Perhaps because it lacks a defensive item. I don't know why really, but on most (not all!) ad carries this works:
Berserker's Greaves -> Bloodthirster -> Phantom Dancer -> Infinity Edge -> (situational here, probably Banshee's Veil -> Black Cleaver and then sell boots for Mercury's Treads)
Berserker's Greaves -> Bloodthirster -> Phantom Dancer -> Infinity Edge -> (situational here, probably Banshee's Veil -> Black Cleaver and then sell boots for Mercury's Treads)
DuffTime wrote:
ok ok plz carry me omg
i was only waiting for you to ask
Temzilla wrote:
Too hot to be icecream.
Luther3000 wrote:
He looks like a hair gel advert on legs
Toshabi wrote:
Icecreamy, with hair as slick and smooth as the ocean waves of Cocobana
or it could be due to lack of Armor pen. instead of a second PD I like to go Last Whisper or as creamy said it lacks defense
TurdBasher wrote:
When I play Ashe I like to, depending on how the the early farm goes, get double dorans blades for life -> zerker greaves -> blood thirster -> phantom dancer -> bloodthirster -> phantom dancer -> infinity edge.
It pwns. I don't see any guides that use it either. Por Que?!?!
Because -
Doran's anything are NEVER staple items. Only ever get another if you're falling behind.
You finish boots before getting your BF sword, not always smart
Get an IE first. It's the highest damage in the game and you really need it as Ashe, she has no steroids or anything to benefit more from the BT, but her passive just shouts IE.
Go -
Doran's/Boots > Boots if you didn't get them > BF Sword > IE/Boots depending on how it went > Phantom Dancer (usually) > Bloodthirster if you're the only big source of AD damage, maybe Black Cleaver if you're not > Situational defensive item > Last Whisper/Bloodthirster, depending on what you got before, if you got a Cleaver before, take a Bloodthirster now, if you didn't, get a LW.
Because Ashe sucks :D
Come hang out when I'm streaming!
Xenasis wrote:
Because -
Doran's anything are NEVER staple items. Only ever get another if you're falling behind.
You finish boots before getting your BF sword, not always smart
Get an IE first. It's the highest damage in the game and you really need it as Ashe, she has no steroids or anything to benefit more from the BT, but her passive just shouts IE.
Go -
Doran's/Boots > Boots if you didn't get them > BF Sword > IE/Boots depending on how it went > Phantom Dancer (usually) > Bloodthirster if you're the only big source of AD damage, maybe Black Cleaver if you're not > Situational defensive item > Last Whisper/Bloodthirster, depending on what you got before, if you got a Cleaver before, take a Bloodthirster now, if you didn't, get a LW.
Does no one else go defensive items mid game like I do ?
I tend to go Dorans / Dorans (Regardless) if I'm up or not. Boots. Infinity Edge. Finish boots. Banshees / GA / Phanton Dancer.
Does no one else go defensive items mid game like I do ?
I tend to go Dorans / Dorans (Regardless) if I'm up or not. Boots. Infinity Edge. Finish boots. Banshees / GA / Phanton Dancer.
weeeeeeeeeeell it sorta gimps your damage.
And when you're playing a role designed to deal damage.. :O
Come hang out when I'm streaming!
I forgot, you're right Lugi.
That's not a popular Ashe gold because as a support you shouldn't be taking gold from your carries!
That's not a popular Ashe gold because as a support you shouldn't be taking gold from your carries!
Come hang out when I'm streaming!
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It pwns. I don't see any guides that use it either. Por Que?!?!