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Ninja Triggers Sig Shop!

Creator: Ninja Trigger October 2, 2014 1:52pm
Ninja Trigger
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Jul 12th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 8, 2014 5:35pm | Report
just do what I do and make stuff for the hell of it :D

it's what I have been doing i'm just to embarrassed to post it since most of it turns out bad but I did go a little overboard with JhoiJhoi's request

jhoijhoi wrote:
Practice with this request :)

Image: Any Ashe splash.
Text: jhoijhoi

+rep in advance and after :3

There was originally 5 but I couldn't figure out how to finish the other two up properly so I will finish them later :)

Now please keep in mind I did do these for practice so it would not hurt my feelings if you didn't use any of them, just let me know which one you liked best and if you have any tips on how to make things look better :)

Also @Amanada I still need to find some time to get a hold of you to get those brushes :)
Sig by xDarkWOlfxz
Emi's Forum Avatar
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Aug 21st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 8, 2014 6:49pm | Report
I really like that last one! The striped lines were really creative :)

I think the main thing that you might want to focus on is the text's placement and blending. Some parts of "jhoijhoi" aren't very visible in the first and second because of these two things. The bright colors with the bright background makes it hard to read, and the placement of the words on top of the focal point makes it even harder. The third one was the best with this aspect, in my opinion, as it was off of Ashe and the color-scheme/style fit the overall signature very well.
Made this sig myself :)
<MOBAFire Mother>
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 9, 2014 12:31am | Report
i'm just to embarrassed to post it since most of it turns out bad but I did go a little overboard with JhoiJhoi's request

Everyone was new once. My first pieces were terrible compared to yours :)

Now please keep in mind I did do these for practice so it would not hurt my feelings if you didn't use any of them, just let me know which one you liked best and if you have any tips on how to make things look better :)

My personal favourite is the first one. I actually really like it. Everything meshes well, the text suits and the size is perfect. Sometimes when an image is scaled down, it loses out in terms of detail, but I feel like what you've done here allows the full splash to be seen, something I don't think I've seen in anyone else's sig with this splash. This is the one going into my signature! In terms of improvement, the only thing I can think of suggesting is possibly a thin border and with regards to the black text behind the pink, maybe aligning it a little more carefully.

The second one, I feel, is a little too long, and a little crowded in the bottom right hand corner, compared to the heap of empty space to the left. Also, I think Ashe's hood looks a little cut off due to the thick border.

The third one is pretty interesting and I like the overall effect. Something that could have been done a little differently to make Ashe pop out, would have been erasing the blur off the render of her. So having the blur and sharpen effects, but not on the render itself.

I know you're using GIMP; GIMP is hard to master, in my opinion. Have you thought about using Photoshop? Thanks so much for the sigs! <3
guide writing tips 'n tricksashes to ashesfancy a sig?

♡ sig by thenamelessbard ♡
<Ancient Member>
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 9, 2014 1:49am | Report
trust me, nothing will ever be as glorious as the signatures I made when I started.

I mean look at this stunning piece of artwork.

In all seriousness:
1. Try different sizes of signatures. Most of the people who make them here keep them in the 500x150-200 range. Set the size before adding artwork though, that makes things more consistent.
2. If a font isn't fairly simple and easy to read on its own, put it in empty space rather than top of your focal. Make sure the color will be easy to read and fit the general scheme.
3. Post things and ask for feedback even if you think they're horrible. It's hard, but sometimes you gotta bite the bullet and do it anyways.
4. Don't hesitate to ask questions about how people do things. Pretty sure both iPodPulse and I are happy to help with GIMP (and plenty of Photoshop techniques do also transfer).
R4GE's Forum Avatar
Jan 31st, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 9, 2014 2:28am | Report
Some of these looks great, but I'm not the one to complain since I can't even make a simply signature '-'

Well done !
Ninja Trigger
Ninja Trigger's Forum Avatar
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Jul 12th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 9, 2014 10:34am | Report
I really like that last one! The striped lines were really creative :)

I think the main thing that you might want to focus on is the text's placement and blending. Some parts of "jhoijhoi" aren't very visible in the first and second because of these two things. The bright colors with the bright background makes it hard to read, and the placement of the words on top of the focal point makes it even harder. The third one was the best with this aspect, in my opinion, as it was off of Ashe and the color-scheme/style fit the overall signature very well.

