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Would you guys be interested if I started doing...

Creator: Janitsu March 5, 2014 1:25pm
Well, wuldya?
<Altruistic Artist>
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Feb 9th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 6, 2014 8:26am | Report

I feel not allowing the winner to participate in the next week is still a fair option.

I also think it should be their choice whether to give the other participants something to work with or not.

not gonna get a separate forum for this, might be able to get a stickied thread though.

in relation to prizes:
+rep is never a good option

perhaps a special award, but only if the admins are willing to do that

featured art is unlikely, person in charge could get permission to write a post to put in the news section about the artist and such though (basically a short interview thread).

If the winner is choosing the new theme it would be an unfair advantage, then again. It's a competition. Surely it should be striking some competitive nature in all of this? O.o

A theme is obviously recommended, the idea of the Stock/Render to work with works because of equality. Everyone works with the same base and creates something from there. You could have 5 pictures to choose from or 10. It also stops premades from cropping up. I'm sure i have a factory of signatures i've never made public i could throw up as a premade if i didnt have something i had to work with. aka a render.

No we wont :( WE CAN DREAM!

Why don't you see the rep being a viable option?
It's something i have worked around for 5 years where it's only something small like 5 rep - 10 rep. It's an incentive to get more participants. I think one week we worked with over 45 entries all for 5 propz as we called it. just because they are your 'E-Ego'.

the featured art is that of an interview or a sticky topic promoting it.
<Ancient Member>
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 6, 2014 8:43am | Report
same subject to work with doesn't equalize anything unless the artists involved are of approximately equal skill level to begin with. It's like telling a group of animals to climb a tree and expecting a fish to do as well as a leopard. Letting people play to their strengths is more equalizing, but I think half that and half giving them something to work with would be the best option...keeps you on your toes.

It's not reasonable because +rep promotes you to new titles on this site, including one that allows you to judge guides separately from the voting system. Largely, until they change things, I don't feel +rep should be handed out for non-league related stuff at all and certainly not for signatures.
Janitsu's Forum Avatar
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Jul 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 10, 2014 5:46am | Report
Still waiting for Mowen's answer, but it looks like I am going to do this, prizes or not ^^

Thanks to OwenTheAwesomer for the signature =)
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Jul 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 10, 2014 12:12pm | Report
I've been thinking of the rules and this is what I've came up with (thoughts people?):

-You can't participate if you won the last one
-You must do the work AFTER the theme/render/etc. has been announced
-You should upload it to somewhere like instead of because of the Watchers (this is something that helps with the anonymous stuff) - after the contest, sure, upload it to your page.
-Sizes: 375x150 to 500x200
-No voting your own work

Prizes (Got something from Mowen :3 Thanks Mowie!):
-Feature post (News, Facebook)
-Possible title+badge (Currently she doesn't want to do it because the badges don't seem to work correctly)
-(possible prize signature?)

Themes/Renders/such stuff:
-Theme every other week and render every other week
-Last week's winner should be able to do an example signature and decide the theme of the next week (if it isn't render week, if render week, can decide render/do the render)
-Must tell how it is included in the picture (render)(by PM)

-By PM
-Voting through this site by comments/replies/whatevertheyare
-If two works get the same amount of votes ---> Another round
-You can't tell which one is your work

might've forgotten something

gimme yo thoughts

Thanks to OwenTheAwesomer for the signature =)
<Altruistic Artist>
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Feb 9th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 10, 2014 5:42pm | Report
Janitsu wrote:

I've been thinking of the rules and this is what I've came up with (thoughts people?):

-You can't participate if you won the last one
-You must do the work AFTER the theme/render/etc. has been announced

Prizes (Got something from Mowen :3 Thanks Mowie!):
-Feature post (News, Facebook)
-Possible title+badge (Currently she doesn't want to do it because the badges don't seem to work correctly)
-(possible prize signature?)

Themes/Renders/such stuff:
-Theme every other week and render every other week
-Last week's winner should be able to do an example signature and decide the theme of the next week (if it isn't render week, if render week, can decide render/do the render)
-Must tell how it is included in the picture (render)(by PM)

-By PM
-Voting through this site by comments/replies/whatevertheyare
-If two works get the same amount of votes ---> Another round
-You can't tell which one is your work

might've forgotten something

gimme yo thoughts

Deleted items which don't concern me to bring up/talk about.

