*Glances down the list*
Twisted Fate :)
AP Twisted Fate o:<
On topic :Twisted Fate (Not AP)
Twisted Fate :)
AP Twisted Fate o:<
On topic :Twisted Fate (Not AP)
In my eyes there is only justice
Thank you Xiaowiriamujhoijhoi JEFFY40HANDS JakofSpaydes
Check out my AP/AD TF Build
Xaioli I think you are doomed to that Tank Sona.
In my eyes there is only justice
Thank you Xiaowiriamujhoijhoi JEFFY40HANDS JakofSpaydes
How to tank guide (Revamped! 10/13)
Bah, I do play a bulky support sona. My vote's on that, just hit me up if you wanna know what I use. I usually walk away from team fights. Basically just get Mercury's Treads, Aegis of the Legion, and Soul Shroud and you're damn hard to kill.
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