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[EUW] Screenshots and Game Discussion - August

Creator: BarbJ August 2, 2013 12:35pm
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xIchi's Forum Avatar
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Oct 19th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 9, 2013 2:55pm | Report

Game 1

Game 2

Game 3

Game 4

Well I hope most of you had fun. And thanks for putting up with me D:!
<Retired Admin>
Wayne3100's Forum Avatar
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 9, 2013 3:27pm | Report
Had fun despite losing most games, gg! ^^

Thanks to MissMaw for the signature!
DarkPercy's Forum Avatar
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Nov 13th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 9, 2013 4:15pm | Report
GG :3

I am GMD's Disciple ;P

quit flirting with my waifu

or i'll fight you


GrandmasterD's Forum Avatar
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Sep 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 9, 2013 4:27pm | Report
DarkPercy wrote:

GG :3

I am GMD's Disciple ;P

All Hail the Grand Master!
<Inhouse Regular>
DisturbedFox's Forum Avatar
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Jun 4th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 10, 2013 1:08pm | Report

All Hail the Grand Master!

<Retired Admin>
Mowen's Forum Avatar
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Nov 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 10, 2013 2:14pm | Report
[deleted] wrote:

I will eventually beat Oxide. I swear! q_q

I think I did it better than last week lol. Also I really like Mowen supporting me, was really good.

You definitely did better as jungle and I thought you played Ashe pretty well besides a couple of things I pointed out. :) Definitely better than I can play Ashe, lol.

Also I really liked spectating the game and watching GrandmistressD and DiscipleD playing on the same team, especially when you ganked his lane, haha. 2 gud.
Thanks to Minho for my sig!
Roselight's Forum Avatar
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May 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 10, 2013 5:41pm | Report
lags op XD screwed me up pretty much till... my awfull morg gameXD seriously don't put me up against golds without any help on mid XD
<Retired Admin>
Mowen's Forum Avatar
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Nov 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 16, 2013 2:18pm | Report
Game 1:

Game 2:

Game 3:

Thanks to GrandMasterD for my sig!
Kinen's Forum Avatar
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Jul 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 16, 2013 3:32pm | Report
Going through the game 3 replay bit by bit.

Firstly, I need to communicate. We have TS, I should use it. Three ganks in my lane resulted in double kills for my opponent. I did not want any of those ganks. Game 2, gank 1, I was on a champion in a role I know bugger all about and had a huge minion wave wailing on. Gank 2, Zac was ahead 2 kills and loads of CS, first one did not go well, why would this? I could have and should have told Ekairot to leave it. That said, I need to recognise I do not have to follow up. If I'd not followed up on that first, Ekairot would probably have left alive and I would have had pressure relief to get the minion wave off my turret.

In game 3, that gank was again something I really did not want and something I should have spoken against. It's hard to kill a post-6 Kassadin. It's harder when your burst isn't sky high (i.e. Orianna, good burst, especially when fed, but she's not Syndra). It's even harder when I'm behind. Even if it we had gotten a kill, I was at low health and Kassadin could easily have killed me. Referring to what I said earlier, I did not need to follow up. Although with the arrival of Lolicon on Lee Sin, I'd probably have followed just to EW Sejuani to safety.

I really wasn't on the ball that game (pun intended), my reactions were way off. Partly it's lag, not knowing whether Command: Attack has activated or not for a second or two makes things really difficult. Partly it was me feeling very discouraged, and the rest is general lack of skill, something that will be built up. Had I been on the ball, I could have killed Lee Sin in one gank against me early on, and again in that failed gank I really did not want. Then there's just various bits and pieces in team fights where slow reactions pulled me down. I remember Mowen escaping with a sliver of health, faster reactions from me could have got the ball onto her before she escaped with Arcane Shift.

