you enjoyed this check out my youtube page and the video that goes with this build.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BonusSatis
BonusSatis Vi Guide
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VI is so my New Main, How to Play Guide S7 - BonusSatis

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