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[EUW] - Screenshots and Game Discussion - May

Creator: Jovy May 3, 2013 2:50pm
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Jovy's Forum Avatar
Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 3, 2013 2:50pm | Report
This is the thread to post screenshots / vods and discuss the games that occurred in the month of May.

EUW Games, May

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Jul 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 3, 2013 3:46pm | Report
Hm, not really sure whether to dump all my self-criticisms here or in a blog. But I think I can safely say that playing support is the worst thing I can do in the inhouses. I'm going to be outmatched pretty much all the time, and playing support just drags my ADC down. The effect is compounded because my supporting is currently a little inflexible in-lane. 90% of my solo queue drafts I successfully pull of aggressive poking. That wasn't really possible for me to pull off tonight and I just don't have experience of playing defensively anymore. Well, a wee bit of experience babysitting. But that's babysitting the ADC. I'm the one who needed babysitting :3

I said top would be my worst choice, but it might actually be best because I'm always outmatched there so I have plenty of experience farming under the turret, surviving and patiently waiting for a gank. Mid-lane... Sometimes. More recently I've been trying to bully opponents, so it took me some time to start adapting to playing against someone I just could not bully.

Well, without dumping several more paragraphs in here, that's about all I have to say. Kind of proud of (eventually) learning to juke those bindings in game one. I still kept getting hit stupidly, but there was definitely an improvement after I mentally slapped myself and focused.
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Oct 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 3, 2013 3:50pm | Report
4th game, hosted by the #1 banana on mobafire :3

Change is gooooood
Picture by: Janitsudude

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Jovy's Forum Avatar
Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 3, 2013 3:58pm | Report
Kinen wrote:

Hm, not really sure whether to dump all my self-criticisms here or in a blog. But I think I can safely say that playing support is the worst thing I can do in the inhouses. I'm going to be outmatched pretty much all the time, and playing support just drags my ADC down. The effect is compounded because my supporting is currently a little inflexible in-lane. 90% of my solo queue drafts I successfully pull of aggressive poking. That wasn't really possible for me to pull off tonight and I just don't have experience of playing defensively anymore. Well, a wee bit of experience babysitting. But that's babysitting the ADC. I'm the one who needed babysitting :3

I said top would be my worst choice, but it might actually be best because I'm always outmatched there so I have plenty of experience farming under the turret, surviving and patiently waiting for a gank. Mid-lane... Sometimes. More recently I've been trying to bully opponents, so it took me some time to start adapting to playing against someone I just could not bully.

Well, without dumping several more paragraphs in here, that's about all I have to say. Kind of proud of (eventually) learning to juke those bindings in game one. I still kept getting hit stupidly, but there was definitely an improvement after I mentally slapped myself and focused.

Aw don't worry about it. Just keep playing and you'll get better :3
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Jul 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 3, 2013 4:15pm | Report
Thanks MM :> That's the plan.

I think what really went wrong with Lulu is that I did not afford your hook the respect it deserves. I have no trouble avoiding Blitz's hook and winning against him, but I find such play really stressful and unfun no matter how well it goes. I refused to acknowledge that Thresh's hook requires similar evasive play out of fear of that stressful lane and ultimately made things worse for myself. I still wouldn't have been machine-gunning you and Gott all day, but things would have been better.

Heh, I consider how mindgames can affect my opponents, but have until now failed to consider their effects on me.
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Apr 15th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 3, 2013 4:16pm | Report

You held up extremly well considering you played against sivers, golds and plats.
Most unranked people who play with us inhouses get stomped. So you got potential! So just keep up and keep playing. If you want to improve watch informative/fun streams from pro players, visit /r/leagueoflegends, watch your replay of what you did wrong.(Sadly LoLreplay is broken so use a recording software.)

You can also try spectating silver games and look at their mistakes and how they could've prevented it. You can even watch high division people play and see what they do and analyze why they purchase the items that they are buying and not following the common normal builds.

But you usually gain skill through experience and how much fun you got in the game so keep your heads up!
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Jul 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 3, 2013 4:24pm | Report
Thanks for the encouraging words, Pengu. Aye, I've been gathering a bunch of twitch streams over the past few weeks, but I'll make sure to look into silver games too. Manageable steps and comparisons, oui? Do you recommend any particular recording software?

I'm actually quite happy with this evening. I was on a slump in game three, but the first two were very enjoyable. I just criticise every part of my play to see what needs weeding out (and what good things need repeating, too).
Sig by Kinen|Nayaad
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<Inhouse Regular>
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Apr 15th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 3, 2013 4:27pm | Report
As recording goes, I guess you can use fraps/camtasia/camstudio. But you need a pretty good computer to record while you play. But right now I'm just waiting for lolreplay update or a replay system from riot itself.
Jovy's Forum Avatar
Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 3, 2013 4:38pm | Report
Kinen wrote:

Thanks MM :> That's the plan.

I think what really went wrong with Lulu is that I did not afford your hook the respect it deserves. I have no trouble avoiding Blitz's hook and winning against him, but I find such play really stressful and unfun no matter how well it goes. I refused to acknowledge that Thresh's hook requires similar evasive play out of fear of that stressful lane and ultimately made things worse for myself. I still wouldn't have been machine-gunning you and Gott all day, but things would have been better.

Heh, I consider how mindgames can affect my opponents, but have until now failed to consider their effects on me.

They're somewhat similar. Thresh's hook is a bit different but overall I find it easier to hit, while I do have an easy ish time hitting Blitz's one as well. However getting hit by Thresh hook seems to me like more danger than getting hit by Blitz's one. Harder to escape I think, with the slows and stuff.

by jhoijhoi
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Sep 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 3, 2013 4:53pm | Report
Told you guys, Oxide needs to be carried by GMD otherwise... it ends badly.
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