Being denied blue buff really hurt my ability to farm, especially with me delaying Athene's by getting an Abyssal Mask (which I got too late to make much difference anyway, I'd have been better with the finishing Zhonya's and Athene's). What I usually do if I find myself with someone I cannot stay in lane with and farm normally is push the lane with my abilities, take wraiths, then go for wolves or roaming while I wait for the lane to push back to my tower. Rinse and repeat. I couldn't do that her though because of mana issues. Farming was **** later on but I generally deferred most of what could safely be accessed to Fox who I felt would make better use of it. There's about 20-30 CS, maybe more which I actively gave up. Maybe I should have taken it for Zhonya's.

Then there's general stuff, made some ****py ults, missing skill shots, I wonder if I AA too much, at least, people get away too much. Orianna's AAs are powerful, but if I cannot kill stuff quickly perhaps I'm best chasing using just abilities.

I'm really not familiar with the lane-matchup. Only Kassadin I've faced as Orianna was a push-over and Kirluu did not much open himselt up to me trading with my AAs (I feel Orianna can do pretty well pre-6 against Kassadin because the silence doesn't stop her from trading well). Q has a pretty long CD early on and void splurge (whatever it's called) shows when it's charged, which I should have recognised. I got put off from some trades by void splurge but paying attention to its charges and Q CD could have let me do better in the early game.

Letting Kassadin push up to my tower early on would have been great if I'd called for ganks, but as it was, I didn't, and the minion waves only made it so I could not trade using my AAs. If I'd cleared that minion wave when it reached the tower I could have pretty much chased pre-6 Kassa across the lane with Q,W and AAs. Maybe even forced a flash, Ori deals tonnes when chasing. I need to pay attention to how the quantity of enemy minions affects my trading and not let myself get hemmed in like that.

Super bad was me getting caught out by Lee Sin again and again, which allowed him to initiate some teamfights that really hurt my team. I recognised the problem when it was happening, but I should have recognised the minions. I couldn't juke the skill-shot (I was actively trying not to get hit), so I should have made use of the minions to block it.

I think that's about everything that isn't super-duper generic (play better!), but does anyone else have anything to add? Orianna wasn't the best choice for that match, synergy with my team wasn't super good, decent, but not super. A good Ori ult could open up a strong Sej ult into a grouped Grave's Ult, but I didn't make many good Ori ults, and not when people where in position for the above combo. The enemy team was horrible for playing against as Orianna, with all the mobility from Kassadin, Ezreal and Lee Sin, but what was I to do? If it was a normal I'd pick someone like Syndra who can burst people before they have time to escape, but I thoroughly expect to be behind in inhouses, so I really want Orianna's utility. Perhaps Syndra's multi-stun and slow would have been enough utility, but all my choices for the teams are ones which I really, really do not want to be behind on. Perhaps Lissandra's lockdown could have been good. I don't really intend to start learning her for awhile though.

I do have one positive, I think I made some good predictions of enemy movements. After Lolicon got first blood on Sejuani ( if you'd pinged I could have come up and saved you, or at least traded 1 for 1) it seemed pretty obvious that he'd come and gank me in mid from our wraiths, which he did and I din't get caught out. Later, when Kassadin left lane as I went to wraiths I recognised that he was looking to pick me off while I was there and left, avoiding giving him a kill there. Some other stuff later on. I probably missed a ****-tonne of stuff, but that I spotted what I did pleased me.

As for advice to others, in general, more talking please (as if that doesn't get said enough), but it's something I'd especially like because I'm not exactly the most secure person and I feel extremely uncomfortable talking if everyone else is being quiet. I'd talk more if you'd talk more, basically. Addressing Ekairot, I'm going to say be a bit less greedy, or else more aware of your champion's capabilities. Both that death in the 1st gank of game 2 and the one in game 3 I saw a mile away. It seemed pretty evident to me that you could not kill Zac before he came back, especially with the minion fire (which really hurts early on) and going after Kassadin and Lee Sin in that gank in game 3 was really bad. They both had plenty of mobility to make sure they stayed alive and you died. I don't think it would have been possible even if there was only one of them up, let alone two.
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oxide110's Forum Avatar
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Nov 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 16, 2013 3:45pm | Report
i like your British accent

London is one hour ahead of the rest of England -Luther3000
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