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Doran's Boob - Tryharding as a team can be fun

Creator: FalseoGod November 28, 2012 7:24pm
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 28, 2012 7:24pm | Report
Current Elo Position: Silver III (was II but dropped due to inactivity \o/)

W***up guys?

So I thought that it could be fun sharing with the Community our EUW's team for this season (at least we think so), Doran's Boob. If you want replays, I can ask them to LastPlagas, who always records every single match.

Our current objectives is getting gold, which shouldn't be too hard. We also wanna dabble in the team scene to get a better idea of where we fit, what we can do, and, finally, get a better perception of tactics/the meta/team comps. Basically, we're tryhards.

This thread will have many posts, but the main team info will always be updated on this page (current elo, team members, etc). I'll probably develop graphics for this as well, or cry for someone to help me with it.
Thank you Tsuki for the sig!

FalseoGod's Forum Avatar
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 28, 2012 7:26pm | Report

  • Summoner Name: FalseoGod;
  • S2 Gold elo;
  • Better at Mid/Top, third preferred role will be support although I often go for AD Carry;
  • Top 5 champs: Swain, Rumble, Lulu, Evelynn, Syndra;
  • Pros: map awareness allowing nice initiations, general itemization, lane play, escape with 5 HP; Fastest loading EU;
  • Cons: Greedy, talks too much, never votes "yes" when it's time to surrender; Occasional pointless chasing;

  • Summoner Name: Carlituz;
  • S2 Team 3S' Bronze (extinct OmNomz);
  • Better at Mid/jungle, third best role would be support;
  • Top 5 champs: Amumu, Malphite, Annie, Orianna, Katarina;
  • Pros: initiating, juking, not one to give up, laning solo;
  • Cons: Greedy, doesn't always care about turret damage when he should, unstable net connection; occasional tunnel vision on his target;

  • Summoner Name: Last Plagas
  • S2 Silver;
  • Better at Mid/AD Carry, also jungles with tanky initiators ( Amumu);
  • Top 5 champs: Twisted Fate, Graves, Alistar, Zilean, Xerath;
  • Pros: map awareness, focused (objectives, warding), good in lane, timely roams, owns a polar bear;
  • Cons: occasionally overzealous, doesn't always capitalize on his advantage (items/lane aggressiveness), can fumble at clicks/smart casts, dies coz "team sux";

  • Summoner Name: N1ghtRaider;
  • S2 Silver;
  • Better at Bruisers (Top), can also Jungle and AD;
  • Top 5 champs: Lee Sin, Rumble, Jayce, Vayne, Renekton;
  • Pros: Very good at chaining any combo with his champs, very responsive player, great in lane;
  • Cons: lacks map awareness, greedy, occasional less optimal item path;

  • Summoner Name: miguelmv21;
  • S2 Gold;
  • Better at Support;
  • Top 5 champs: Janna, Zyra, Nunu & Willump, Leona, Sona;
  • Pros: Mechanically responsive, keypoint warding,;
  • Cons: Some lack of map awareness, occasionally baits/is baited towards bad engages;

  • Summoner Name: pvieira24;
  • S2 Gold;
  • Better at AD Carry (usually lanes with miguel), also tops and mids;
  • Top 5 champs: Ezreal, Kog'Maw, Irelia, Vladimir, Malphite;
  • Pros: Also mechanically responsive, knows his damage output well, commits timely, positions well;
  • Cons: Also lacks some map awareness, doesn't always go for objectives;

  • Summoner Name: DisturbedFox;
  • S2 Gold;
  • Better at AD Carry;
  • Top 5 champs: Miss Fortune, Twitch, Ezreal, Draven, Graves;
  • Pros: Good mechanically, solid cs'ing, notion of objectives;
  • Cons: Map awareness issues, questionable positioning now and then;

  • Summoner Name: MissMaw;
  • S2 Silver;
  • Better at Support, can Jungle;
  • Top 5 champs: Leona, Taric, Zyra, Janna, Thresh;
  • Pros: Great at role execution, objectives orientation, communication, #1 bait EUW, is a gurl;
  • Cons: Does not always transition well to mid game (as in, a few derpy pathings), unstable nets;

  • Summoner Name: Klapsior;
  • S2 Gold;
  • Better at Jungle and Support;
  • Top 5 champs: Blitzcrank, Hecarim, Nami, Shen, Nidalee;
  • Pros: Role execution, synergy;
  • Cons: Occasionally goes way too man-mode on stuff;
Thank you Tsuki for the sig!

