Zac and Mundo don't actually need to build spellvamp to mitigate their health costs sicne they have such great healing mechanics. Maximum Dosage and Goes Where He Pleases for Mundo and Cell Division for Zac. They're also tanks so stacking health is very powerful.
Would you build spellvamp on Olaf to mitigate the cost of Reckless Swing? I thought not.
Why would you rush Brutalizer every time on bruisers? What if you're behind? Do you just keep going for the damage or do you take a step back and build a little survivability, or boots in some cases, so you can survive to output that damage?
There is never going to be a, "Build this in this order every game" build for any class of champions.
Would you build spellvamp on Olaf to mitigate the cost of Reckless Swing? I thought not.
Why would you rush Brutalizer every time on bruisers? What if you're behind? Do you just keep going for the damage or do you take a step back and build a little survivability, or boots in some cases, so you can survive to output that damage?
There is never going to be a, "Build this in this order every game" build for any class of champions.
True, these are base builds, but you should never just always go for the same build. For example, if they have a fed midlane, or you're against 3 AP champions, you should go for a Hexdrinker first. The list goes on and on.
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Base builds as the very 3 or first 2 items for that Champ, I build those 2/3 items every time for the lane depending on who it is, and the rest of the items are situational, Brutalizer helps for the Dmg and CDR which is very helpful early game for the Dmg output. And no you wouldn't build spell vamp for olaf since he doesnt have a risk of going to such low hp spamming his skills such as Mord Zac, and Mundo...this was my thinking but it works for me maybe your just...too good X)
Glayde wrote:
True, these are base builds, but you should never just always go for the same build. For example, if they have a fed midlane, or you're against 3 AP champions, you should go for a Hexdrinker first. The list goes on and on.
I see what your saying, but I think you should Focus on winning your own lane and building against him first before you worry about mid to late game, maybe i'm wrong but you should focus on building for your Style(Tanky bruiser, Tanky Dps, APC, ADC, Support..etc.) And then the situational items. But thank you I wasn't really thinking of olaf's reckless swing..^_^
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Example...Vladimir...All of his skills require him to use health, so what do you do? Spell vamp to nullify the effect of this..same as mordekaiser, mundo, zac, etc.
Bruisers..on every Bruiser I rush a brutalizer just for that early game dominance over your lane depending on how far ahead you are..then the rest is just situational..Know your champ, know their weaknesess, build accordingly to your weakness and you shall be fine...