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Signature of the Week #2 Voting

Creator: wRAthoFVuLK June 7, 2011 1:31pm

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Nyoike's Forum Avatar
Dec 19th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 12, 2011 10:12am | Report
Canoas wrote:

I think you should pay more attention to the contest you're hosting instead of thinking about ****s. I'm not against homosexuality, but please keep it to yourself.

I just read the rules again, and you're breaking quite a few rules.

1. It organizes weekly. - It's been running for 2 weeks. After one week of STOW#1 (which was delayed because Jah was unavailable) you started #2, shall I start #3 myself? It's at least one week late and you are active on moba, so you have to excuse.
2. The time available for submissions is 7 days. - You extended it.
4. Respect the needs and theme of the week, otherwise you will be disqualified. - 2 sigs are not respecting this and you still posted their entries.
5. Each participant may enter the contest with a single work, not allowed to alter them. - you allowed them to alter their sigs, even after the voting began.
8. Participants are unable to vote for his own work. - You changed the rules again

In the sotw#2 topic you said you never did this before, and asked for us to tell you in case you missed something. You missed practically everything. Just thought you should know.

Dude, chillax a little. It's not like the results of the contest are life changing or anything.
To be updated soon!
Xiaowiriamu's Forum Avatar
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Nov 27th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 12, 2011 11:05am | Report
This SOTW thing has failed thus far. Just sayin'. ^_~
Canoas's Forum Avatar
Nov 9th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 12, 2011 11:29am | Report
Nyoike wrote:

Dude, chillax a little. It's not like the results of the contest are life changing or anything.

Honestly, I gladly punch everyone who responds by saying something isn't life changing or that it won't kill you. I mean, seriously, how boring are you? You only do or respond to things that are life-changing? What about having fun? I like playing games, coming to these forums, drinking, watching TV, eating chocolate, etc. Are these life changing? No. Is that why I should stop enjoying it? Hell no.
If you want to be boring as fck and not have any fun I'm ok with it, but don't try to prevent me from enjoying my life.

Anyway, I was expecting the SOTW to be something cool that I would enjoy, and it turned out to be a major failure. I can stay silent and accept it being a failure like a sad fck or I can criticize it so it can be improved and I can enjoy it like I want.
Once again, if you like to stay silent when the things you enjoy are ruined then that's fine for you, but don't criticizing other people for speaking out. That's just wrong.
Nyoike's Forum Avatar
Dec 19th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 12, 2011 12:43pm | Report
Canoas wrote:

Honestly, I gladly punch everyone who responds by saying something isn't life changing or that it won't kill you. I mean, seriously, how boring are you? You only do or respond to things that are life-changing? What about having fun? I like playing games, coming to these forums, drinking, watching TV, eating chocolate, etc. Are these life changing? No. Is that why I should stop enjoying it? Hell no.
If you want to be boring as fck and not have any fun I'm ok with it, but don't try to prevent me from enjoying my life.

Anyway, I was expecting the SOTW to be something cool that I would enjoy, and it turned out to be a major failure. I can stay silent and accept it being a failure like a sad fck or I can criticize it so it can be improved and I can enjoy it like I want.
Once again, if you like to stay silent when the things you enjoy are ruined then that's fine for you, but don't criticizing other people for speaking out. That's just wrong.

First off, take a chill pill, no need to punch anyone for saying to chillax.

Second, it's the internet.

Third, " playing games, coming to these forums, drinking, watching TV, eating chocolate, etc. Are these life changing? No. " Wrong, those are all going to change your life, but the out come of a minor contest where the reward is a little banner you add to your sig for 2 weeks is not really going to do much at all to your life.

Fourth, how is "fck" boring and not having fun?

Fifth, how is telling you to chillax attempting to prevent you from enjoying your life. You can always ignore what people say, and you definitely don't need to rage about it in their face.

On a side note: Ew, chocolate.
To be updated soon!
Temzilla's Forum Avatar
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Mar 28th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 12, 2011 12:48pm | Report
Nyoike wrote:

First off, take a chill pill, no need to punch anyone for saying to chillax.

Second, it's the internet.

Third, " playing games, coming to these forums, drinking, watching TV, eating chocolate, etc. Are these life changing? No. " Wrong, those are all going to change your life, but the out come of a minor contest where the reward is a little banner you add to your sig for 2 weeks is not really going to do much at all to your life.

Fourth, how is "fck" boring and not having fun?

Fifth, how is telling you to chillax attempting to prevent you from enjoying your life. You can always ignore what people say, and you definitely don't need to rage about it in their face.

On a side note: Ew, chocolate.

Rules are Rules, if they are broken, **** all is going to break loose.

Internet, it's serious business.
Tri lane for life.
Canoas's Forum Avatar
Nov 9th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 12, 2011 2:17pm | Report
Nyoike wrote:
First off, take a chill pill, no need to punch anyone for saying to chillax.

Second, it's the internet.

Third, " playing games, coming to these forums, drinking, watching TV, eating chocolate, etc. Are these life changing? No. " Wrong, those are all going to change your life, but the out come of a minor contest where the reward is a little banner you add to your sig for 2 weeks is not really going to do much at all to your life.

Fourth, how is "fck" boring and not having fun?

Fifth, how is telling you to chillax attempting to prevent you from enjoying your life. You can always ignore what people say, and you definitely don't need to rage about it in their face.

