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Janna Build Guide by Thelambinator

Support ***-Whoopin-**********ing-Janna

Support ***-Whoopin-**********ing-Janna

Updated on April 25, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Thelambinator Build Guide By Thelambinator 2,032 Views 0 Comments
2,032 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Thelambinator Janna Build Guide By Thelambinator Updated on April 25, 2013
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Why I(TheLambinator1) posted a build...

This is not a build that I recommend for soul support players, this is that real shiit that only REAL men can handle, like myself. I was once a non-believer of the Support-Life and thought that only NUBS played "that gay shiit", as I would say. But, something... deep down inside me, urged me to do something with my life and support some mutha-****ahs!!! This build has worked for me in a lot of my 5v5 matches, and I have been saving fools left and right and getting that "warm fuzzy feeling" that I have been looking for since I started playing LOL and now i found it, playing support!
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Summoner Spells

It is very simple, Janna has one way heal: her Ulti. So, therefore, i slapped **********in' heal on that saucy ****. now you have two heals. And the generic everyday FLASH!!!
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The items are not your generic "support" items. Its more of a build for an AP champ, but give me a chance to explain myself. you see Janna has that bad-*** shield that can save your friends that are in a tight situation. And by building an ***-load of AP you get a monster shield. Also, you can do a ****-ton of damage with a Q W combo! Plus, with all that AP your Ulti heals a lot of health for your teammates and can turn around a team fight completely. And COOL DOWN is very important too, lets you slap down shield more frequently.
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This is where i get even more weird with my build. i go with flat armor, flat magic resist, and, wait for it....BOOM! Magic Penetration! "WWWWHHHHHHHAAAAAAA?????", you say? YES! magic penetration, lets you do more damage late game to help in teamfights. and the Quints of gold for all that gold you dont get from killing anyone, but you will have MAD assists.
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I do something pretty dumb for a support: 9-0-21....... very odd, yes i know! but there is a reason for everything my young padawan. it is for all that well needed cool down, magic penetration, magic damage, and gold gathering in the Utility tree. all this is helpful in the long run!
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This is probably the wonkeyist build for Janna that anybody has ever seen on mobafire, but trust me i have been doing oddly great bottom lane with this build, and it dose help to be at least a little skilled...just sayian. but if you dont believe me try it for yourself. and i know this isnt the best build on the site, nor is it the most creative...but it is always fun to try new things...and why nt try this for once? HECK, you might even like it, who knows??
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Thelambinator
Thelambinator Janna Guide
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