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An Expected Journey: S5 ranked with Nameless

Creator: The_Nameless_Bard January 21, 2015 9:00am
Thalia Kael
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Dec 5th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 5, 2015 12:29am | Report
Sorry I wasn't trying to tell you to change your play style I was just sharing my experience with climbing as support and what I found was most successful

You should stick with Thresh because you would mostly be doing the same thing. I didn't mean you should drop everything and switch to Leona, but what I found most successful as support was being able to CC combo people and catch them out mid-late game.
Thanks to FatelBlade, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, TheNamelessBard, GrandmasterD, aviseras and koksei for the awesome signatures
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 5, 2015 12:33am | Report
I'm really not offended, I want to stress that. I had a really long day and I have no filter atm, that's why I'm coming off like that.

Yea, I failed a promo and it sucked. I also only need one win to get there again and I still won four out of my last six games.

Should probably drop Nami for the moment though. She is just not a lucky champion for me right now.
Thalia Kael
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Dec 5th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 5, 2015 12:35am | Report
It's okay, if you've ever ventured into the QQ thread or one of my old ranked threads I do the same thing. I just wanted to make sure there was no misunderstanding with what I was saying.
Thanks to FatelBlade, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, TheNamelessBard, GrandmasterD, aviseras and koksei for the awesome signatures
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 5, 2015 10:55am | Report
Game 71: Good guy Lucian lets me support and Diana/ Udyr carry everything anyways

Things I did right:
  • good use of CC in teamfights, I missed so few hooks that people commented on how good I was at landing them .-.
  • good use of lantern apparently, as well, got a couple compliments on that from my allies.
  • no totally worthless The Boxes that didn't manage to do anything helpful this game
Areas where improvement is needed:
  • I'm not particularly pleased with my level of vision control, but it should be noted that the enemy team placed less wards total than I placed on my own :^)
  • Took it a bit HAM in lane without pinging and I probably should have pinged when I wanted to engage. I've been playing with a "hook first, worry about ally noticing later" tactic, which is sort of ok, but I think Lucian would have been more reactive and we could have picked up a kill or two before Shaco showed up if I had pinged.
  • up for my series again :D
  • Really enjoying playing Thresh, dunno why I didn't pick him up last season.
  • Lucian was really nice and let me have support. I didn't even have to pull out the "for the love of god let me support if you don't want to lose this game" 8D
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 6, 2015 10:50pm | Report
After a bugsplat in champion select that caused me a loss in this series last night I entirely reinstalled my client. I now have a constant 81-87 ping. Dafuq.

Games 72 and 73: Douchebag Nameless takes support even though the two bottom pick people want to duo bot and Wukong feeds his little heart out

Things I did right:
  • good use of CC in teamfights
  • decent vision control in both games
Areas where improvement is needed:
  • Was a bit too HAM in that Thresh game and died once for free because of it
  • While I don't mind Janna vs Braum, I think I'll stick to picking Karma into him (if I get a choice ofc, I didn't in this game)
  • 10 points away from being in this series again
  • Why do people die so much? jeez. There's no excuse for 10+ deaths on everyone besides me .-.
  • Not particularly fussed about this, just gonna keep going.
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 6, 2015 11:22pm | Report
Game 74: Who let the dogs out?

Things I did right: Areas where improvement is needed:
  • bit lax on vision
  • Third time's the charm?
  • Nasus left, so it was a super easy win .-.
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 7, 2015 12:21am | Report
Game 75: The curse of being in my promos continues

Things I did right:
  • good use of CC
  • good vision control
Areas where improvement is needed:
  • clearly I just shouldn't be in promos because the skill level of my allies immediately seems to drop when I get there.
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 7, 2015 1:03am | Report
Game 76: Confirmed, never gonna win this promo

Things I did right:
  • good poke in lane
  • good vision control
Areas where improvement is needed:
  • just couldn't stay alive in teamfights with people on my face all the time
  • Attitude was really poor by the end of this game
  • Really wish people would stop losing their minds the moment I get into a promo. For example, the Annie kept going in 1v5 and then complaining about no one doing anything.
  • 65 LP now
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 8, 2015 7:27pm | Report
Games 77 and 78: I'm beginning to cringe when I see Twitch and I 1v1'd a Vayne

Things I did right:
  • Good use of CC and poke in lane
  • fairly decent vision control in the Karma game, didn't place as many wards as I would have liked, but I definitely destroyed a decent amount of them.
  • Overall, I played pretty well in both of these games.
Areas where improvement is needed:
  • Was kind of a ***** in that Thresh game after Twitch died like twice
  • Didn't have particularly amazing vision control in that Thresh game, it wasn't bad, but it wasn't good enough either.
  • net gain of 11 LP, not great, but I'll take it
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Aug 21st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 8, 2015 9:40pm | Report
I feel like you could be a lot more detailed about your "things I did right" and "areas to improve" >_< You always say the same things over and over again, like every single post. And while they're true, the game goes beyond a lot more than just lane dominance, good use of CC, and vision control.

Talk about things before the game even started.
  • Did you analyze your team's team comp and pick the champion that fit the best?
  • Were there any specific runes/masteries that might have been better against certain lanes? e.g. Karma running 9/0/21 instead of 0/9/21 to establish stronger lane presence.
  • Did you and your ADC coordinate to have the best 2v2 synergy?
  • Explain your thought process as you saw the teams pick their champions. Did they have a seige comp? An AoE CC comp? Start formulating ideas of how to counter play (both in lane and later on) as soon as you see that Janna or Morgana being picked up.

Talk about how well you played in teamfights.
  • How were your reaction times?
  • Did you chicken out and back off when you could have kept your W tether just a half second longer?
  • What about item activations? Were there any Mikael's or Lockets that you could have done quicker or should have saved for a different person/moment in time?
  • Did you take any objectives after the fight? Were there any objectives that might have been better take? e.g. You backed off after taking an inhib when you could have rotated and taken a turret as well (I've seen this too often in Bronze/Silver).

Talk about how much of an impact you had on the game as a whole.
  • What was your kill participation?
  • Were you in the right places at the right time to net those assists and help out your teammates? Or were you halfway across the map placing down a ward?
  • Did you make the game as easy as possible for your teammates by CC'ing the correct targets, poking from a safe distance, punishing the enemy ADC for mispositioning. etc?
  • You always say "good use of CC", but how exactly did you use your CC well? Did you land your Death Sentences to start the teamfight? Did you instantaneously Exhaust the Zed that jumped on your Carry? Did you use a really good R + E Karma speed up that disengaged the fight before people started dying?
  • Were there any particular plays that you made that single-handedly turned around a teamfight?
Made this sig myself :)

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