Luther3000's Forum Avatar
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Jun 24th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 28, 2012 7:48pm | Report
y erry1 have a team except luther :c

G'luck though, you already have the awesome name part down.
FalseoGod's Forum Avatar
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 28, 2012 7:55pm | Report
GAME 1: DEFEAT (0-1)

Doran's Boob Bans: Rengar, Shen, Malphite
Bang Tidy's Bans: Amumu, (can't remember the other two)

  • A terrible start for Doran's Boob. Pick insecurity led to LastPlagas taking Gangplank after the enemy team first picked Alistar. Jax was picked after they saw our Rumble, and, as they assumed Rumble was mid, they picked Swain.

  • First blood was earned by Rumble at around level 2, but he was promptly killed by Alistar. Mid was basically a farm lane, no significant trades took place except when jungle presence was made (here Alistar's presence was much stronger than Nunu & Willump's, as expected. Unfortunately, Elite did not use this to counterjungle alistar.

  • Botlane was relatively stable. Taric wasn't able to get close to Ezreal, and most trades where simply a Caitlyn auto or some Ezreal skillshots. At level 3, Leona was able to combo Caitlyn and, as she escaped too fast due to Cleanse and her E, Taric was caught off-position, Exhaust'ed and terminated. From there, the enemy team focused over and over on raping Taric, getting Ezreal incredibly fed;

  • Gangplank started losing some terrain to Alistar's presence combined with Swain's natural sustain, which rendered his harass useless;

  • N1ghtRaider (rumble) kept raping Jax, but his posterior roam did not produce any relevant results, for the enemy team was too ahead;

  • Game was lost very early. Surrender vote never actually got through, but such advantage and combination of CC transformed all teamfights into a massacre. Tower diving was a breeze thanks to Alistar, Leona and Swain's sustain + Zhonya;

    • Picks had to be better planned instead of having panic accesses. Or decide to dodge;
    • FalseoGod has to stop playing Caitlyn coz he never does specially well with her;
    • Teamcomps need a more solid idea of what we're doing with it. Consciously or not, enemy team had a great composition for diving, and also great initiation for Jax and Ezreal to clean up;

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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 28, 2012 7:55pm | Report
Luther3000 wrote:

y erry1 have a team except luther :c

An AD Carry mainer wouldn't hurt us tbh
Thank you Byron for 2014's loudest laugh up till today
FalseoGod's Forum Avatar
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 28, 2012 7:57pm | Report

Doran's Boob Bans: Shen, Alistar, Malphite;
creativity's Bans: Irelia, Corki, Diana;

  • After deciding exactly who would go where (with a slight question mark in terms of Top/AD Carry (Falseo or Elite)), we were able to secure Amumu for Carlituz. Enemy team showed great signs of excessive melee AD picks, so FalseoGod decided to go Teemo since it fit his playstyle against these comps. LastPlagas opted for Ryze in favor of his disengage and natural building path. Botlane Cho'Gath was a beat unpredicted, but the kill lane from our previous enemy team ( Leona/ Ezreal) felt appropriate;

  • Game started up pretty well. Carlituz (amumu) was able to apply great lane pressure and overall ignore Rengar's jungle meddling, if there was any. First blood was for Graves on Leona, but Ezreal was able to get a kill back. LastPlagas (Ryze) completely dominated enemy Zed after Amumu ganked. Rengar ganks proved ineffective most of the time. Finally, FalseoGod (Teemo) was able to completely dominate Jax, eventually killing him around level 6.

  • All was going pretty well. The only lane which showed shakyness was botlane, mostly because Graves and Cho'Gath proved to be extremely used to each other. Amumu tried to compensate for that;

  • Eventually, around minute 15, something unexpected happened: Carlituz, the team's jungler, disconnected due to a pc malfunction. This resulted in a shake in our confidence, despite top and mid's great success. Ryze started roaming more botlane, and the enemy team started clutching together, trying to capitalize on their numeric advantage.

  • Nervous, our team had some bad teamfights, losing towers. Fortunately, these losses always cost the enemies 3-4 of their team, which meant they could not baron, so they pushed.

  • In the end, the better players won: Leona's initiaton, Teemo's single ability to pick up isolated targets and blinding their enemy AD Carry and Ezreal's and Ryze's sheer damage were able to shred the enemies in a single teamfight, and Ezreal and Teemo wrapped things up.

