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NA - SR - 06/23/2012

Creator: Nighthawk June 14, 2012 4:12pm
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CasterMaster's Forum Avatar
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Dec 5th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 22, 2012 5:30pm | Report
You are a noob if you have any of the following in your IGN or Username:

I think that pretty much defines it all.

My Elise Guide | My Kassadin Guide
Thanks to jhoijhoi, albableat, Arcana3, GMD and I for the awesome sigs! im a zombie
Jpikachu1999's Forum Avatar
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Dec 19th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 22, 2012 7:33pm | Report
So, I have a question. If the servers are really bad, what are we going to do?

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<Retired Admin>
Mowen's Forum Avatar
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Nov 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 22, 2012 7:43pm | Report
I would say if you're really concerned try to log in an hour ahead of time. I will try to do that just to make sure I can be on at the right time. If the servers are failing too hard I will talk with Nighthawk and post back here if we need to cancel. So, just check this thread if you're not sure it's going to happen or something.
Syther Blade
Syther Blade's Forum Avatar
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Feb 24th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 22, 2012 7:45pm | Report
as of today when ever i log in the wait time is over 8 hours. idk if i can be there

Sigs By: Syther Blade (me), TheNamelessBard
MyRepublic's Forum Avatar
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Jan 12th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 22, 2012 7:46pm | Report
Hey, my mic really sucks but I'll be there if you want me so go ahead and add me to the list. Looks like you only have 9 people so far. I guess I'll be setting my alarm though... That's 2 PM for me and with these servers I'll have to wake up at like 10 to start logging on in time to join.

(i'll be joining the chat group just as soon as league let's me log on so in around... 3 hours.)

Thank you Miss Maw, CasterMaster and Arcana3 for the sweet sigs. I'd definitely recommend you to anyone looking for a nice sig.

"But we are stronger creatures than babies, why cant we hunt them?"- Meiyjhe
Jpikachu1999's Forum Avatar
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Dec 19th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 22, 2012 8:21pm | Report
Mowen wrote:

I would say if you're really concerned try to log in an hour ahead of time. I will try to do that just to make sure I can be on at the right time. If the servers are failing too hard I will talk with Nighthawk and post back here if we need to cancel. So, just check this thread if you're not sure it's going to happen or something.

I'll see what I can do, I might be late then.

Or, if not enough people can get on (I know that a lot aren't even trying after seeing queue times, it's that depressing) can we host games on PBE?

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<Retired Admin>
Mowen's Forum Avatar
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Nov 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 22, 2012 10:06pm | Report
Nighthawk mentioned doing that, but I've never used PBE so he'd probably just do it himself. That's perfectly fine if that's easier for you guys.
albableat's Forum Avatar
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Oct 25th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 23, 2012 12:35am | Report
Ya, PBE is a pretty good solution. I would join, if you guys need me to complete the 10.
Want to see an in-depth diamond level LeBlanc guide? Come by and check this ;) It's written by Baekstra who is a Diamond LeBlanc main on EUW and being one myself, I can vouch for it 100%!
MyRepublic's Forum Avatar
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Jan 12th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 23, 2012 10:03am | Report
Well it looks like the servers are working. However I will not be able to come. Apparently my parents thought it would be a great idea to wait until NOW to tell me that I'm doing yard work today...

EDIT: Apparently the yard work is opptional so if I can get on in time I'll be there, but the thing says it'll take half an hour to log me in so just start without me if you can. I'll spectate this one i guess :/

Thank you Miss Maw, CasterMaster and Arcana3 for the sweet sigs. I'd definitely recommend you to anyone looking for a nice sig.

"But we are stronger creatures than babies, why cant we hunt them?"- Meiyjhe
Nighthawk's Forum Avatar
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Dec 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 23, 2012 12:27pm | Report

put me back on the list and co-host pls, I'll be there (servers permitting)


I'm new here, but i'm interested in playing. If riot isn't having problems with servers again I'll be there.


So, I have a question. If the servers are really bad, what are we going to do?

We'll most likely be going on PBE if at all possible. It might take a bit longer to (potentially) download patch and buy all of the people you want to play with and setup your runes/masteries, but if you're willing to do that, so am I.
Pwnzor1130 wrote:

well, I changed my ign to Intell1gence. Just letting you guys know.

Changed ^^

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