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How to make a build with what i have?

Creator: Xoax September 7, 2011 3:35pm
Xoax's Forum Avatar
Sep 7th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 7, 2011 3:35pm | Report
Im trying to get better at the champs i have, but most builds have runss i dont have. So im going to list the champs i have and the runes i have. Please post a build i could do for a champion.

NOTICE: Yeah i know my runes are messed up. I spent all my IP when i was weaker summoner lvls on thats why i have like only 2 or 3 of some.

EDIT:Ok you can ignore the runes for now since this is all i have. Just tell me the items and masteries. If you want you can tell me what runes i SHOULD buy for later.

Runes so far:(All greater runes)
9x Mark of Insight
9x Mark of Desolation

6x Greater Seal of Clarity
2x Greater Seal of Vitality

3x Greater Glyph of Warding
5x Greater Glyph of Shielding
1x Greater Glyph of Focus

2x Greater Quint of Potency (1x Lesser Glyph)
1x Greater Quint of Desolation (1x Lesser Glyph)

Annie Ashe Blitz Brand Cait Fiddlesticks Gangplank Heimer Karthus Malzahar Morgana
Nasus Nocturne Pantheon Ryze Sion Swain Taric Vayne Veigar Warwick Xin Zhao

9-0-21 (Any other ones i could use for certain champs?)

Well thanks for reading. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

Any questions just leave a comment. My LoL user is the same as my name on here, Xoax.
(btw can i post pics of screencaps on here? If so, how?)
theBMB's Forum Avatar
Feb 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 7, 2011 3:51pm | Report
not really sure what you're looking for, your runes are kind of all over the place, just use what you have for now (AD characters need desolation marks, etc.) but you should really focus on buying flat armor seals, Health quints, mpen marks, and CDR glyphs.

As for masteries, you can change those before the match, 21-0-9 for AD carries, 0-21-9 for tanks, 9-0-21 for AP carries, 0-9-21 for some supports. there are more combinations, but those are the general setups.
Xoax's Forum Avatar
Sep 7th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 7, 2011 4:08pm | Report
theBMB wrote:

not really sure what you're looking for, your runes are kind of all over the place, just use what you have for now (AD characters need desolation marks, etc.) but you should really focus on buying flat armor seals, Health quints, mpen marks, and CDR glyphs.

As for masteries, you can change those before the match, 21-0-9 for AD carries, 0-21-9 for tanks, 9-0-21 for AP carries, 0-9-21 for some supports. there are more combinations, but those are the general setups.

Well i started to get some like Magic Resist Runes because i saw lots of tanky builds with it but i never got all of them then i ...well lets just say didnt spend my IP wisely. Im trying to get the basics, like you said, the Cooldowns, the Health quints, etc. Im just saying with what i have right now, what builds can i do for certain champs to do better.
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Jun 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 7, 2011 5:12pm | Report
MR glyphs are way better than CDR if you are low on IP. CDR blues are ridiculously expensive.

I wouldn't worry too much about the runes at this point. The rune build listed in guides is usually the optimum set to work towards. Though some junglers NEED specific runes (usually flat armor seals) to jungle properly.
Thanks to Hoppermh for the sig!

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