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+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order ---------------ABILITIES -------------------------
Sovereign's Domination (PASSIVE)
Viego Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Champion Build Guide
1) _______PROS________
- Good in jungle cleaning (+)
- Can build CARRY can be TANK (+)
- NO Mana and Energy (+)
- Good for 1v1 fights (+)
2) _______CONS________
- Low mobility
- SQuishuy
- Good in jungle cleaning (+)
- Can build CARRY can be TANK (+)
- NO Mana and Energy (+)
- Good for 1v1 fights (+)
2) _______CONS________
- Low mobility
- SQuishuy

Whenever an enemy champion is killed by Viego or dies within 3 seconds of being damaged by him, a Mist Wraith spawns from their corpse for 8 seconds. Viego can basic attack a Mist Wraith to possess it, heal himself for 8% (+2.5% per 100 bonus attack damage) (+1.5% per 100 ability power) (+250% bonus attack speed) of the target's maximum health, and blink to its location after winding up for 1 second, during which he is untargetable (except to turrets).
Possession lasts for 10 seconds and replaces Viego's basic attacks, basic abilities, items, base stats (depending on Viego's level), and appearance with the champion the Mist Wraith was summoned by and grants him a free cast of Heartbreaker that is initially placed on a 1.5-second cooldown. Viego also gains 10% bonus movement speed while moving toward nearby enemy champions during this time.
Viego cannot use item actives, consumable items, nor the shop while under possession.
Viego will preserve his current health percentage between transformations.

Viego's basic attacks deal 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6% of target's current health in bonus physical damage on-hit. The bonus damage has a minimum threshold of 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 and is capped at 80 against monsters.
Additionally, Viego's damaging abilities apply a mark to enemies for 4 seconds. Viego's next basic attack against a marked target consumes the mark to strike twice, with the second strike dealing (+0.2 attack damage) (+15% of ability power) physical damage and healing him for 150% of the post-mitigation damage dealt, increased to 155% against monsters and reduced to 100% against minions. The second strike is affected by critical strike modifiers and, while not under possession, it applies on-hit effects at 100% effectiveness.
ACTIVE: Viego thrusts his blade in the target direction, dealing 25 / 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 (+0.6 attack damage) physical damage to enemies hit, increased by 0−75% (depending on critical strike chance), and 10 bonus physical damage against monsters.
Blade of the Ruined King's passive remains under possession.

Viego charges while being slowed by 15% for up to 3 seconds to increase Spectral Maw's mist missile range and stun duration over the first second of the channel. Spectral Maw can be recast at any time within its duration.
If the charge completes without reactivation, Spectral Maw is canceled and goes on full cooldown.
RECAST: Viego hurls a blast of mist in the target direction and dashes a fixed distance of 300 in the same direction, though not through terrain. The mist deals 80 / 135 / 190 / 245 / 300 (+100% of ability power) magic damage to the first enemy struck and stuns them for 0.25−1.25 seconds (depending on channel time).
If the charge is interrupted, Spectral Maw resumes a reduced 3-second static cooldown. Spectral Maw resets Viego's basic attack timer. Viego can cast any of his abilities while dashing.

ACTIVE: Viego sends a spectre in the target direction that creates a trail of mist along its path which lasts 8 seconds. The mist spreads around the first instance of terrain encountered.
While inside the mist, Viego gains 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50% bonus attack speed and, if he is not attacking or casting, he becomes camouflaged and gains 20 / 22.5 / 25 / 27.5 / 30% (+4% per 100 ability power) bonus movement speed.
Declaring a basic attack or casting an ability will break the camouflage and remove the bonus movement speed, preventing Viego from gaining them again for 0.6 seconds, refreshing upon further attacks and ability casts. Harrowed Path can be cast during any of Viego's abilities.

ACTIVE: Viego discards his current possession if he has one and gains displacement immunity over the cast time, then blinks to the target location.
Upon arrival, Viego creates a blast that deals 120% AD physical damage to all nearby enemies, increased by 0−75% (depending on critical strike chance), and knocks back all but one up-to 400 units away depending on proximity.
The most wounded enemy champion, alternatively the closest one, is not knocked back and instead takes the blow from Viego's blade, which deals 15 / 20 / 25% (+3% per 100 bonus attack damage) of target's missing health in bonus physical damage, slows them by 99% for 0.5 seconds, and applies on-hit effects at 100% effectiveness.
If a possession is discarded, Heartbreaker will be placed on a 1.5-second cooldown if it is not already on cooldown.
Mythic ITEM

Kraken Slayer
new Kraken Slayer brings potential because it synergizes well with many items, along with your Q passive which scales with max health.
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