Honestly...we need to come up with more parameters...this was said before the worm was started and got ignored...we should have decided about things like this beforehand.
You never said we had to use a vertical border (which I feel interrupts flow) so I didn't...
You never said we had to use a vertical border (which I feel interrupts flow) so I didn't...
Asmoday, welcome to MobaFire. Yes I am an *** who is also a Vet through absolutely accidental means. I completely hacked Matt and Flash's computers, made myself a vet, rose all my guides to high scores, gave myself all of my rep and boosted my post count for the lulz. Hope you enjoy your stay.
Nameless: I never said you had to use a vertical border o.O I said I was the only one that didn't, which disrupted the flow of border image border image. As Alex said, maybe we should exchange PSDs to allow for better flow. I am not in charge of this Worm, Zesty is, it was up to him to state the parameters, as it were.
Asmoday, welcome to MobaFire. Yes I am an *** who is also a Vet through absolutely accidental means. I completely hacked Matt and Flash's computers, made myself a vet, rose all my guides to high scores, gave myself all of my rep and boosted my post count for the lulz. Hope you enjoy your stay.
Nameless: I never said you had to use a vertical border o.O I said I was the only one that didn't, which disrupted the flow of border image border image. As Alex said, maybe we should exchange PSDs to allow for better flow. I am not in charge of this Worm, Zesty is, it was up to him to state the parameters, as it were.
jhoijhoi wrote:
Nameless: I never said you had to use a vertical border o.O I said I was the only one that didn't, which disrupted the flow of border image border image. As Alex said, maybe we should exchange PSDs to allow for better flow. I am not in charge of this Worm, Zesty is, it was up to him to state the parameters, as it were.
Sharing PSDs! Totally helpful when I'm using GIMP.
Asmoday wrote:
LOL GIMP....Wow.
Might as well be using crayola crayons.
Seems to me that moba isnt going to be known for its GFX capabilities.
Cuz that program is the part that matters.....not how the GFX look when they're completed.
Asmoday: If it makes you sleep better at night, sure, I am an attention *****. Seems funny that an entirely new member knows I am female :)
Nameless: Sharing PSDs wasn't my suggestion, it was Alex's? Why are you getting so angry? It's like I can't say anything at all, at all, without someone snapping at me. All I said was that currently every single piece is clearly defined by some sort of border and a worm is meant to be one continuous piece of art. If I'm wrong on this, correct me please.
Nameless: Sharing PSDs wasn't my suggestion, it was Alex's? Why are you getting so angry? It's like I can't say anything at all, at all, without someone snapping at me. All I said was that currently every single piece is clearly defined by some sort of border and a worm is meant to be one continuous piece of art. If I'm wrong on this, correct me please.
The_Nameless_Bard wrote:
Sharing PSDs! Totally helpful when I'm using GIMP.
You can convert PSD to files usable in gimp. You don't have all the layers and stuff, I think, but you get to see everything and make edits to it.
Sig courtesy of GrandmasterD. Go get your own sig from them. :D
Yeah, I'm kinda creeped out. Makes me want to change my profile information.
On topic though: Why don't we just make it so each person just does what they want to do, with no need for fading/flowing? That way with this worm we can just be creative without worrying about whether it meshes well with the last one?
EDIT: lol, honey, Asmoday, I love you. People like you are the reason why heroes in my stories prevail. Keep up the good work, you're giving me plenty of material to work with.
On topic though: Why don't we just make it so each person just does what they want to do, with no need for fading/flowing? That way with this worm we can just be creative without worrying about whether it meshes well with the last one?
EDIT: lol, honey, Asmoday, I love you. People like you are the reason why heroes in my stories prevail. Keep up the good work, you're giving me plenty of material to work with.
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Yours fades over the top, yes, and Jeffy and Ny used black fades as well, but I think the worm needs to allow for pieces that aren't cookie cut this is mine this is yours sections.
I know I could have tried to make Noob's border somehow flow better into my own work - perhaps by having a black background so one couldn't see where his piece ended. That's the kind of thing we should have all been doing - instead of creating a visible border for the next person, just making sure the end piece is easily replicated or manipulated.