  • Don't panic if a team member leaves, things may still work out;
  • Fed Ryze is really bloody scary;
  • Thinking a team comp up really does compensate;
  • Our AD Carry was more unexperienced than we thought, considering his CS. However, he did good in fights;
Thank you Tsuki for the sig!

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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 28, 2012 8:47pm | Report

Doran's Boob Bans: Skarner, Shen, Rengar
Drug za Druga's Bans: Amumu, Irelia, Ezreal

  • If your previous game would've been a free win with Amumu's presence (still won, but cost us some tears), this match was a free win from the picks. Carlituz was banning, and we were once again aiming for one of the tanky junglers he likes ( Amumu, Malphite, Alistar). In the end, Malph and Alis passed, and, after initially considering Alistar, Carlituz picked Malphite.
    Enemy team opted for their botlane reveal, a Vayne/ Nunu & Willump lane. Desiring mid, FalseoGod picked Zyra for XeresAce, to lure a mid counterpick, while N1ghtRaider decided he wanted a safe solotop: Jayce. Finally, the enemy team picked up an Ezreal (does AP ez even counter/do good against Zyra?) and Shyvana, so Falseo requested Swain and LastPlagas wrapped up the picks with Graves. Enemy team was split in terms of final pick, until they locked Riven;

  • First blood was toplane for Riven, after a Shyvana gank. Botlane Nunu & Willump got a kill on Zyra, and then our team scored a two kills). From then on, Graves and Zyra kept rampaging on their foes, stomping them as they saw fit. (LastPlagas was r
    eally happy with his support's presence);

  • Toplane had a few difficulties handling riven's first blood, however, after a gank from Swain, he was able to become an unstoppable force;

  • Midlane was really...awkward. Ezreal with Heal, started with boots, one Health Potion and two Mana Potion, which made him a skillshot machine, albeit not a very successful one. After some favorable trades for Swain, Ezreal recalled and bought a Tome (which would later become a Mejai's Soulstealer, lol). Swain returned to the lane, got level 6, landed a Nevermove and full combo'ed ezreal for the kill;

  • From minute 8 forward, Ezreal would be constantly disconnecting after dying, in spite of his responsiveness during duels. Eventually he did not reconnect. This allowed midlaner to roam without a problem, helping Jayce and killing Shyvana twice as she entered a brush;

  • Shyvanna was unable to manage mid lane pressure + jungle warding. Riven tried to use her score in her favor, but could not do good out of her 1 on 1 lane. Likewise, botlane was bursted too fast for Graves. Eventually, the enemy team surrendered after a bad fight on their Nexus Turrets;

  • LastPlagas says he only wants to carry if XeresAce is supporting him (hurt my feelings mang, what about my Taric? Q_Q);
  • Don't counterpick champions that can go in more than one lane unless you're certain your champion can do good if he faces something else;
  • Swain es #1;
Thank you Byron for 2014's loudest laugh up till today
koksei's Forum Avatar
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Oct 11th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 29, 2012 1:57am | Report
you should be clear about who plays what before you enter the game oO
and not decide while ingame, everybody should have his set role - at least if you tryhard

~ Sig by Xiaowiriamu ~
FalseoGod's Forum Avatar
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 29, 2012 7:19am | Report
koksei wrote:

you should be clear about who plays what before you enter the game oO
and not decide while ingame, everybody should have his set role - at least if you tryhard

You're speaking about roles or champions? We've set the roles from game 1 (although we keep changing them because I'm *****y about wanting mid and LastPlagas also likes it - and he's good at it too), with the exception that in that role our picks were amazingly derpy.

I think our greatest fault is more like we do a 5 on 5 but with a soloqueue mentality (win the lane), so we don't really have very well planned comps (push com, poke com, teamfight, splitpush, etc)
<Retired Admin>
Wayne3100's Forum Avatar
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 29, 2012 7:31am | Report
Everyone has two roles? Seeing as you have 6 players, that would be the most logical/optimal solution (it's also how we do it in my team, in which I, for example, am either AD or Solo Top).

Also, playing with a solo queue mentality isn't bad for laning phase, only thing you should practise is keeping each other updated about how the lanes are going, not only for your jungler but also to be able to determine whether you can go for an objective as a team (as in: if your bot is winning hard you can ask the jungler to come gank and force a kill then go for Dragon, stuff like that)

Thanks to jhoijhoi for the signature!
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