Yeah the problem with those characters is that there are very few good guides for most of them and they also cost a lot of IP to buy. Therefore, most people do not want to spend the IP to try out a champion that seems to be week. It's a bad cycle.
Trundle isn't that underpowered, he actually does have some uses.
On that note, I haven't found an awesome trundle guide yet. It's sad.
I'll write one once I buy trundle and play him for 3 months.
On that note, I haven't found an awesome trundle guide yet. It's sad.
I'll write one once I buy trundle and play him for 3 months.
Jet wrote:
trundle best jungler
finally, someone who agrees with me
I play him sometimes, I plan on eventually playing with him a lot more and putting something out.
Not for a long while tho.
And cassi is pretty awesome tbh, I am in the works of something for her, to prove all of those "lol cassi bad" people wrong.
and good corki build: HeAt's.
it is.
Thanks to TRUeLM, Plastictree, Scrax, Xiaowiriamu, foggy12, JahGFX, jhoijhoi, msrobinson, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, MissMaw, and me :) for the sigs!
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If we took an eye on our main page we would notice this box:
From a chat with FlashJ it is designed for this issue. To represent which champions need some guiders attention :)
I have noticed that and wished I could help. Sadly there is a reason not a lot of people write guides for those characters... because not a lot play those characters or they are underpowered. If you are really determined you should pick one of these characters up and make a guide! :) I wish I had enough time to do that! :P