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Vi Build Guide by Wolfireheart

AD Offtank Vi, the Summoners Rift Enforcer.

AD Offtank Vi, the Summoners Rift Enforcer.

Updated on September 7, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Wolfireheart Build Guide By Wolfireheart 3,056 Views 0 Comments
3,056 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Wolfireheart Vi Build Guide By Wolfireheart Updated on September 7, 2014
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LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


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Hello and welcome to my first ModaFire guide, to introduce myself my name is Wolfireheart. I'm on the NA servers, and Vi is definitely my favorite jungler to have on my team, so why not work on a guide with her.
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Always start at your blue, this mana hungry girl benefits from it more than anything else, after that take wolves, wraiths, and red, then start ganking for your team.

A great thing to remember is that you can hit E while charging your Q and you will have it ready when you slam their face in, you can also flash while charging it in order to extend it's range.

Never start a gank with you ulti, wait for them to begin escaping and shut down their hope.
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Don't be afraid to get creative, builds vary per situation, and I can never tell you what's right at that time through a guide.

Be sure to stay aware of your enemies items, and skill potential.
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I hope you enjoyed my first MobaFire guide, and I wish for constructive comments to help me understand what I should work on much more.

Happy ganking!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Wolfireheart
Wolfireheart Vi Guide
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Vi, the Summoners Rift Enforcer.

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