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Lord Kesharq trip down 3v3 and 5v5 lane...

Creator: Lord Kesharq May 17, 2013 7:28am

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Lord Kesharq
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May 17th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 16, 2013 3:41am | Report

Damn I find duo games easier, anyway good luck on your climb as well, I do have a blog but no current plans to update it or anything, I do however have a guide coming out soon (it's ~80% done) so if you could take a look at it and give some criticism when it comes out it would be really helpful.

Lol so far the 3 or 4 duo games i have played..i believe only one has been a victory xD. Ah i see fair enough then mate, and yeah sure man, am happy to check it out and (if its a champ i use) happy to leave criticism if needed.

Current League Goals:

Reach 1000 Normal Wins (Done)
Reach 2000 Normal Wins
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(ty to Ninja Trigger for the sic)
Lord Kesharq
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May 17th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 16, 2013 11:19am | Report

Fudge.... ok all i have to say about this game was picking support Singed was a bad idea, Ezreal was afk for half of it and Talon owned in style ^^.

1-2 with singed now
Current League Goals:

Reach 1000 Normal Wins (Done)
Reach 2000 Normal Wins
Reach Gold Tier (S6)

(ty to Ninja Trigger for the sic)
Lord Kesharq
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May 17th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 16, 2013 2:15pm | Report

Another win for the Jungle Scorpion ^^. A few more like this and i might be able to reach the promotion stage!.
Current League Goals:

Reach 1000 Normal Wins (Done)
Reach 2000 Normal Wins
Reach Gold Tier (S6)

(ty to Ninja Trigger for the sic)
Lord Kesharq
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May 17th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 16, 2013 2:23pm | Report

Feck.......all i can say is i need more games against fiddlesticks. Besides that some poorly aimed Ws did not help me out, and that Quinn was a beast doing like 1100 damage....

Oh and Ashe trolling pick order by not picking a support and instead auto locking another adc after saying nothing all pre game was a bad sign...

Oh and Nautilus was another troll...spent the whole game talking **** about just about everything, hell he was not evening making sense most of the damn time..then he refused to help us in team fights, stood in the respawn point for 10 minutes and then went off into the bot jungle and just ran around there till the game ended...ffs
Current League Goals:

Reach 1000 Normal Wins (Done)
Reach 2000 Normal Wins
Reach Gold Tier (S6)

(ty to Ninja Trigger for the sic)
Reo Kawamura
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Jun 21st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 16, 2013 5:07pm | Report

Feck.......all i can say is i need more games against fiddlesticks. Besides that some poorly aimed Ws did not help me out, and that Quinn was a beast doing like 1100 damage....

Oh and Ashe trolling pick order by not picking a support and instead auto locking another adc after saying nothing all pre game was a bad sign...

Oh and Nautilus was another troll...spent the whole game talking **** about just about everything, hell he was not evening making sense most of the damn time..then he refused to help us in team fights, stood in the respawn point for 10 minutes and then went off into the bot jungle and just ran around there till the game ended...ffs

I enjoyed spectating the last Ten Minutes of this game.
That Quinn was pretty good, but I have seen better in Normals, it was all in your Team feeding her. XD
Lord Kesharq
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May 17th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 17, 2013 3:25am | Report

I enjoyed spectating the last Ten Minutes of this game.
That Quinn was pretty good, but I have seen better in Normals, it was all in your Team feeding her. XD

Oh shh you lol, that Quinn was very powerful (and very fed).
Current League Goals:

Reach 1000 Normal Wins (Done)
Reach 2000 Normal Wins
Reach Gold Tier (S6)

(ty to Ninja Trigger for the sic)
Reo Kawamura
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Jun 21st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 18, 2013 4:21am | Report

Oh shh you lol, that Quinn was very powerful (and very fed).

I noticed....
Poor you, those Rakes OP.
Lord Kesharq
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May 17th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 18, 2013 9:55am | Report

Back to 0 lol, bad game this one..our bot was awful and despite my good start 4-1 up against Katarina they both then came mid and died giving her a free double kill which seemed to have been just what she needed as she after that became pretty much unkillable....Bot than started raging and flaming..

(That Ezreal for example had the balls to blame me for feeding her katarina LOL..afterward he then got all ballzy and said he could 1v1 me as Soraka v me as Talon LOL..he never did in the end as he needed to go to "dinner")
Current League Goals:

Reach 1000 Normal Wins (Done)
Reach 2000 Normal Wins
Reach Gold Tier (S6)

(ty to Ninja Trigger for the sic)
Lord Kesharq
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May 17th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 18, 2013 10:06am | Report

The following few games is the Tale of Reo Kawamura trip down ownage lane (recorded by Lord Kesharq).

So yeah am Duoing with Reo ^^ first game of the day with hi and this is how we start things off... Talon for the win ^^ (Or should that be Reo?)
Current League Goals:

Reach 1000 Normal Wins (Done)
Reach 2000 Normal Wins
Reach Gold Tier (S6)

(ty to Ninja Trigger for the sic)
Lord Kesharq
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May 17th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 18, 2013 10:09am | Report

Just starting this one with i love jungle Skarner.

Game two with Reo...and another win ^^... Once again he carried the game in style lol while i ran around ganking stuff and pulling people with my R xD.

(there Teemo sucked lol)
Current League Goals:

Reach 1000 Normal Wins (Done)
Reach 2000 Normal Wins
Reach Gold Tier (S6)

(ty to Ninja Trigger for the sic)

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