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Xin Zhao Build Guide by geri43

Jungle Xin Zhao 9.5 - Lifesteal Jungle build

Jungle Xin Zhao 9.5 - Lifesteal Jungle build

Updated on March 9, 2019
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League of Legends Build Guide Author geri43 Build Guide By geri43 10,311 Views 0 Comments
10,311 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author geri43 Xin Zhao Build Guide By geri43 Updated on March 9, 2019
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Champion Build Guide

Xin Zhao 9.5 - Lifesteal Jungle build

By geri43
Basic guide


Blade of the Ruined King, and Spirit Visage is the core of this build.
With BotRK, you deal 8% of the target champion's health as bonus physical damage. This outputs more damage than any other AD item. And with spirit visage, the heal you receive from BotRK's lifesteal and Xin Zhao's passive ability is also increased.
You essentially stay alive by dealing as much damage as possible using your high burst combo.

Basic combo #1

1. Q
2. E
3. W after third basic attack (knocks enemy up the air)

Basic combo #2

1. E
2. Press Q right after your first basic attack for an instant 2nd attack.
3. W after third basic attack (knocks enemy up the air)

Smite increases your basic attack damage against the target champion, so you can use it to further increase your combo's damage.

Use of ultimate

- Your ultimate knocks back every champion, except the last one you hit with your basic attack, or with your E.
In team fights, you can use it to lock down a single target, and secure the kill for your team by knocking away other enemies. The knock back is also useful when fleeing, or defending your team/turret.

Late game options

While your Guardian Angel is on cooldown (300 seconds), you can replace it with Sterak's Gage, and keep switching them for maximized utility.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author geri43
geri43 Xin Zhao Guide
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