On a side note: Ew, chocolate.

There is a need to punch people in the face. WHat you say is insulting and annoying. Do you really think I'm stupid enough not to know that SOTW is not life-changing? Seriously? Am I some kind of monkey?

Here's a piece of advice: everyone else on this planet knows, since they were born, that they can choose what to do. There is no need to remind people of that. It might be a new thing to you, but it's insulting and annoying when you tell other people that they can choose not to do what they like to do.
Everyone knows that already. Most of us are not ******ed. Free will is a very common thing.

Also, everyone here knows this is the internet. Are you going to say something meaningful or just write random BS?

And please don't be an idiot. I'm not even on the contest, I CANNOT WIN ANYTHING IF I'M NOT PARTICIPATING. Geez. Seriously, wtf? I honestly want you to tell me how can someone who's not participating in a contest end up winning the prize. I truly do. Maybe a new rule should be added, "Only participants can win the prize". I think it's quite obvious, but it seems the same isn't true for everyone.

Still, even if I did participate, I wanted to see what everyone would do and how good mine were compared to other's. I enjoy making sigs, I also enjoy contests. Why would I not want SOTW to be good? Again, I fail to grasp whatever your thinking process is.
Oh, and if you consider eating chocolate life-changing there's something wrong with you. Go see a doctor. Or just stop eating so many chocolate, that's not good for you. Definitely not good for you.
And learn some English while you're at it. It's "fck", "fcking", etc, are commonly used as expressions. Again, not that hard to understand. You should seriously try to socialize a bit. Some things doesn't show up in the dictionary,if you try to talk to other people I'm sure you'll learn new stuff.

And again, because it's annoying as fck. And why the hell would I not rage? if you're acting like a ******, I'm going to rage at you. Why? For the same reason you're being annoying, because I can.

I already told you that I'll do what I want to do.
I know that I don't have to do it, but I want to do it.
If I want to rage I will rage, because I want to.

You seem to be a little dense so I wrote it in short sentences. I hope you finally understand.

What a long post. I'm sure as hell never going to be a teacher. Just to teach something basic to one person is hard as hell, how the hell is someone supposed to teach 30 kids or more at the time?
Honestly, teachers must be super-humans.
<Altruistic Artist>
wRAthoFVuLK's Forum Avatar
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 12, 2011 2:20pm | Report
Holy **** people chill.

Those were Jah's things and I didn't change them yet.

You don't have to be so hostile, geez.

And it is one week of submissions, one of voting, one of submissions...

it is on a two week cycle.

And yes the sigs are respecting the theme...

and how would you make it so participants CAN'T vote? That wouldn't stop them, since they remain anonymous anyway...

take a chill pill man, you don't have to get all hostile over nothing...

also, I said that from now on NO changes can be made, and those things didn't actually change the sig, just the quality since they were uploaded poorly..........

Thanks to TRUeLM, Plastictree, Scrax, Xiaowiriamu, foggy12, JahGFX, jhoijhoi, msrobinson, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, MissMaw, and me :) for the sigs!
Nyoike's Forum Avatar
Dec 19th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 12, 2011 2:37pm | Report

Holy **** people chill.

Those were Jah's things and I didn't change them yet.

You don't have to be so hostile, geez.

And it is one week of submissions, one of voting, one of submissions...

it is on a two week cycle.

And yes the sigs are respecting the theme...

and how would you make it so participants CAN'T vote? That wouldn't stop them, since they remain anonymous anyway...

take a chill pill man, you don't have to get all hostile over nothing...

also, I said that from now on NO changes can be made, and those things didn't actually change the sig, just the quality since they were uploaded poorly..........

All I did as say "chillax" and he blew up and me, I responded and he calls me an imbecile for pointing out his mistakes, lawl.

And there would be one possible way to have the participants not able to vote, just don't count it when totally up. Put a "These people cannot vote/will not have votes counted:" Part in the voting thread.

And I agree that there should be no changes, but these were not really much of a change, like you said, having better upload quality.
To be updated soon!
<Altruistic Artist>
wRAthoFVuLK's Forum Avatar
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 12, 2011 2:42pm | Report
Mmk I guess I could do that.

Thanks to TRUeLM, Plastictree, Scrax, Xiaowiriamu, foggy12, JahGFX, jhoijhoi, msrobinson, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, MissMaw, and me :) for the sigs!
Canoas's Forum Avatar
Nov 9th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 12, 2011 2:53pm | Report
Maybe, just maybe, I "exploded" on you because in insulted me. I'm no psychologist, but I'm fairly certain that's what happens after an insult.
Don't insult people and then act like you're innocent when they rage at you. It just makes you look ******ed.

So, let me get this straight.. You were hosting SOTW together with Jah but it was "his" rules? Shouldn't it be "our" rules?
Still, you created a topic about SOTW#2 with "his" rules even though you have no intention of following those rules and instead change them after when the voting starts? What the hell? Why would you do that?

Oh, and if your rules were 1 week for submissions and 1 for voting, why did you hijack SOTW after only one week? You just said it was a two week cycle, sotw#2 should have started one week later.

And the organizer knows who owns each sig. Didn't you get the sigs through PMs? As far as I know there's no anonymous PMs.

By the way, if it's a 2 week cycle then it cannot be called signature of the week. It just does not make any sense.
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