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Maw's S5 Failures

Creator: Jovy November 24, 2012 4:45pm
345 posts - page 21 of 35
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Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 16, 2013 12:46pm | Report
hey I'm no sellout she was a gift. It'd be rude not to play a champion that has been gifted/ with a skin that has been gifted HINTWAYNEHINT

ohms I have tons of reasons. I'll always hate her no matter whut

by jhoijhoi
IAmByakuya's Forum Avatar
Sep 4th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 16, 2013 12:52pm | Report
Give 3 solid reasons why you hate her!
Gave you a good laugh or helped? rep+ so i can know ;)

Thanks to TinyStar, Jhoi, Xiaowi, Virus, Bard and Arcana(eww)...for my signatures!

Elohell is like Irelia's stun: if your real level is equal or lower than the level you are in, you're STUNNED there forever. If your actual level is higher than the level you are in, you're just SLOWED in your way up.
Jovy's Forum Avatar
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Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 16, 2013 12:56pm | Report
She's annoying to lane against, she looks lame, her bittersweet skin turns stuff into ugly cupcakes, her dragontrainer skin turns things into ******ed looking dragon egg things, her lore sucks, her voice is terrible, her quotes/dance/joke/laugh are lame, pix looks creepy and follows you around like a stalker ETC ETC can go on for days. But well honestly muting 'Voice' in sounds fixes most of her issues, or at least makes her tolerable to play for me.

by jhoijhoi
Luther3000's Forum Avatar
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Jun 24th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 16, 2013 1:12pm | Report


Jovy's Forum Avatar
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Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 17, 2013 1:43pm | Report
DuoQ, DuoQ, DuoQ, DuoQ
Points: 39 (+21) Wins: 2 Losses: 2

> Well today wasn't really a good day for me, despite winning some points. I played pretty bad overall, especially in my Thresh game (2-7-18 one). Was probably the worst Thresh I've played so far today, but we won anyway. I got +19 points for this game so I don't really get this point system now. It's been bipolar all day. I made a lot of wooden league mistakes and I built some weird stuff (Got philosopher's stonephilo and built it into mikael's crubicleCrubicle even though they had no CC what's so ever etc). Was really disappointed after this game.

> Second game was about the same. I played a bit better, simply because I'm more used to Janna than am to Thresh in the long run, but the game was pretty pathetic and I felt really bad about my performance. It was a relatively close game but we lost it anyway. After a while we couldn't fight back in team fights and they aced us a few times. I felt bad about feeding, but it wasn't as bad as the game before tbh. Lost ~9 points for the game

> For third game, I played slightly better but this was more of a teammate problem. I didn't really want to play jungle this game but c'est la vie. I got double buff and went top at level 3, got Jayce to about half health, turned around and left cause he went under tower. He followed me to tri so I figured he warded, but I came back a few seconds afterwards (turns out he didn't ward) and I got Nasus first blood. He ended up farming top most of the game solo even after his tower was gone and he died a bit and was never in fights or objectives. Bot fed pretty hard despite Morgana's attempts to help. They got Vayne fed and yeah that's pretty much why we lost lol. I lost 19 points for this game which made me sad a bit.

> Annnddddd then I kept playing anyway. I played really well this game for some reason (did wait an hour inbetween the two games tbf) and I hit like 9 out of 10 hooks. I got firstblood (for myself, though) and then Lee Sin came bot gave himself a double kill, then Varus got 3 kills when Kassadin decided to come bot. He and Sona jumped at me and I hook'd E R'd them and flashed away with relatively low health. Varus finished them off and then Lee Sin came back bot and we got Ezreal when he got to lane. Every other lane was doing great too and the game was already over at 18 minutes. We did some objectives etc before finishing it afterwards. And this game I got 27 points which is like wat. I don't get this system at all u.u NOT THAT I'M COMPLAINING

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OTGBionicArm's Forum Avatar
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Jan 8th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 17, 2013 1:55pm | Report
Way to go even and not positive, MM >:[ If i had been watching you woulda won every game! Im lucky! ironically, you leave my stream and i start winning directly afterward, whats with that!

Just kidding, good games :3
Jovy's Forum Avatar
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Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 17, 2013 2:12pm | Report
Could you not think of the opposite of positive, ohtg? AND YEAH STOP JUDGING >:I :3

by jhoijhoi
OTGBionicArm's Forum Avatar
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Jan 8th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 17, 2013 2:19pm | Report
I don't judge. I merely offer commentary. ;3
Jovy's Forum Avatar
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Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 18, 2013 3:49pm | Report
Positive stats just 4 you, ohtg

DuoQ, DuoQ
Points: 94 (+55) Wins: 2 Losses: 0

> So ranked today went well. I didn't get to play a lot cause the server was derping in the afternoon and I couldn't play before late. First game was with Lulu and I laned with an Ezreal. The guy didn't play bad but I played more aggressively and I was more fed than him hah I got kills on the midlaner too it's not like I was KSing or anythingggg. Our Veigar got fed, our Zed got fed, bot was fed etc and it was a free win pretty much. Got +30 LP for this game. well ok

> Second game was pretty easy too. We got a double kill bot lane early (one for me, but it was a secure -nod-) and every other lane did well as far as I know. Their Sejuani left for a few minutes and we got their inhib and some towers. When she got back we lost our mid towers when we lost a teamfight (mostly lost it because of Xin Zhao who jumped for Ezreal under tower and people followed up) but after that we grouped and finished off pretty muchhhh. Both short games, got +25 LP this game which leaves me needing a win for gold series :3

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Pheyniex's Forum Avatar
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Apr 5th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 18, 2013 4:02pm | Report
^new edward.

Sig made by Aquilegia

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