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Annie Build Guide by DaQueenBeyonce

Jungle You wanna Jungle, too? It'll be fun!

Jungle You wanna Jungle, too? It'll be fun!

Updated on February 17, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DaQueenBeyonce Build Guide By DaQueenBeyonce 38,456 Views 2 Comments
38,456 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DaQueenBeyonce Annie Build Guide By DaQueenBeyonce Updated on February 17, 2015
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Alright, I know what you're thinking... "Annie Jungle? No way..." (or maybe not), but Annie Jungle works! Annie is great at short bursts and doing damage quickly and effectively, Which makes her an effective Jungler! What you want to do is get your stun ready by spamming your shield multiple times while running to gank lanes. When you have your stun ready, either use Tibbers or your Q to get some good damage and a stun in, After that, just spam your abilities.
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I added these all together for a quick chapter since it is the same explanation for most.

Runes, Masteries, Items, Skill Selection, and Summoner Spells can be changed to your preference, but the listed choices for the build seem to work the most effectively.
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Ranked Play

Ranked Play with Annie Jungle is rather easy, because she deals so much damage and can stun, so it's a rather effective Jungler.
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Pros / Cons

Pros of Annie Jungle are lots of damage, and the ability to stun and destory everything in your way.

Cons are that she has low health and needs a rather long leash in the beginning, and you may need to take the jungle on one camp at a time for a bit.
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Creeping / Jungling

In the build, I get my W first because the cone of damage is rather helpful for clearing large amounts of enemies quickly.

I recommend going Gromp -> Blue Buff -> Back -> Red Buff -> Truggs, and then roaming and getting other farm or helping lanes.
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Team Work

As Annie Jungle, you steal kills more often then not, and it's almost always an accident. In Late Game, Tibbers does around 1000 damage when spawned, and 300 damage per second in the bubble surrounding him. What you want to do is save Tibbers for team fights, and use your Q a LOT. Go into lanes with your stun ready and use your Q to stun a champ, and let your team mates kill away.
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Unique Skills

Annie's stun is an extremely useful ability. You want to have it active as much as possible. When running into lane, you want to spam your Molten Shield to get the stun ready, or you could even spam Incinerate to get the stun ready. Make sure your stun is ready when you go into fights, because it could be the difference between you winning the fight, or losing.
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Thanks for reading!

Thank you for reading my extremely quickly thrown together guide! If you have any suggestions or find any mistakes, please let me know! Have fun, and see you in the rift!
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