Thanks for the advice I have been going tough a Font site that Amanda told me about and I have already been finding better Fonts to use

jhoijhoi wrote:

Everyone was new once. My first pieces were terrible compared to yours :)

My personal favourite is the first one. I actually really like it. Everything meshes well, the text suits and the size is perfect. Sometimes when an image is scaled down, it loses out in terms of detail, but I feel like what you've done here allows the full splash to be seen, something I don't think I've seen in anyone else's sig with this splash. This is the one going into my signature! In terms of improvement, the only thing I can think of suggesting is possibly a thin border and with regards to the black text behind the pink, maybe aligning it a little more carefully.

The second one, I feel, is a little too long, and a little crowded in the bottom right hand corner, compared to the heap of empty space to the left. Also, I think Ashe's hood looks a little cut off due to the thick border.

The third one is pretty interesting and I like the overall effect. Something that could have been done a little differently to make Ashe pop out, would have been erasing the blur off the render of her. So having the blur and sharpen effects, but not on the render itself.

I know you're using GIMP; GIMP is hard to master, in my opinion. Have you thought about using Photoshop? Thanks so much for the sigs! <3

Wow this means a lot to me I am glad you liked the first one I'm going to try to remake it with a little more focus on the text :)

And I will try doing what you said to do with the third one and see how it turns out :)

I have used Photoshop in the past when I had to re-color some old flannel-graph images for a Sunday school. But I have never looked into buying it for myself :(

trust me, nothing will ever be as glorious as the signatures I made when I started.

I mean look at this stunning piece of artwork.

In all seriousness:
1. Try different sizes of signatures. Most of the people who make them here keep them in the 500x150-200 range. Set the size before adding artwork though, that makes things more consistent.
2. If a font isn't fairly simple and easy to read on its own, put it in empty space rather than top of your focal. Make sure the color will be easy to read and fit the general scheme.
3. Post things and ask for feedback even if you think they're horrible. It's hard, but sometimes you gotta bite the bullet and do it anyways.
4. Don't hesitate to ask questions about how people do things. Pretty sure both iPodPulse and I are happy to help with GIMP (and plenty of Photoshop techniques do also transfer).

Thanks again for all the tips :)

was that the very first sig you made? Because if you didn't say it was yours see I can use it correctly... Oh God I hope I used it correctly I never would have thought you made it.

Hey when would be a good time to set up a skype call so I can get those Brushes? Also I have a question I tried to make a bubble sig but after I got done rendering it the white background stayed no mater how many times I tried to re-apply an Alpha Channel. I know it's probably a basic fix most likely just one little thing I'm forgetting to do lol

R4GE wrote:
Some of these looks great, but I'm not the one to complain since I can't even make a simply signature '-'

Well done !

Thanks to everyone of you beautiful ladies +♥
and Thanks R4GE +Respect since I'm amusing your dude also if you want a sig just let me know :)

the +♥ is just a fancy way of saying +rep so don't freak out on me
Sig by Emikadon
<Ancient Member>
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 9, 2014 10:38am | Report
did you delete the background layer?

not my first signature, just one of the first few I made.
Ninja Trigger
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Jul 12th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 9, 2014 11:03am | Report
did you delete the background layer?

not my first signature, just one of the first few I made.

that's was the first thing I did in an attempt to fix it, I started all over and made sure that it was only one layer when it was finished and nope :(
<Ancient Member>
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 9, 2014 11:10am | Report
are you exporting these as pngs or jpgs?

make sure you're exporting it as a png.

If not, just send me a copy of the .xcf on skype or something and I'll see if I can work out why
Janitsu's Forum Avatar
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Jul 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 9, 2014 11:13am | Report

just a reminder

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