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Ziggs Build Guide by k0b3 3b0k

AP Carry Ziggs OP!

AP Carry Ziggs OP!

Updated on November 21, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author k0b3 3b0k Build Guide By k0b3 3b0k 2,205 Views 0 Comments
2,205 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author k0b3 3b0k Ziggs Build Guide By k0b3 3b0k Updated on November 21, 2013
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Pros / Cons

  • Epic range
  • Heavy damage
  • Epic pusher
  • Nice zoning
  • Good tower sieger

  • Squishy
  • weaker earlygame
  • weak CC
  • team reliant
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Early Game

Keep an eye on your mana bar. Poke him to low health so he can't be agressive then farm as much as posible. before level 4 be very aware for ganks, after you got your satchel charge (W) it is possible to escape ganks.
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Mid Game

When you get your ult try finding events where it could be usefull, steal enemy blue, scare enemys away so teammates can escape safely from ganks etc or just to nuke your enemy to hell. To find these events keep your eye on the minimap. be aware of ganks happening and even predict ganks that are going to happen and help your teammates make the best out of it.
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Late Game

always stay behind your teammates!
Ziggs is an excelent pusher so go push a lane try taking towers.
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Again stay behind your teammates
These are your jobs in teamfighting.
  1. Don't die!
  2. Protect your adc!
  3. Do as much damage as possible
To do this you must use W and E for zoning to lineup your enemies and keep your carries safe.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author k0b3 3b0k
k0b3 3b0k Ziggs Guide
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Ziggs OP!

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