Depending on your necessity of summoner spells, you could just use Cleanse instead of getting Sash.
I personally don't get Doran's at all, but it works for a lot of people. Go for it.
Sorc + RoA (Archangel's) + Rylai's + Deathcap... you are set.
The other AP items are generally situational. Void if enemy has MR. Abyssal if enemy has good AP DPS.
And Banshee's is always good to have.
DFG is a great item to have late game, especially if the enemy has a lot of HP.
And all spell vamp items got buffed in the latest patch. XD
I personally don't get Doran's at all, but it works for a lot of people. Go for it.
Sorc + RoA (Archangel's) + Rylai's + Deathcap... you are set.
The other AP items are generally situational. Void if enemy has MR. Abyssal if enemy has good AP DPS.
And Banshee's is always good to have.
DFG is a great item to have late game, especially if the enemy has a lot of HP.
And all spell vamp items got buffed in the latest patch. XD
Personal habitual activites? Utilizing gargantuan idioms to fabricate intelligence.
"It's a colloquial shorthand that means the paradigm exists because of how the game works mechanically. Hence, "the Meta." Stop being a useless pedant." - PlayGooYa
"It's a colloquial shorthand that means the paradigm exists because of how the game works mechanically. Hence, "the Meta." Stop being a useless pedant." - PlayGooYa
I would consider myself a pretty good swain player and I have been using this since day one. Good luck :)
Made by Scrax
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Check out my Renekton Guide (Under Construction)
shinussiel wrote:
I would consider myself a pretty good swain player and I have been using this since day one. Good luck :)
^^ He is. :P
Personal habitual activites? Utilizing gargantuan idioms to fabricate intelligence.
"It's a colloquial shorthand that means the paradigm exists because of how the game works mechanically. Hence, "the Meta." Stop being a useless pedant." - PlayGooYa
"It's a colloquial shorthand that means the paradigm exists because of how the game works mechanically. Hence, "the Meta." Stop being a useless pedant." - PlayGooYa
shinussiel, if you check back in on this post, can you go into a little detail as to why you don't like Deathfire Grasp on Swain. I haven't tried it, but it really seems like it would be pretty nice to hit after you land E. Boom over 30% of health gone. Just curious
I dislike the item personally because of the lack of other stats. Besides the passive there isnt really anything there and you dont need the active. It's also pretty expensive and I personally believe there are just better items. Especially on Swain. He focuses on constant damage, not nuke damage which makes Deathfire Grasp not as ideal as other items. Building him as a tanky mage allows him to get right in there and slow them all while dealing some okay damage and if they go after you they are just wasting there time. Deathfire Grasp can be a viable item but I don't think it is ideal for Swain. These are my thoughts, you are welcome to object :)
Made by Scrax
Check out my Renekton Guide (Under Construction)
Check out my Renekton Guide (Under Construction)
AA or DFG's desirable since he's so mana hungry and DFG has a nice synergy with his damage-output debuff.
You want to be able to spam Crow when needed.
Rylai's the only true staple item. Spirit Visage is iffy.
You want to be able to spam Crow when needed.
Rylai's the only true staple item. Spirit Visage is iffy.
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You probably just sucked. Focus on your E first. its % based increase in damage. For harass snare with W then throw E then Q. Thatll take half a squishys hp. The next time they come back do it again. If you want the kill throw in your ignite for triple dot and they are dead. Swain is amazing in lane (IMO). But you have DOTs. Which means you throw them and then back. You have to wear enemies down until you get some ap for your lifesteal.
Hes not like some champs where you harass with 1 skill. You harass with your combo.
Hes not like some champs where you harass with 1 skill. You harass with your combo.
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Doran's Ring (for early survivability)
(Lane until I have enough to sell ring and get Cat the Protector)
Sorc Shoes or Merc Treads (depending on how much CC the other team has)
Rylai's Crystal Scepter (uber-slow for Swain)
Now here is where it really starts to get dicey
I've ruled out ever trying to go for spell vamp.
A few guides really push for Spirit Visage.
A few other items considered are Archangel's Staff, Void Staff, or Abyssal Scepter.
Rabadon's Deathcap? I imagine I'll typically upgrade my catas into a BV.
The item I have the most questions about is Deathfire Grasp. I've seen a few guides that really strongly urge NOT getting it. But it does seem that the active could work really well with Torment.
Also, does everyone think I'm crazy in thinking that quicksilver sash might be a great item on swain? A big problem is he has to get a little closer than some mages, and if you are CC'd before ult, you could be in trouble. A Sash can really save your butt. But maybe a waste of space?
Anyway, as you can see, I'm just starting to put my build together. Would love some help from Swain players!