!!!!!CANCER CANCER CANCER!!!!! Fuck this cockblock bitch. You could one shot her to oblivion but the bullshit egg will cuck you and the jg might come to rek you
Poo poo on you early outscale you late matchup is a hard dodge if you are new but can be taken advantage of for experienced players. Try to AWLAYS i mean ALWAYS use Super Q to trade start with an auto and if he Qs you wait for the shield to run out then succ him. Your abilities are AP based so it wont do a metric ton of damage compared to other champs but your Autos are AD and they do full damage. Always try to squeeze in Autos any opportunity you find because he cant defend against it
Zoes easiest matchup is Vlad and getting triple ignited is like cock and ball torture which i have fallen prey to on multiple occasions. Matchup is fairly simple/decent if you play by 3 main principles: 1.Dodge her bubble by standing behind minions/ using pool to dodge is never a bad thing dont hesitate, 2. Dodging her Q is really simple and you should avoid it because its damage you dont have to take just stand behind minion but not close enough for the splash to hit you. You run her down if you can trade whenever she finishes throwing her Q and if shes low enough just one shot her. She becomes useless if she behind
Pokes you out of lane. You better improve on dodging skillshots for thing matchup. Take DShield dodge everything you can, use pool ONLY for his stun and dont be afraid to almost int for poke since you heal it back. Once hes low enough oneshot him. After large rod you can poopoo on him even through barrier
Pokes you out of lane ask for ganks when you can. Try to farm as much as possible try to heal from raptors too. Take DShield. Again, if you can dodge skillshots like Faker you win this matchup as he cant damage you but you have a point-and-click Q
Really annoying perma pushes you, space aids hurt like hell try to auto him to take his shield off and run him down pre 6. if you get 6 first take his shield off and use E+Q and autos to lower his health then all in when your CDs are up. If he ults you just use your ult Q+E+W and ignite and you should heal your health back and just kill him
Windwall stops E thats it. He hurts a lot but you hurt more. Bait his wall with your E perma poke him with Q but beware if his nado. When hes low enough just oneshot him
Kinda skill matchup, he hurts big time early game but hes non existent mid to late. Lvl 1-2 dont be afraid to Auto+Q him early for poke to E+Flash+Q+Ignite for early cheese but if he goes W second beware of the shurikens. Level 6+ try not to get low so he cant all in, even if he does, he comes out behind you so face one way then ult behind you E+W so you are safe and dodge as much as you can. If you do enough damage he will be out of energy and you can run him down if you have ignite but if not then back off.
big scary if you get hit by anything that poisons you, you will get absolutely destroyed. Dodge her Q when possible but you can ez outrade if she misses Q. Late game shes oneshot candy with the adc even if she build tanky
Annoying af ez to feed him just take Dshield and if you need to, buy corrupting potions. Sacrificing some HP for farm might become a necessity but as long as you dont get dangerously low ~40% hp. Just farm you outscale him or if you get the chance trade with Auto+Q even if you lose the trade you still win it because of your sustain
Annoying af you can actually take cull or DRing into this matchup and perma farm or trade. Her early trades beat yours but you heal so you win either way. After large rod you just barely beat her wait for 6 and poke her as much as possible then one shot combo and look to push wave and roam after you back
For new players this matchup is rhinoceros asscheeks but all you have to do is take DRing and farm undertower its that simple just scale kill anyone you can in teamfights and hope your team can kill her. You can cheese early but its somewhat difficult
Annoying as all hell but you can just perma farm and be fine try to keep wave frozen and outscale him
Annoying ass champion to play against very oppressive. Trade with Auto+Super Q it hurts even through his shield. Try to dodge his laser when possible use pool if you feel like you are gonna get stunned by his W
Stomps Blood Newbs but experienced Bloodlords will know this matchup is fairly easy. When she Ws just Auto+Q+Auto and you will be fine. Wait till 6 ignite her before she gets 50% hp and all in, ignite will show who is the real and who is the clone
Twisted Fate
This matchup kinda sucks as you cant really kill him unless you perma poke or ask for ganks or try to limit test and all in and it works. Try to stop him from roaming by pushing in wave outscale him
UNHOLY DAMAGE WITH HIS PASSIVE. Jesus does this guy hurt. you can outrade him all the time as long as he doesnt hit you with his bleed. If he throws his W move sideways to dodge it coming back. If you do it successfully Auto+Q and auto until you feel like his CDs are back up. Try to always trade with Super Q. Once he hits 6 if he uses his ult try to play reactively in the sense that you can pool his damage before he ults you like Syndra ult you can just poke him down and set up the one shot but be careful of his passive