Lets begin;

I hate the fact you can't participate if you won the last SOTW; Why not? If you are good at designing, you are good, Why hold someone back, when i first started out taking on SOTW Challenges and that happened, it made me strive to be better, it took several weeks before i even made it in to the top 5. As much of this being a friendly contest for some fun between community members, it is just that. A contest, no one should be penalized because they are good? Certainly going on different strengths, they might have one at a theme which they sucked at, but people liked the work. Yet put them in to a competition they are good at and lose just because it was not what the voters agreed on.

Doing the work after the announcement, you cannot stop this. I could make a signature right now and make it fit in with a theme you've announced, if i don't post it anywhere how would you know any different. Just wanted to point that out, so the rule is not really needed, but rather, once you have submitted an entry it cannot be used publically until the end of voting, if you do you will be disqualified. For instance.


The badge is exactly that of the signature prize.
Find or create little ribbons where you can write 'SOTW #1 Winner' etc. in them, make it a placeable image, place it over the artwork. There you have a prize. Cheap & Easy with all the thrills in-between.

I like the idea of theme > render > theme > render. It needs tweaking somewhere along the line but i can't pinpoint with what. A theme should always be present in my eyes; with or without a render.

Winner chooses either a set of renders (i always suggest 5 to play with, 3 renders 2 stocks) and you decide on what they don't. It would make for interesting combinations in designs & visa versa.

I choose grunge as a theme for the SOTW, you want renders of teemo in a tutu.
I want pictures of fiora in a bathrobe, you want the theme of abstract.
This helps prevent pre-made signatures popping up aswell.

A render should not need to be explained as to how it is fitted in to the signature, it either see it or you don't. Maybe i've missed what you are asking in the rule tho.

As for participating;
Open up a topic announcing the SOTW. in that topic people can put 'i'll join for the lulz' as an example.
No need to send a PM on joining, rather just send you a PM with there work.

Vote through Comments only. This way you can keep track of people voting for themselves.

If two pieces get the same amount of votes, you have two winners. Do not go in to a second round; as soon as that voting is finished, you should be focused on getting the next SOTW up and announced not trying to set up another vote for a tiebreaker.
Tie breakers always end in a double win; the prizes are easy enough to split and as for the second sotw One chooses a theme, one chooses a render.

Just my 2 cents <3
<MOBAFire Mother>
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 11, 2014 12:18am | Report
Janitsu wrote:
-You can't participate if you won the last one
-You must do the work AFTER the theme/render/etc. has been announced
-You should upload it to somewhere like instead of because of the Watchers (this is something that helps with the anonymous stuff) - after the contest, sure, upload it to your page.
-Sizes: 375x150 to 500x200
-No voting your own work

I don't think it's necessary for SOTW to be anonymous. There's not really a popularity thing going on in the art forum; people vote for art they like, not for the people. It's also easier to host SOTW if people just submit in the forums instead of you having to check your PMs, reupload the image to a new host, and then post here.
guide writing tips 'n tricksashes to ashesfancy a sig?

♡ sig by Jovy ♡
<Ancient Member>
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 11, 2014 12:32am | Report
more importantly, for the most part, we all recognize each other's styles. A good example being a sotw from the last reboot, where yaya recognized my deadpool one just based on the style of it despite it being anonymous.
jamespongebob's Forum Avatar
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Jan 5th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 11, 2014 12:38am | Report
I kind of like the idea of it being anonymous personally. It seems to keep it more fun :p
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<MOBAFire Mother>
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 11, 2014 12:47am | Report

more importantly, for the most part, we all recognize each other's styles.

^this exactly. It's a moot point trying to "hide" who the artist is when their style is so easily recognisable.
guide writing tips 'n tricksashes to ashesfancy a sig?

♡ sig by me ♡
<Ancient Member>
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 11, 2014 12:56am | Report
I also feel that making it not anonymous encourages CnC much more.

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