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If you're already low from Healing, Miss Fortune can kill you easily with her Rebounding Q, or with her Ultimate. Both which can hit you while you're behind an ally.
Akali's threat level depends on your team's ability to peel for you. If you have a good team that can stop her from diving you, then she isn't a threat at all. If not, then run.
Ahri can potentially become a threat to you when she gets ult. Keep away from her and stay behind your team. Have them peel for you and stop her from getting to you, and buy a Banshees Veil and you should be fine.
Alistar is not much of a threat to you, just stay back and away from his dive range and you will be fine. Rely on your ADC to poke the enemy while you just heal them up from incoming trades.
Amumu's threat level depends on your team's ability to peel for you. If you have a good team that can stop him from diving you, then he isn't a threat at all. If not, then run.
Annie is a mild threat to pretty much anyone. Nobody likes bears thrown at them. Banshees Veil would be super effective against her, preventing her from just being able to drop Tibbers on you from the get-go.
Azir can potentially be a mild threat due to the nature of his Q. If he sends his summoned soldiers to attack you in the back line, that can be problem, however, your mobility should be sufficient to get away from them quickly.
A good blitzcrank player can become a huge pain in the neck, pulling your ADC away from you, out of your range to heal them. That can give the enemy the opportunity to get the kill. However, counter play is to stay behind minions and use your Silence and Q to zone the enemies off. Banshees Veil can also help prevent them from hooking you into their team.
Caitlyn can still hit you while youre behind your allies, and when you get low, she can potentially kill you with a long ranged ultimate. Try to stay directly behind someone to have them body block it for you, and heal them nicely in return.
It would be your worst nightmare if Camille ulted you. Avoid that at all costs. However, with a good team, it should be relatively easy to keep her off of you. And with your mobility, you should be able to keep a safe distance. Just watch out for her wall slings.
Very immobile, but very tanky late game. Just try to use your movement speed to your advantage, keep a safe distance and dodge his abilities. Rely on your team to kill him while you heal them. Keep away from his Silence, as that can prevent you from being able to heal your team!
Corki is a slightly mild threat to you as he can zip over to you quickly, and he leaves behind a trail thats not safe to walk on. Just be alert, and get Banshees Veil and you should be alright though.
Diana is a champion who can dive you. Stay safely away from her and use your silence skillfully placed on yourself if she does. Depend on your team and banshees veil to protect you from her.
Dr. Mundo
Mundo can get pretty fast, especially if he takes ghost. He can be a big threat to you if he gets Sunfire Cape, since he can pretty much run passed your team and go straight for you. But with enough peel/cc from your team, you should be fine. Place your Silence down in his walking path toward you to stop him in his tracks.
Draven has to get significantly close to you to do damage, but after level 6 his ult might catch you behind your team. Use your mobility to try to avoid it, and keep a safe distance.
Elise is a slightly mild threat. She can jump up and try to get behind your team to get to you. With enough cc and peel from your team, you should be fine. Stay out of the range of the circle when she jumps.
Evelyn is a big threat to you as she can pop up from nothing and delete you instantly. Buy a banshees veil to save you from the insta-burst and that should give you time to react. If needed, you might opt to buy a Zhonyas so your team can take her out when she pops up to focus you while you're in stasis.
Ezreal is a decent threat to you. His mobility with his warp, and his long ranged ult can really get to you. Keep a doubly safe distance and buy banshees veil to protect you.
An enemy fiddlesticks (support mostly) is pretty hard to lane against. His silence can prevent you from healing, and does a decent amount of damage. Try to watch for his ultimate too. Get the banshees veil to protect you. Tenacity works well against his Fear!
Fizz is a high threat level. Watch out for his ult, and his dashes can be used to get behind your team to get straight to you. Get Banshees veil and you should be fine.
Gragas isn't much of a threat, though he can knock everyone away from each other. Typically isn't a problem though.
Hecarim's ability to dive your team and cc them can pose a mild threat, but you should be able to heal your team and have them keep you safe. Banshee's veil and Tenacity are good against him. You can also use your silence preemptively catching him in your snare when he engages.
Heimerdinger can hit you while you're behind your team, but a good banshees veil should protect you. Keep your allies healed up and they can take care of the rest.
Illaoi should not be able to get to you. Just heal your team as they fight her for you. if she grabs someone soul, just place your silence where she's standing. She will either continue to attack the soul to do damage and get stuck in the snare, or she will back off. Either way is a win.
Jinx is an ideal champion for a Soraka. Their kits both include high mobility and are both built for consistent damage throughout the fight. This heavy trading potential allows them to survive burst and continue to trade while enemies are on cooldown.
For a "Kill Lane" partner, Pyke is also a really strong champion who's kit compliments and is complimented by Soraka. I will make another guide and link it here when it's done.
Ezreal is one of the worst adc's you can pair with Soraka, as Ezreal players generally have a tendency to Arcane Shift back to kite. This usually will end up leaving Soraka in the front line, and compromising her position. However, if an Ezreal player can be mindful of Soraka, they can use their Arcane Shift to go sideways instead of backwards, staying in front of Soraka but still kiting enemies.
Jinx is an ideal champion for a Soraka. Their kits both include high mobility and are both built for consistent damage throughout the fight. This heavy trading potential allows them to survive burst and continue to trade while enemies are on cooldown.
For a "Kill Lane" partner, Pyke is also a really strong champion who's kit compliments and is complimented by Soraka. I will make another guide and link it here when it's done.
Ezreal is one of the worst adc's you can pair with Soraka, as Ezreal players generally have a tendency to Arcane Shift back to kite. This usually will end up leaving Soraka in the front line, and compromising her position. However, if an Ezreal player can be mindful of Soraka, they can use their Arcane Shift to go sideways instead of backwards, staying in front of Soraka but still kiting enemies.
Typically, I take Flash and Heal. Flash because of obvious reasons.
I take heal because when I get low from using W, it lets me recover my HP (and heals my ally as well) so that I can continue to Heal my team. I usually tell my ADC to take something like Barrier instead.
Barrier shields for more than what Heal heals for, and has a lower cooldown. This enables your adc to go for more successful trades in lane.
They won't need Heal since you will be there to heal them up, and you will have your Q+W combo to speed them up, as well as Shurelyas Reverie.
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