Really annoying since his W heals him back to full along with his insane AP ratios he hurts a lot and can duel really well. Ask for ganks to make it easier on you. Pre-6 freeze wave under tower and poke him he can only Q you . After 6 Use Q+Autos to poke him down all in but make sure to ignite. Tip: your pool denies his healing and puts it on CD
Pretty annoying matchup, pre-6 ONLY IF YOU HAVE TO use pool to dodge his grab if you are low. You can perma poke him because you outsustain him but his crows heal him so dont get pulled. Focus farm hes tanky and hard to kill early before you have large rod. 6+ dodge whatever you can, ignite him when he ults all in dont use pool until you think hes gonna use his ult's blast wave
Annoying af pokes you early and has good sustain. Scales really well, you will never oneshot him late but you can early if you get a gank or if you get him low enough somehow. Pre-6 stay away from your minions so he has to choose to poke you or farm. Hes gonna perma push so just freeze under tower and wait for jg or just perma farm. You are better than him in teamfights so scale and wait for your chance. Late game you can duel him if you have Spirit visage but you NEED to ignite him to reduce his healing and it will be fairly close as to who wins. Cannot lane against him tho so just scale
Hurts SO MUCH early game. Dodge whatever you can whenever you can. Try to pool her ult and just duel her. Shes really squishy so just one shot her 6 after poking her to like 60% hp
Annoying and doesnt let you farm at all but if you bait her Q just run up to her and do as much damage as possible but dont all in. When shes low enough just one shot her. A good ori can make your lane hell
beware of her Q when it comes back and dodge charm and shes more helpless than any adc vs Caitlyn
you can just farm and outscale but if you wanna trade try to make sure you have Super Q or dodge her Q
Laning phase is kinda rough because of his poke dont be afraid to literally almost int trading with him he doesnt heal shit. Take DShield and you are good
you can pool her stuns, if she zooms towards you with stun and is 6+ try to predict ult but normally you just oneshot her just be careful of stuns
You can bully tf outta him pre 6 try to dodge Qs so he doesnt get his 3-hit passive. After 6 you can deal with him 2 ways: 1. Fight him wait till he ults then you ult him and all in, 2. All in him and make sure to ignite before he ults to screw his healing then run him down, your ult follow him after he ults
Farming lane, you can kill him but it will take ages you will be level 8 before you even get close to it. Good matchup in the sense that you can scale from permafarming
Bully early because hes ranged and has no escape pre-3 you poop on him until 6 then bait his E or oneshot before he can even think about it.
Dodge her Daggers if she ults just pool it. Poker her to about half health, if you are lvl 6 and have a large rod just all in she cant do shit
You can kill him just stay behind minions for his Q dodge the knockup with your pool pre-6 and dodge his ult 6+ get him low and set up for the oneshot just be wary of his 3 hit passive
This is a very easy matchup. Yes, her Qs hurt, a lot. But if you play around her orbs and make sure you are not in danger of being stunned you are chillin. Trade with Q+Autos and you should be fine use E whenever shes close enough and you feel like you can poke her safely. If you see her ult you just pool and it doesnt do damage
Annoying early literally kills you level 3 with ignite. perma poke and if he tried to stun you just pool it, you dont get stunned and he get it on CD. then just run him down. If he shields then use phase rush to walk behind him
Annoying early try to pool her root and if she roots you lvl 6 just stay rooted and try to pool her ult but duel her. If she ults you ult her before you pool and all in after she drops down make sure to ignite so you can tell her from her clone
Aurelion Sol
He pokes you a good bit but Super Qs chunk him hard so just wait till 6 and one shot him
wtf dog champ just farm till 6 and blast him back to fountain
Not even a threat in my opinion. You can pool through his cage and you outdamage him early. Take DRing and just perma poke him, all in lvl 6 his cage and W are useless
EZ matchup use pool to dodge her ult 6+ or root pre-6. Poker her and just set up for the one shot
group people up for a 5 man ult, no way you lose
same as Rakan
Taunt is insane during teamfights especially because anyone taunted groups up
can taunt multiple people for a big ult
can knock multiple enemies into your ult for big damage
Weird synergy but his ult in teamfights can help you position for a big ult
Very strong as he can jump in whenever and Q to people together for an ez 2 man ult. Zac can bait the enemy to follow him or just cc them for vlad to get in position and get a huge ult.
group people up for a 5 man ult, no way you lose
same as Rakan
Taunt is insane during teamfights especially because anyone taunted groups up
can taunt multiple people for a big ult
can knock multiple enemies into your ult for big damage
Weird synergy but his ult in teamfights can help you position for a big ult
Very strong as he can jump in whenever and Q to people together for an ez 2 man ult. Zac can bait the enemy to follow him or just cc them for vlad to get in position and get a huge ult.
