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Evelynn: What to rush first? RD or LB?

Creator: Kirluu March 5, 2011 4:46am
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Kirluu's Forum Avatar
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Jan 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 5, 2011 4:46am | Report
So yeah. Since I find Lich Bane to be the most crucial and effective item on Evelynn there is, I'm kind of confused on what to get first; Rabadon's Deathcap or Lich Bane.
While Lich Bane's passive effect is epic for Eve, I just don't think that it's worth it to get it as the first item after boots. Sheen itself is rather expensive to get for only getting you 25 AP. After this, you need to scrape together another 860 for the AP staff thing, and then finally the Mantle and the expensive receipe cost of 950.

I just find that, Lich Bane doesn't provide enough burst for Evelynn at mid game, as Eve should have as much of as possible at all times.

Therefore I've drawn the conclusion that getting some pure AP(RB) and maybe the golem buff with it, is the better solution, then getting Lich Bane afterwards.

I've also tried getting Sheen, and then Rabadon's, but that seemed to become too costy as well, considering I want maximum burst for squishypunishing as early as possible.

I would simply like you guys' opinions on this? :P
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FreestyleZer0's Forum Avatar
Feb 10th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 5, 2011 6:03am | Report
Agreed on the sheen, it does not seem worth it right after the boots.
Since you get either magic pen or cooldown and not ap itself with boots you seriously need some decent ammount of ap to deal quick punishing blows, i usually tend to get an AP tome at the start, few pots, and finish either mejai's depending on how it goes or go straight for rylai's for the slow, hp and nice ap boost after getting my magic pen boots.
Rabbadons seems to costly at the start in my opinion right after getting your boots as you need to properly gank up to that cash since you won't be minioning easily with evelynn at the start.
Also the % of ap boost from rabadons is only usefull when you already have a decent ap ammount, i think getting that first would be a waste of a perfectly usefull slow that you could get aswell as hp for less squishyness yourself and decent ap from rylai's.
Jet's Forum Avatar
Feb 10th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 5, 2011 7:55am | Report
people still play AP evelynn?
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Scrax's Forum Avatar
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Jul 29th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 5, 2011 9:39am | Report
Jet wrote:

people still play AP evelynn?

Offended and hurt.

As for Rabadon Vs. Lich Bane; I go for Lich Bane first. Why? Erh, good question. If I'm gonna gank low HP targets I want that extra oooomph when attacking. For this Lich Bane is excellent :D
B-Wong's Forum Avatar
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Jun 14th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 5, 2011 12:20pm | Report
Scrax wrote:

Offended and hurt.

As for Rabadon Vs. Lich Bane; I go for Lich Bane first. Why? Erh, good question. If I'm gonna gank low HP targets I want that extra oooomph when attacking. For this Lich Bane is excellent :D

Yep. The constant procs from Q make it so much more worth it. Considering you're better at DPS than burst.

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DEWO's Forum Avatar
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Feb 15th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 6, 2011 12:51am | Report
Its not about AP or price it gives.

It is about the burst buff you can get from buying it. You have to diliver damage. As much and as fast as you can, than run away.

Shen gives you the best damage per burst buff in early game.
Sheen gives 100% base AD as damage proc. If we take for example lvl 3 you will deal 60bonus damage.
If we count the 25AP that it also gives the bonus damage is 85. With bonus 60 every 2 sec.

I dont know if any early game item will get you that kind of burst damage buff.

If you are doing good it is a good idea to go
Sheen/Sorc_boots/Rabadon/Finish LB
if you are doing medicore i would go with
or even
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Kirluu's Forum Avatar
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Jan 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 6, 2011 8:07am | Report
DEWO, how can the 25 AP increase the buff that Sheen gives you? That doesn't make any sense.

But my point with going for Rabadon's, is that, if you're going for low-hp targets anyway, then burst is just way more efficient than dps. Attacking people who are at half or below amounts of hp, it's better to be able to kill them quickly, and then run, rather than dealing slow damage, hunting them possibly dying from a quick gank from the opponents.

And I know that LB has a great passive, which is also something I state in the first post, however without the right amount of AP, then what good does the passive buff do? Let's say you have magic penetration etc. and NOT any AP runes, then all you will have of AP after finishing LB, would be 80. That means, every 3rd second you damage an additional 80 magic damage in combat. Honestly I find this to be a pretty darn low amount, compared to the burst you get from ravage, followed by Hate Spike with a Rabadon's in hand. Once you have both Rabadon's and LB, then you are truly dangerous, since here, the LB passive buff will really start hurting the opponents.
This is my policy at least.
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mobrebel's Forum Avatar
Jul 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 10, 2011 9:09pm | Report
A Sheen is better to get first before you get your first AP item(other than LB). Lich Bane is meh without some sort of AP base to raise the damage increase to above what the Sheen will give. I personally, if you want to rush one or the other, would go Rabadon's after getting Sheen. It might not seem worth it to you, but it will help you with the entire game going in that order. Since you should probably always get both on Evelynn anyway(and I say probably only for the Rabadon's; you should always get LB), I would follow that order.

Sheen/Boots - > Rabadon's - > LB - > Next AP Item


0-0 AP shall always trump AD....

Thanks to Scrax for my Evelynn Sig.I did the Yi, Anivia, and Udyr Sig.
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wRAthoFVuLK's Forum Avatar
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 10, 2011 9:17pm | Report
Just go to Scrax's guide. He is the master of everything Evelynn. 'Nuff said. [x
Bloofyre wrote:
May a squadron of beautiful vaginas find their way to your crotch by day's end.

Thanks to TRUeLM, Plastictree, Scrax, Xiaowiriamu, foggy12, JahGFX, jhoijhoi, msrobinson, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, MissMaw, and me :) for the sigs!
mobrebel's Forum Avatar
Jul 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 11, 2011 6:32am | Report
XD He does do a good job.

Thanks to Scrax for my Evelynn Sig.I did the Yi, Anivia, and Udyr Sig.
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