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Suggestion though, maybe order your champions through the roles Riot uses? Marksman etc? Then you won't get so much double-up.
I don't play certain champions in their intended roles. I won't say I'm good at Marksman Quinn when I actually play her top lane and more like an assassin or bruiser. I guess I should make that distinction, but it matters little to the reviews.
Summoner Name/Level: Junatsee 30
Champion: Sat... - Teemo!
Intended Role: Top
Guide Link: here ya go sili boi<3
I will be grading the guide based on the following factors (keep in mind I will actually PLAY the champion using YOUR guide before writing my review):
Champion: Sat... - Teemo!
Intended Role: Top
Guide Link: here ya go sili boi<3
OTGBionicArm wrote:
I will be grading the guide based on the following factors (keep in mind I will actually PLAY the champion using YOUR guide before writing my review):
Thanks to OwenTheAwesomer for the signature =)
It's simple and easy, just fill out this form in a comment;
Summoner Name/Level:
Intended Role:
Guide Link:
I will be grading the guide based on the following factors (keep in mind I will actually PLAY the champion using YOUR guide before writing my review):
Cheat Sheet: How clean it is, item paths/runes/masteries, how thorough it is. 1-10 points.
Legibility: How easy is the guide to read? Am I bored out of my mind? Is any of this information actually helpful? Could I have easily looked this up on the League wiki? Did I learn to play the champion as intended by the writer? 1-10 points.
Creativity: Is this build unique is some way? Is the playstyle unique? Does it actually work? I give bonus points for off-meta things if you truly convince me that it works (IE; support Mordekaiser probably will not fly, but AD Orianna might.) 1-10 points, 1-5 bonus points if your off-meta build convinces me it works.
Formatting and prettiness: I like nice looking guides. 1-5 points.
Attitude: I will grade you based on how you respond to other users feedback as well. Accepting feedback and looking to fix mistakes is a very big part of being a guide writer. 1-10 points.
Be aware that I'm obviously not amazing at every champion so I'll list the champions I am already decent/proficient with in each role;
Top: Aatrox, Cho'Gath, Darius, Gangplank, Garen, Jarvan IV, Nidalee, Quinn, Rengar, Shen, Trundle, Warwick, Wukong, Zac
Mid: Brand, Cho'Gath, Galio, Jayce, Kayle, Kha'Zix, Morgana, Swain, Talon, Varus, Viktor, Ziggs
ADC: Draven, Graves, Lucian, Varus
Jungle: Amumu, Cho'Gath, Hecarim, Nasus, Sejuani, Volibear, Warwick
Support: Sona, Taric, Thresh
I will put higher scrutiny on guides for these champions as I actually play them regularly. Everything else will be a learning experience for me.
Anyway, that's all, let the reviews come in. :3
EDIT: I can only do one review per day, due to the time consuming way I choose to do reviews. This is to ensure quality reviews. Sorry if you have to wait. :c