Hello, my name is BCota. I am 19 years old, currently living in California. I am a Vladimir one-trick and have been maining him for just under a year. I have been playing league since around Season 8 or end of 7 I can't remember. I can play many other champs and any role but I prefer mid vlad since he is so good at going 1v9.
Why pick Vlad? When is he a bad pick?
Vladimir is NEVER a bad pick. He synergizes well with any team comp simply because of his kit. You should pick Vlad because he has by far the best sustain in laning phase and outside of laning phase unless you are against Karma mid with grasp biscuits and time warp tonic, but that's situational. He can be built as an AP bruiser but he is most commonly built as an AP assassin/tank/bruiser whatever. He is VERY good at oneshotting squishies and dueling anyone else. He is VERY dangerous with flash as well since he has easy access to the backline. His pool Sanguine Pool makes him very hard to gank and makes it easy to survive throughout the game if you need to dodge cc, skillshots, or any other threat. His Q damage is very strong as well, especially when he has Super Q Transfusion, or Crimson Rush. His ult Hemoplague is also very special in the sense that not only does it do damage, it amplifies all damage dealt by 10% if they are hit with it but only before the pop. This makes it incredibly useful during teamfights and should be focused on either oneshotting 2 important squishes (usually always ADC and mid laner) or getting a huge ult (3+ man ult) so your team can dump everything on the enemy team. Even if your team is behind, as long as you are ahead you can get at least 3 kills in a teamfight solo and even get a penta if you are strong enough.
Pros and Cons
+He is very strong mid/late game +able to go 1v9 +One of the best teamfighters in the game +Q goes through windwalls like Samira and Yasuo +Oneshots anyone who doesnt buy MR +Good dueling potential +STRONG SUSTAIN +Has an escape with his W +gains AP with health and health with AP
-Piss weak early game
-Hard time farming against people who outrange him
-if behind, somewhat hard to catchup if you aren't perma-farming 10 cs a min
-FAT CDs early game
-Low base MR and Armor
-Itemization can be kinda expensive
The reason you want to get them to the edge of your pool to protobelt is because they are the perfect distance to hit all the rockets
Laning Phase/ Mid/ Late Game
Laning Phase
Laning Phase is when Vladimir is the weakest. You want to prioritize farm over everything else. You WILL carry if you get to late game. Try to get near perfect cs early game so lvls 1-6 if you can. A kill is 300 gold, so if you feel like you can get a kill its ok to lose MAX 2 waves if they aren't cannon or 1 wave if it is cannon. Personally, when my laner backs or I kill them and I push wave towards their tower, I will take my/their junglers raptors or try to get tower plating and back afterwards. Even if you can't get a kill laning phase, if you go even with your laner it is an automatic win since you will outscale. If you get ahead and are able to shove wave, you can actually roam bot lane for a kill or two or to get your botlane ahead.
Mid Game
Focus on perma-farming and if somehow some way teamfights occur, you have to make a decision. Either ignore it and let your team lose or potentially win, or go to it and try to do as much damage as possible. If the enemy team has a huge threat that you cannot one shot or they are ahead of your team, then it's best to keep farming. If you can oneshot their carries and don't have threats you and your team can't deal with, then it's free. My personal preference is to keep farming but it is situational.
Late Game
Yes, Vladimir's BEST POINT IN THE GAME. IF YOU ARE FULL BUILD ONESHOT THEIR ***ES. You can force any objective you want even if your team is behind, get a huge ult, dump everything, and watch the entire enemy team crumble to pieces. The best situations for late game Vladimir is when the entire enemy team is grouped in Baron Nashor pit or Dragon pit. If your team somehow gets Elder Dragon, don't even bother staying with them, **** them. Run in 1v5 and enjoy your free penta. However, if your team isn't ahead and the enemy team is, you can carry a teamfight by ensuring that at least 2 squishies get instakilled and continue to fight with your team. Again, Vladimir is VERY strong with Flash. Flash allows you to get to the backline easily, so make sure you complete this task swiftly, and you will be gifted LP gains by Riot for free.
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