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Sirell's Ranked Journeys

Creator: sirell November 15, 2013 4:50am
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Apr 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 18, 2014 3:30pm | Report

Annie support. Pretty dominating throughout the game. Nothing much to say about the game. Sneaked a baron whilst they did Dragon, sieged mid, took turret and killed a few peeps. Took inhibitor and retreated. The enemy chased and we turned. I initiated with Flash - Summon: Tibbers and we killed 4 of them. Caught the last one in between Nexus turrets and aced them.
Jovy's Forum Avatar
Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 18, 2014 3:33pm | Report
Should just rush DFG > void + sightstone, sorcs. I guess Mikael's was a thisgameonly purchase, though?

thank you jhoijhoi for the signature <3
sirell's Forum Avatar
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Apr 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 18, 2014 3:37pm | Report

Should just rush DFG > void + sightstone, sorcs. I guess Mikael's was a thisgameonly purchase, though?

Yeah, if I don't need to buy utilities, I usually go full damage. But the Leona ults were fairly accurate this game.

Having said that, I didn't get to use it anyway, since we rolled over them when teamfights came around. Varus was pretty decent at positioning too.
Jovy's Forum Avatar
Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 18, 2014 3:38pm | Report
Yeah I figured it was their team that worried ya. Well, good luck with the rest of your provisionals :) Going for gold/plat?

by jhoijhoi
sirell's Forum Avatar
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Apr 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 18, 2014 4:59pm | Report
Going for mid-Gold minimum with Plat in mind, given that I get good enough for it. But Gold's the minimum. If I don't get Gold or high Silver in placements, I'll probably retire from playing LoL for a bit. But since I've gotten 5 wins and 2 losses (with one as Loss Prevented), I don't think I can get below mid-Silver at least.

Thank you!

Nothing much to say here either. Lagged a bit early game, so fed double kills to botlane twice. But our teamfights came together with Lee Sin and Renekton being able to kill their backline pretty easily. All I did was peel, lantern and make the occasional hook.

Started badly - this was one of the more difficult games where it was fairly even. Fed double kill to an Elise gank which repeated shortly after we took enemy tower. However, kicked it up around the mid game when we secured a double kill on Jinx and Nunu & Willump. Teamplay came together, caught Elise out whilst taking out my pink ward near Baron brush, proceeded to take Baron, they challenged, we Aced, ggwp.
<Guide Critic>
EdisonKhoo's Forum Avatar
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Jun 29th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 18, 2014 5:38pm | Report
BTW, I don't understand what's loss prevent O.o
Thanks to YayaFTW for making this sig ^^, check out his signature shop here.
sirell's Forum Avatar
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Apr 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 18, 2014 6:02pm | Report
EdisonKhoo wrote:

BTW, I don't understand what's loss prevent O.o

You won't encounter this often, since you're not on EUW, but basically it's when you are in a game whilst Riot is investigating server issues or you lose a game whilst in a period where Riot acknowledges they were having server problems. It basically counts the game as null and you receive no penalty for losing a game.

Lost this game due to two throws in particular. Sion left us when we were 4v1 with just Nexus turrets open to apparently do a free Baron. Jinx single handedly raped us because Shyvana and Miss Fortune were low hp.

Second throw was when Malphite ultied when no one else could follow up, i.e. I wasn't near the team just yet and Shyvana didn't have her ultimate.

After that, we lost all the teamfights and Jinx pretty much hypercarried the rest of their team to victory.

That Miss Fortune was horrible, though. Did literally everything wrong, managed to get ultied by Vi and jumped by Wukong every single time she ultied, despite my peeling for her.
<Guide Critic>
EdisonKhoo's Forum Avatar
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Jun 29th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 18, 2014 6:34pm | Report
Ok thanks.


zz...your team have a lot of throws.....

Second throw is

Jinx gets 24/6/10 O.o

lol...I guess you wrote "vi] and jumped by [[wukong " that time you are very mad at them xDDD
sirell's Forum Avatar
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Apr 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 18, 2014 6:47pm | Report
EdisonKhoo wrote:

zz...your team have a lot of throws.....

Second throw is

Jinx gets 24/6/10 O.o

lol...I guess you wrote "vi] and jumped by [[wukong " that time you are very mad at them xDDD

We didn't have a lot of throws, but we threw when it mattered the most. Wasn't really mad when I typed that, it was just a typo, it just seems like today I've had a lot of terrible ADCs to support, so it gets incredibly frustrating. 3 of them were unwilling to buy defensive items unless begged to do so. The Graves legit said, 'No point buying GA, armor won't do any good at this point'. It's like they don't even know what the passive does and these are previously S3 Gold players, for ****'s sakes. It took so much convincing and pleading from the team to get him to build it. I mean not only that, but from the way MF was skilling, I don't think she knew how to play Miss Fortune, which irritates me more, since MF was the first ADC I properly mained and got a pentakill with. She was like the fourth ADC I had to support today who was just terribad and I just had to make up for her, but even then she helps screw us over in the teamfights by being out of position.

Final game of placements:

Screwed the pooch hard on this one. Both me and my premade played terribly and we just got outplayed. I died twice in laning due to Elise ganks. I didn't have any particular method to stop Nasus from Q stacking and when my premade came to gank top with Lee, Elise was also always there and Nasus scored a double kill which made it impossible to come back from. We tried again later and Elise showed up AGAIN. Between Nasus and Elise, our team literally got ****ed from those two.

I think the main issue here is that I picked Irelia. I knew she wasn't a solid pick for countering Nasus, but my friend (smurfing from Platinum) said he would camp top, so I had a bit of confidence that I could just outfarm Nasus after killing him every time with Lee Sin, which would let us wreck the whole of the enemy team later. The other reason I got Irelia is because my premade didn't have many top champions to use (I think the other choices were literally Nasus or Jax - everything else was either banned or he didn't have it). Server also lagged in the middle of the game, but a quick reconnection fixed that issue.

I was equal to Nasus in gold until about the second kill, then they took tower and we had died too many times to Elise and Nasus. My friend also had a bad game. It seems it was just a result of playing so many games and so late into the night.

I'm absolutely shattered now from so many consecutive games, but my placements have me in Silver I, right back where I was at the end of last season. Oh well, guess it just means I have to climb properly again.
<Guide Critic>
EdisonKhoo's Forum Avatar
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Jun 29th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 18, 2014 7:11pm | Report
Your MMR too high already >.<
Thanks to YayaFTW for making this sig ^^, check out his signature shop here.
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