No not Tank Sona... Ummmmmm Tank Tryndamere... Thats what I wanna see.
Links below lead to victory. Choose your path
Pillars of Justice
Seeds of Chaos
Open your minds
Skype me at: chaotic_bliss1
Im sure with her spamming power, she can do it.. I think that AD sona would be better
Links below lead to victory. Choose your path
Pillars of Justice
Seeds of Chaos
Open your minds
Skype me at: chaotic_bliss1
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(I just play so many different champions, and I don't know where to start ><.)
So, just post below what you want me to write a guide on, and I'll master/do it. It'll be like a little challenge eh? I'll tally up every vote at the end of Friday (Feb 11. 2011).
I'll make normal/ranked screenshots so you can all see! I'm currently working on a Nidalee guide too, so yeah. So, vote!
Tank Sona - 5
Tank Annie - 1
Trundle- 1
Twisted Fate- 2
AP Twisted Fate - 1
Tank Tryndamere- 2
Sivir- 1
AS Ryze- 1