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These masteries are honestly perfect for Vi. It gives her great clear speed and early pressure so if you fall behind just a tad then you can fall back on your masteries and HOPEFULLY they will save you. You can go for a completely tank build on Vizzle, so if you do decide to then you can go 9, 21 (if you want).
These items are all really good on Vi and it completely covers her mid game (which some say she falls behind in. After the elder lizard (or Golem) you will start to need a bit of health other wise you will just get destroyed. The frozen mallet has great utility and gives Vi just that little bit more CC. It is personally my favorite item on vi because of the attack damage and health buff. After that you will need more damage so The black Cleaver is most definitely the way to go. Then... JUST BUILD TANKY. It is super duper simple
Now with the skill sequences, a lot of Vi players to take there E first but i don't like taking it because when your getting help from laners your w clears like a maniac. Then you can take your q first but i hate taking it because you E helps SOOOOO much. After that gank lanes with your q, and you will be sat!
When playing Vi it is very important to play aggressive. But keep in mid that if you somehow fall behind then FARM FARM FARM. As i said earlier Vi is my favorite and i have a 100% win rate with her. So PLEASE respect the VIolence. Ty for reading my guide and i really hope you like it. If you have any questions then feel free to post a comment. Thanks! BYE!
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