Got Gold III while I was banned.
Jungle Wukong game.
I picked mid Lulu, and then some jackass who picked after me pretended not to speak English and went mid with Yasuo without saying a single thing. Then in game he was like 'I no sprechen de English'. Except when he flames and complains. And threatens to go AFK when our jungler doesn't gank for him and he dies twice to ganks. Then he speaks PERFECT English. So we said, 'yeah, go AFK then.'
At one point, I even said - "Hurry up and AFK already, I want to go mid.'
Meanwhile, dominated my lane anyway. Our teamfight was just too strong, in the end.
I've been losing a few games recently. Maybe I'm hitting a wall, or maybe it's just not a good idea to play ranked so late into the night and for such a long time. One thing's for certain, though. I can't play toplane to save my life.
Jungle Wukong game.
I picked mid Lulu, and then some jackass who picked after me pretended not to speak English and went mid with Yasuo without saying a single thing. Then in game he was like 'I no sprechen de English'. Except when he flames and complains. And threatens to go AFK when our jungler doesn't gank for him and he dies twice to ganks. Then he speaks PERFECT English. So we said, 'yeah, go AFK then.'
At one point, I even said - "Hurry up and AFK already, I want to go mid.'
Meanwhile, dominated my lane anyway. Our teamfight was just too strong, in the end.
I've been losing a few games recently. Maybe I'm hitting a wall, or maybe it's just not a good idea to play ranked so late into the night and for such a long time. One thing's for certain, though. I can't play toplane to save my life.
First Karma game ended in 16-17 minutes. Our mid-lane Lee Sin ended it so quickly and I crushed botlane so much that we had two inhibs by 13 minutes or so.
Second game was so frustrating. Me and my pre-made tried to get the team to splitpush 3 times, but they'd just sit around and farm jungle instead of pushing/sieging and wait for my pre-made to get killed when he split-pushed. I earned more gold than the Gragas mid. I'd forgotten what low Silver queues were like (result of duoing with a Silver V).
Leona game - dominated the whole time, nothing special. But 29 assists though, they just kept coming into our lane just to die. All the TF ults and that support Diana tho.
Ran some jungle Karma games using Diamondprox runes. Lost two separate games after both those games with Thresh and Yasuo, but got an overall increase of LP.
IMO, it seems really strong. It brings a lot of utility and damage to the team. She suffers mana problems throughout the game if she doesn't build Athene's Unholy Grail, but I feel Karma jungle has become stronger in lieu of the jungler changes in the last 3-4 patches. Great fun, too.
It's fun. Even I underestimate her damage sometimes. Score a random kill out of nowhere and didn't even expect it.
Got into series for Gold II with trusty ol' Leona. Currently 21/7 with her in ranked. I went without dying in the laning phase. Died once because my pre-made ADC baited me into a fight, but we got a triple kill out of it, so worth. Then I dived them under fountain turret and got executed so that I could buy my Tri-Force.
Got Gold II.
Won my series in two straight games. Had a Vi in my Leona game that legit didn't know how to play and never used her ults, then proceeding to trash talk the team. I hate winning for those people.
And tbh, I didn't really feel the nerfs on Vi. She still feels broken to me.
Got into series for Gold II with trusty ol' Leona. Currently 21/7 with her in ranked. I went without dying in the laning phase. Died once because my pre-made ADC baited me into a fight, but we got a triple kill out of it, so worth. Then I dived them under fountain turret and got executed so that I could buy my Tri-Force.
Got Gold II.
Won my series in two straight games. Had a Vi in my Leona game that legit didn't know how to play and never used her ults, then proceeding to trash talk the team. I hate winning for those people.
And tbh, I didn't really feel the nerfs on Vi. She still feels broken to me.
3am in the morning playing some normals with friends.
The amount of butthurt in this is so strong, haha. Calling us 'tryhards' the whole game and saying 'we need 3 to kill 1 of them' when they did 3 TP-ganks and still fail to win teamfights, as well as us doing a 4 v 5 and Aced them for the win is just laughable. Didn't check their ranks, but clearly Bronze/pre-level 30s.
Rest of the chat continues in a similar vein thereafter.
The amount of butthurt in this is so strong, haha. Calling us 'tryhards' the whole game and saying 'we need 3 to kill 1 of them' when they did 3 TP-ganks and still fail to win teamfights, as well as us doing a 4 v 5 and Aced them for the win is just laughable. Didn't check their ranks, but clearly Bronze/pre-level 30s.
Rest of the chat continues in a similar vein thereafter.
Biggest tilt in my whole LoL career. Dropped from Gold I to Gold III in two days. I really ****ing hate Feral Flare. As if we didn't have enough junglers we wanted to ban.
Really frustrated right now.
Really frustrated right now.
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I keep forgetting to post these screenshots, because I just play so much ranked these days and my duo partners just press 'Play Again' right after we're done, so I just click 'accept' and forget about screenshots.
Getting decent gains and my MMR is only rocketing upwards, so it might be possible to skip a division, fingers crossed.
Gold IV, 83 LP atm.