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Ziggs Build Guide by typentica

AP Carry Ziggs Ability Madness in twisted treeline

AP Carry Ziggs Ability Madness in twisted treeline

Updated on June 14, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author typentica Build Guide By typentica 12,229 Views 0 Comments
12,229 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author typentica Ziggs Build Guide By typentica Updated on June 14, 2013
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This is the build I use in League of Legends!:)

Try it yourself and I really like to hear your feedback about it :3


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Pros / Cons


- maximum ability power on feeded enemy when focus fire with the unique active of Deathfire Grasp combined with both altars captured. 720 AP + 20% AP = 866 AP.
- They will underestimate your ability power when high level is reached.
- The boots of mobility gives you the opportunity to run away from a melee enemy who is chasing you.
- The fast increased ability power gives you the power to kill them all with just one ult:)
- Wooglet's witchcap unique active can be used as bate to make the enemy use all there AP/AD when you're feeded, then your teammates and you can counter when active time is passed.
- The Ohmwrecker gives you the possibility to really support your team champions by stunning the turret for the purpose of enemy kill or destroying turret without waiting for your own minions.


- This build is build to use your mana wisely. Don't try to waste it on minions in the beginning but try to make first blood.
- When in battle mostly ziggs will be the target of the enemy because of his squisyness especially when feeded you need to think fast.
- Can't handle 3 champions alone. Mostly needs a melee teammate when not experienced enough with ziggs.
- It's a aggressive deathfire grasp + all ability's except satchel charge action, this means a attack and get ranged action.
- When chased by a ranged enemy champion your mobility boots are worth ****:P
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League of Legends Build Guide Author typentica
typentica Ziggs Guide
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Ziggs Ability Madness in twisted treeline

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